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 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
I forgot to tell you
that I'm not happy-
today when I was
walking and
an hour in, my
neck was
sweating in the
overcast heat,

I saw a patch of
wisteria, painted
with a stirring
of bees- I thought about
the silence
and the blanket of
and how I
cannot share with you a
quiet agony
of stagnation.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
In Love.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
In sheets and in
5 a.m.
bird song and
standing in
front of a pan
on the stove-
you love me

in opening car doors
and peeking in
and filling up
thermoses with
steaming coffee-
chilly April
you love me

In the touch of a hand,
cold, red fingers
itching from
the morning freeze
and turning up
the heater, touching
your hair and
hearing you
you love me

you love me and I love you.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
I fall into the eclipse
Let it fold over my body
Every thought is a black hole
Draining all of the life from me
When the future comes looming in,
it's great big galaxies blooming over my
eyes that have been crying
for a bit too long tonight

When I look out of the window
Suddenly I am the nebula
In my eye's telescope - out there somewhere
And I'm floating in the atmosphere
Feeling like it's wonderful
Only for a short while before the mud
beneath my feet cradles me back in.
And I'll let it happen.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
People come
People go
We get so close to people
we don't ever really know

We're all avatars
in this
the real world

Private self
Public self
Virtual self

We're all avatars
in this world

As real as the real world
As if it didn't have a delete
re-set re-post twelve more lives
power-off button

Real worlds converge

Real hurts
Real drama
Unfriend   Block

When the virtual world
replaces the real world
which is the "real" world?
Real money for virtual tools
People fall in real love with people
they don't even know
People come and go

The real world
The world that really matters
The real world is real to me.

Take your pick in the real world,
which is really real

Private self
Dream self
Public self
Virtual self

Real pain in the real world

Are we all really avatars
in the real world?

One day the AI robots
are coming with skin
3d printed
speaking your language,
real relationships
going the way of cigarettes
better done in the garden.

The  AI's will be singing every night
"Happy trails to you "
When they know they are the
new real.

A virtual
real relationship
in the real world

Imagine that

Are we all avatars
in this world,
the real

And which is that?

One day when we have dream machines,
is anyone gonna want to wake up?

We're all avatars in this world
the real world.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
Births and deaths
Debts and success
Floods and droughts
Cyclones and hurricanes
Earthquakes and tsunamis
Chaos and serenity

All in flux
Milling about
Constant movement
Constant din
Silence within
Raging against
the dry dry winds.

Another restless moment
in the universe
Stars are born
go cold and die
Galaxies collide
Black holes
no return
Super Novas
bring silence
to light years
eons wide

Another restless day
on the planet
in this our
moment of time
in this our place
in the universe.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
I keep meaning to give you
all the letters that I
and to
this restraint, my hand holding onto
the paper
of the words
I almost told you,
felt the need to tell you,
in the silhouette of
candle flame and
sitting alone.

I'm so courageous when I'm
by myself,
and when I know what my lungs
feel like
what my fingers feel like, pinching a
pen to tell you, wholeheartedly,
the things I
will not say

I keep meaning to give you the letters
I wrote you,
I wrote you my secret and

a secret is a loss
that feels like an
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
You’ve been gone for so long, your absence has turned everyone else into ghosts.
Everyone’s been asking me what happened to us.
I tell them you’re gone because it’s easier than telling them how you left me, taking every piece of my heart with you.
I still go back to the sea you drowned me in the day you left, expecting to find a reason why you ever left or when she stole your heart.
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
My mother and Father were never in love, it took them less than  5 years to get sick of each other, everyone around them said to* “Stay Together For The Kids”
I never really understood the song until the day my mother held me, crying.
Her voice shaking she said *“they’re not all like your father.”

I could hear her heart breaking.
Their hearts were rotting out of their chest and the silence between them slowly suffocated them both.
So when you came along i loved you with everything i could.
7 months later and you were gone.
Word on the street was that your eyes were dimming and there was nothing i could have done to save you this time.
Last December i was writing about loving you; this December i wrote about missing you.
And when you left i tried to cut your words out of my veins but i cried and bled in the shower when i realized
you were still here.
It’s been 8 months since you left and i can’t even find the words to describe how much i miss you or how warm your eyes were and i wish i had found the strength to say “please don’t leave me” while i still had you
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
 Apr 2016 AllAtOnce
Feels like love,
Tastes like everything you said you hated.
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