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 Mar 2020 Andje
the way you are




 May 2019 Andje
M Can
Dear brothers and dear sisters, this is my hell you are walking in
Dont mind about your blisters, they are coming from your weakest sin
This is my hell you are about to share, dont be afraid love please be brave
You helped me well when i taking care, i built this hell into your grave
You dreamed heaven yet you lived in sin, grasses will no longer be green
The bones i collect from your past, the most innocent things in this scene
Death is a liberation at least, i have limbs from the living and i have fear
You will be here in the rest of your being, you cant see outside, you can only hear
The suffer you left behind.
 Mar 2019 Andje
Paseal Joe
The constant anguish that I feel
tears my heart to shreds,
unworthy words to articulate the pain lodged in my throat
It leaves me aching, speechless,
I can't breathe.

unable to share my pain,
as predominant fears arise
I wonder about the gossips, castoffs,
Judgment at being the victim I am
Yet not able to get justice for me,
my fear has left me speechless.

What a mess my life had slowly become,
tied down by fear; it's become my shadow!
the anger slowly breaking me,
the pain driving me insane,
I perceive I'm irreparable

An irony my life had become!
Shreds of what I'd dreamed of as a girl,
never imagined being in the law's dent
Yet I stand, hands clasped
as the verdict is given,
There's no relief!
I fear I won't get the justice I deserve.

For the justice that's been served,
for the molested victim, it's not enough
ten scores too little, yet a score was given,
So relishing the pain, I choose forgiveness
Perverting the anger, I choose to forget.
I admit it's my way out.

So shredding all atoms of fear and shame,
ignoring most rude whispers,
I finally feel the far fetched freedom,
Justice has been served,
Served in Forgiveness.
 Mar 2018 Andje
Mike Essig
 Mar 2018 Andje
Mike Essig
The ultimate arrogance:
believing you can live a life
without consequences.
- mce
 Mar 2018 Andje
 Mar 2018 Andje
I have seen your arrogance,
dictate and control the legion,

driven by fear,
you tend to lie just to save face.

Create shortcuts,
play fancy with your people

Controlled by public opinions
one makes no room for humility

the master of the blaming game,
does not build the team,

your arrogance ruins people's mind,
their past, up to their midnight dreams
(c) Arrogance - Jcjuatco
"Posso dirti quello che penso? Ma realmente?
Farà male, la verità fa quasi sempre male a chi vive di aspettative, ma che vita sarebbe se non ci si illudesse?
Vivere senza aspettarsi nulla dal domani, bah non fa per me, nè per te.
Tutti si illudono, e quando non c'è nulla su cui illudersi allora lo si inventa.
Ti crei degli amori artificiali per sfuggire all'apatia, alla noia, al nosense della vita.
Quindi tu sai benissimo come stanno le cose, ma preferisci fare finta di no ed essere confusa, per accettare qualcosa che in realtà sai di non volere, solo perché lo vorresti volere. E vorresti volerlo per... noia.
Semplificando desideri di desiderare emozioni che non può darti(Ha interessi comuni, che puoi trovare in chiunque, sai che noia). Non lo accetti e mascheri tutto.
** indovinato?"
Monologo ispirato a una conversazione reale con una delle persone più vicine e care nella mia vita.
Cara mia poetessa se leggi questo, sappi che ti voglio bene.
Ah ovviamente a parlare ero io.
Cominciai a barcollare,
accecato da te
E non potei che sembrare
un folle ubriacone

E spaventata fuggisti,
Trafugando via con te,
Il calore del mio sangue,
che prima donasti a me

Dove sei andata? Non so
Lontano da me
E portasti con te
Tutta la bellezza
Tutta la timidezza
Adagiata su di te
Mi domando:
chi sto fermando
nella mia mente?
Te o l'idea di te?

Che apparente mente
 Jan 2018 Andje
Haydn Swan
Rain falls on the just and the unjust,
roses grow on good and bad dirt,
weeds resemble flowers,
flowers resemble weeds,
good words flow from bad mouths,
bad words flow from the good,
the Devil looks at the same clock as God,
imperfection stems from perfection,
bitterness from the sweet,
the blind see with the ears,
the deaf hear with the eyes,
Pain is the same for all, universal.
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