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I am not who I am !
I have a Body but am I the Body?
I have a Mind but am I the Mind?
I have an Ego but am I the Ego?
Who is the ME that I am?

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me, who does the talk
These are mine but not me
Who is the ME that I am?

I am not this Body
One day, this Body will die.
I am not this Mind
Where is the Mind,
I cannot find!
I am not the Ego
Then, Who Am I?

Am I a butterfly?
No, that's not Me
Am I a bee? No, that's not Me
Am I a tree? No, that's not Me
I am ME!

Who is the ME that I am?
I am not Who I think I am
Am I an Indian? No, that's my nationality
Am I a Hindu? No, that's my religion
Am I a male? No, that's my gender
I am not Who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know What I am not!
I am not my house
I know what I am not!
What I Am Not, I know!
But I know not, Who I Am!

If I am not the Body, Who am I?
If I am not the Mind, Who am I?
If I am not the Ego, Who am I?
I am None of these but I am
Who is the 'I' that I Am?

I am the Power that gives Life
I am that Power that brought me to Earth
That Power is the SOUL, A Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is what gave me Birth

Now I Know, Who I Am!
I am not the Body that will die
I am Not the Mind and Ego, ME, that says, 'I'
Because I don't Know, 'Who I am',
I cry When I Realize, 'Who Am I?'
I Become one with the Power in the Sky

What is the Purpose of our Life on Earth?
What is the Purpose of Human Birth? To go on a Quest, to find, 'Who I am not' Then, I will Realize, 'Who I am'
This is the Purpose of 'I'

As long as I think, I am Everything!
I will live and die as Nothing!
But the moment I Realize, I Am Nothing In that moment, I become Everything!
It happens when I Realize, 'Who Am I?'

I am the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP
When I Realize, 'Who I am not,' I board a ship
I become SIP, then I start a Very Special Trip
A Voyage that Unites my SOUL with SIP

I am not the Ego, that's my identity!
I am not the Body and Mind, that's not me!
I am the Holistic Energy, I am 'HE'
I am not 'I' that I thought I was
'Who am I?’ I Know, 'Who I Am!'

‘I Am Not 'I',' This is the Truth
‘Who am I?' Get to the root
First, I must find out, 'Who I am not'
For this, I must be free from all Thought Then, I will Realize, 'Who am I?'
What is Happiness? Is it Success?
Is it Achievement that creates so much stress?
Success creates money that creates Pleasure and Bliss
But this is not what true Happiness is!

Happiness is not money, otherwise the rich would be glad!
There are people who are successful, why are they sad?
Happiness is not Pleasure that depends on many a thing
True Happiness is Peace, it is a state of being

Who doesn't want to be Happy?
Who wants to be Sad?
There may be a few, but they are then mad!
Everybody in this world wants to be Happy, wants to smile
But most have miseries that are longer than the Nile!

Money can buy pleasure, but it can't buy Happiness
Money can buy medicines, but health we can miss
Money can buy a diamond ring but love it cannot bring
Money cannot buy Bliss, though it can buy many a thing

Happiness is like a shadow which we cannot chase
Further it goes away, when you are in a race
Those who seek success may become an ace
But they are sure to end in the misery maze!

Happiness is something that everyone seeks
Happiness can be found on three little peaks
The first peak is Achievement, the second is Fulfillment
But the ultimate Happiness comes with Enlightenment

On the first peak of Happiness, what we get is Pleasure
We become Happy because of material treasure
The Happiness on this peak is not very strong
We are Happy for a moment, but it does not last long

The second peak of Happiness is called Fulfillment
It comes from being satisfied, living with Contentment
It is letting go of Pleasure that comes from Achievement
And living with Peace which gives Bliss that is consistent

But while we have Pleasure and while we have Peace
We will have Sorrow that will make our Bliss cease
If we want to be Happy, then Life's Purpose we must find
This is Enlightenment, it is transcending the mind

The Mind is a monkey, it steals our Peace
It makes us desire and it continues to tease
It swings like a monkey to a past that is gone
And robs our Bliss because of a future not yet born

If we want to be Happy, we must still the Mind
We must be still, Consciousness we must find
In this state, we are not caught in a thought
But this Bliss to enjoy, we sadly forgot!

Because we are chasing money, success and wealth
We lose our Life, we lose our health
We may have all the money that can give us pleasure
But we will not attain Peace which is the real treasure

Peace is the foundation of Happiness
Where there is no Peace, there cannot be Bliss
Therefore, we must make sure not to lose Peace of Mind
Then, true Bliss and ecstasy in life we will find

Far happier are those who have Peace in their tank
Than those who have a lot of money in their bank
Money is important, but it can't buy Happiness
With money, can you go shopping for Bliss?

But more important than pleasure and peace, is this
Finding Purpose leads to true Happiness
Who am I? Why did I come to earth?
True Bliss is realizing the purpose of this birth

When we overcome ignorance and we realize the Truth
We are free from sorrow when we get to the root
When we realize we are not the Body, Ego or Mind
All misery and suffering, we leave behind!

But to reach this state of Enlightenment is rare
To be Enlightened in Life, not many people care
We are ignorant that from misery we can be free
If we evolve on the Happiness peaks, from one to three

Everybody who is born must suffer pain
We become miserable again and again
But the one who realizes that who suffers is not me
He from the triple suffering is free

Because we think we are the Body, we suffer aches and pain
Because of the Ego, we are miserable again
Because of the Mind, we live with worry and fear
The Ego, the Body, the Mind, create many a tear!

But once we realize we are none of the three
Then from all miseries, we can be free
We can live with Bliss and Peace Enlightenment makes all miseries cease

Happiness is thus, not what we are taught
Alas! In the Success race we are caught To make money, is our primary thought And what true Happiness is, we forgot!

If you want to be Happy, pause for a while
You can be always Blissful, with a smile
Don't try to become Happy, then, Happy you can be
If you realize you are the Soul, not Mind and Ego, ME

True Happiness is being in that state of Consciousness
True Bliss lies in a state of Thoughtlessness
When we **** the Monkey Mind, we can have true Happiness
But ******* the Mind, we don't know this

The Mind is like a monkey, notice EY is its tail
It is Ever Yelling and Ever Yearning and it makes us fail
When we still the Mind, and its desires that create a thirst
Then we conquer Sorrow, that otherwise makes us burst!

There are many ways to be Happy and be glad
Count your blessings and you will never be sad
Discover True Love, the fountain of Bliss These are simple ways to Happiness

Success is not Happiness,
Happiness is Success
Those who don't realize this, end their life in a mess
They just zoom from the womb to the tomb
And all they have is misery and gloom

Instead, look at the Yogi who is always in Bliss
He is never in a state of unhappiness
Ever-united with the Divine, he knows it's all a show
Nothing is ours, the Yogi knows that we come and go

Do you want to be Happy? Then Happy you can be
Then realize that the peaks of Happiness are three
If you run after Success, Happy you will never be!
But if you are enlightened, from misery you will be free

To be Happy, you must live in the 'Now’
To be Happy, you must take a vow
Moment by moment, enjoy this treasure called life
Be enlightened, and you will be free from strife

Are all Successful people Happy? The answer is ‘no!'
But all Happy people are Successful, this truth we must know
We must realize the truth that life is a show
We will live with Peace, Love and Bliss, and go!

Not only will we be free from all suffering on earth
Realization will free us from Rebirth
It will free us from Fear, Worry, Anxiety and Stress
And give us Joy, Love, Peace and Bliss

So are you seeking Pleasure?
Are you seeking Happiness, Peace and Bliss?
Then Evolve from one Peak to another Peak
And you will attain the Eternal Happiness you seek.
Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I?'
Then, there will be no need to cry
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Death is not a moment of desperation!
Stop with the body, your false identification
Then, Death will become Liberation
With the Divine, a moment of Unification!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

This world is a drama, it's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
When the truth about Karma, we get to know
Death will not be a deadly blow
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Why fear the loss of all that you own?
Is it not certain that you will lose all that is known?
There is no need to fear the beyond that is unknown
You are not the one made of skin and bone
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

All that we learned about Death were lies
Even that we will go up to God in the skies
The body is destroyed, it cannot rise
It's time to overcome ignorance and be wise
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Can you escape the certainty of Death?
Isn't it a fact that you will lose your breath?
Then what is the point to live with fears? Realize the truth and let go of your tears
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

One of two things will happen when you die
Either you will be Reborn, or will be Free in the sky
If you have Karma, you will return to earth
If Liberated, then, no Rebirth!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

In this fear, you think of ending your life
You want to be free from all misery and strife
You even contemplate suicide and search for a knife
But in our hands, neither is Death nor Life.
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we control Death or Birth?
Did we control how we came to earth? Everything that happens is just a drama Everything is controlled by the Law of Karma
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we fear Death because it is the end? Is it the end or is it just  a bend?
If from ignorance, we can transcend
Then Death will become our best friend
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death a moment that will Liberate us from pain?
Will it not save us from being born, again and again?
If it is going to Free us from the Rebirth chain
Then why should Death create so much strain?
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

What is the way to overcome this fear?
We must overcome ignorance, that is clear!
Death is not an enemy that comes with a spear
It unites us with the Divine, this should give us cheer!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Of course, we will die, but this is in whose hand?
Is it a God of another land?
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power Death reveals this, it takes off the cover
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are you the Body that is sure to die?
Are you the Mind that you cannot find?
Are you the Ego that keeps saying, 'I'?
You are the Divine Soul, that is no lie!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death going to come, you will die?
Why not be happy, why just cry?
Realize the Truth of 'Who am I?'
Then, like a bird, you can fly in the sky
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

We cry because we believe the myth
About Death, we did not realize the truth
We did not get to the bottom of the root
We are the seed, not the shoot or the fruit
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do you realize you are the Divine Soul? When you achieve this, the ultimate goal
Then, your life will become whole
Joy, Peace and Love will unfold
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Will not Death free us from our earthly pain?
Will it not reward us with heavenly gain? There will be no more sunshine and rain Celebrate Death, for freedom you will attain
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Doesn't anyone who comes to earth, face sorrow?
He may be glad today but will cry tomorrow
Don't fear Death, instead, learn to celebrate
Surrender to the Divine, your life's fate!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are we the mortal body, or the immortal Soul?
We are the Power, when this secret we unfold
Then from the fear of Death, we are free
Free from the Body, the Mind and Ego, ME
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?
Who is God, where is God, what is God? This question is in our head
We pray to God, we go to a temple
But ultimately, we are dead

We fold our hands and pray to God
Oh Lord, our problems you must solve Some of us seek to fulfil our dreams And so, the Lord we involve

But a few of us, our God we love
As we live, for God we yearn
These are the ones who realize God The biggest treasure they earn

God is not a 'he'or a'she'
Not far away in heaven, does he dwell Nor is God of these fairy tales
Nor is there any truth in heaven or hell

God is not God, God is SIP
God is the Supreme Immortal Power God is in you, God is in me
God is in the tree, the fruit and the flower

How do we realize the truth about God?
How do we realize that God is our Soul?
When we realize we are not the body or the mind
We achieve this ultimate goal

The Soul came first, we were created later
In nine months, we were formed, then born
Then ultimately, one day, this body will die
That day, the Soul will be gone

What is left is a mass of flesh
The body is dead without life
But what is in this body, we don't know We just cry with tears and strife

Those who love God with all their heart
They are the ones who do realize
That this body will return to its five elements
It is Divine Grace that opens their Real Eyes

What are the five elements, this world is made of?
Earth, water, air, fire and space
In every molecule of matter, on earth
There is Power of the Divine grace

Every molecule of matter is energy
This is even what science does accept This truth, thus, is not just of spirituality Neither is it some blind belief and concept

Energy cannot be created or destroyed Energy can only be transformed
Every molecule on this earth is Power This truth, we are then informed

So then, if the Soul is nothing but God
And every molecule of matter is SIP
Then, everything is the Supreme Immortal Power
This truth we get to grip

God is everywhere, in everything
God does not live in the skies
When we realize God is a Power, God is SIP
We get over all the lies

Every particle of matter that we touch and feel
Everything that we see, that we hear Everything is God, everything is SIP
We realize the truth, it is clear

Everything on earth is a manifestation of God
It appears as this, but it is that
Everything in this world is made of SIP
This is the absolute fact

When we realize this truth about God
We realize we are none other than SIP
Then, we live with God every moment we breathe
God is in every breath of our lip

There is God, there is nothing else
This world is full of SIP
When we overcome our ignorance and realize the truth
We are on the spiritual trip

What is the purpose of our life on earth
It is to realize God
When we realize who we are and why we are here
We become one with the Lord

We realize that God is SIP, the Soul
We realize that God is POSIEMOM
We realize God in every molecule of matter
To God, we go, and from God, we come

Everything is God, there is nothing else
This world is but an illusion
Every particle of this cosmos is the Power of SIP
Let us get to this conclusion
‘Realizations of a Yogi' is not just some theory
It is the life experience of a Yogi
In a Quest for the truth, an account, a testament
Realizations and experiences that led to Enlightenment

Are you seeking to find the true purpose of life?
Are you in a quest of a way to be free from strife?
Then, you have a treasure right in your hand
That will liberate you from returning to this land

You can get knowledge in any college
But the eternal truth is hard to find
It is a very personal experience that happens
When one transcends the body, ego and mind

It all starts when you go in a quest
You put all your beliefs to test
The first thing you must do is unlearn Only then, wisdom of life will you earn

To get to the matter's root
You have to Ask, Investigate and Realize the truth
And to do this, it's not enough to be an ace
You have to have the Divine grace

A seeker of the truth, who has this passion
To realize God, if this is his mission
Then in his journey, a Master he will meet
Who will make his life complete

It's all about finding a Spiritual coach
And for this, you don't search, you don't need to approach
The Yogi, the Guru will be there waiting
If you are on the path, if you are truly seeking

And then you will start to question every myth
You will overcome your ignorance, and realize the truth
Whatever you were taught, mostly they were lies
Even that God was someone who lived in the skies

At first, for sure, it will give you a shock
For you to change beliefs, as tough as a rock
But as you use your intellect to discriminate
It is on earth you will find heaven's gate

First you will realize, you are not the body, not the mind
You are not the ego, this truth you will find
And from the triple suffering you will be free on earth
And learn the way to escape rebirth

For this, you will realize the truth of life and death
Where you will go when you lose your breath
You are not the one who is made of bone and skin
You are that spark of life that is within

You will start living as the Divine Soul
As you attain your ultimate goal
'Realizations of a Yogi' will take you onward
To Self-Realization that will take you Godward

By questions getting answered, this is how it will begin
You will overcome ignorance as you go within
Then that Spiritual flash, you will experience one day
And to your epiphany, you will find the way

I brought nothing here, nothing is mine
There are many Realizations, we must find
We come alone and we go alone
Then, why in life, should we whine and groan?

The quest will lead us to true happiness A life of true love, peace and bliss
We will be free from worry and stress
As we overcome all unhappiness

The journey starts with Purification
And then, there will be Illumination Realization will lead to Liberation Ultimately, there will be Unification

We will realize that this world is just a show
We are just actors, we come, and we go Everything is an illusion, it is just a drama
And life is unfolding as per our Karma

We will realize that God is not God, God is SIP
We will not just repeat God's name on our lip
We will experience God in every creature on earth
Realize that the Lord manifests in every birth

One by one, the truth we will realize
Pieces of the puzzle will open our real eyes
Till one day, we will experience a transformation
And then, we will be free with Liberation

All this time, we were crawling on earth like a worm Living with beliefs, all lies, we affirmed
Till we learned to untie all the strings
To fly like a beautiful butterfly, opening our wings

This is called a metamorphosis
A transformation that is permanent, no reversal there is
We let go of the ego, we let go of ‘I’
As we become one with the Power in the sky

But this is not for everybody who lives on earth
Not each one of us can escape rebirth
If we learn from a Yogi, in life we can evolve
If we make this the priority, in the Divine we can dissolve

There will be many who will read this book
But how many will change their life's outlook?
How many will go beyond all logic?
To experience Enlightenment, the real magic?

How many will transcend all Karma in life?
How many will overcome all sorrow and strife?
How many will give up the ordinary pleasure
To achieve life's goal, unlock the real treasure?
Do you cut your birthday cake?
Do you know your birthday is fake?
Don't continue to make the mistake
It's time for you to now awake!

Ask your mother when you were born
You were kicking weeks before and this went on and on
You were alive long back, she knows
And even science has pictures as the embryo grows

Nine months before your so-called date of birth
That is when you actually came to earth
Then you didn't have blood, bone, and skin
You were just a Power, the spark within

But because you believed in the birthday lie
You believed that there were ghosts and fairies in the sky!
Every year you continue to cut your birthday cake
You don't realize the truth, just believe what is fake!

When will you, to the truth, awake?
When will you stop baking your birthday cake?
When you realize that nine months earlier you were born
Then to stop cutting the cake, will you undertake?

Although you know that it is not your date of birth
You came forty weeks before as the zygote on earth
But you just choose to follow the herd
You don't investigate, don't fly like a bird

You don't ask the question, 'Who am I?'
If the body came later, then, 'I am the body,' is a lie
I was that Energy Spark that first came to earth
Not on my so-called birthday is my real birth

In what way will this news make us awake?
Why this big fuss about the birthday cake?
When we realize we are not the body or the mind
Then, Self-Realization we will find

If you are not the body that developed on earth
You realize you are that spark, that's your real worth!
That spark is Energy, that spark is the Soul
To realize this is our life’s ultimate goal

After the spark, starts as a little zygote
Our body is created, be it man or goat
We are not the bodies that we seem to wear
The bodies will live and die and tear

One day, every ‘body’ must die
The one who was alive will depart into the sky
The body that is made of skin and bone
Returns to ashes, as people mourn

We are not that body that died, were we?
People say, 'He passed away', and we are free
They are so sure in the body we no more live
To the flames or to the coffin, our body they give!

If we are not the body that will one day surely die
If we were not born on our birthday, that is a lie!
If we are that spark conceived nine months before birth
Then who is it that on death leaves the earth?

The Soul, the Divine Spirit, the Atman is that spark
To give us life from birth to death is its task
It arrives at conception and departs at death
We are that Power that gives us breath

When you do a simple thing like stop cutting a cake
When you investigate and realize that your birthday is fake
You realize you are the Soul, you are no more vague
To the ultimate truth, you will awake

This Realization is the real beginning of the journey called life
It will liberate us from all misery and strife
When we realize we are not body, ego, and mind
Eternal Happiness and Peace, we will find

Just because we were taught many things that were lies
We believe that God lives in the skies
The birthday cake will make us realize
We will live as the Soul, we will be wise

So, from now don't cut your birthday cake
Don't continue to be ignorant for God's sake
Realize that your birthday is fake
You are the Divine Soul, to this truth awake
I was so stupid, I was a fool
But they didn't teach me this in school
'Stop it, stupid!' had I told myself
My stupidity would have ended with this tool

We all get angry, we all do fear
We are idiots, year after year
How can we stop this misery and pain
How to stop being foolish, again and again

The first step is to realize our ignorance
The second is to put a stop to it
We must tell our mind to stop
We must make this a habit

The mind is a monkey, a rascal our mind
It wants to make us suffer, we find
But we are not fools, we know, don't we?
How from this rascal, can we be free?

'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!', 'Stop it, stupid!' repeat
Till the monkey mind can feel the heat
Then, watch it, catch it, latch it, secure
So that it does not repeat the thing anymore

We all are stupid, we all are fools
And to overcome stupidity, there are simple tools
The most important is to realize the truth
Who are we, get to the bottom of the root

We are not the stupid Body, Ego and Mind
We are intelligent, this truth we must find
This realization will stop us from being a slave
Will liberate us from misery, before we reach our grave

For pain and suffering is only for those
To go on a quest, who did not choose
They live with misery, they believe in the myth
They continue with ignorance, till they die with it

So, we must Ask, Investigate, Realize the Truth
**** the rascal mind, the monkey, the brute
Transcend the Mind and Ego that says, 'ME'
Till from all stupidity we are free

We must be still and live in Consciousness
If we want to put an end to all the mess
When we are fools, we must stop and know
And overcome the stupidity before the end of the show

But many of us are stupid till we die
We look up at the sky, cry and ask ,'Why?'
We don't use our intellect to stop our stupidity
We just live with stress, worry and anxiety

Some of us want to end this mess
We don't want misery, we don't want stress
The Mantra 'Stop it, stupid!' we put to use
And with it, an end to all abuse

So what must we do, what is the trick?
What will end our misery with just one click?
We must be stern and tell ourselves looking in the eye
Till to that repeated stupidity, we bid goodbye

I did it myself, I share with you
I stopped my stupidity, this is true
To end my foolishness, I found a way
'Stop it, stupid!' to yourself, please say

And till you stop being stupid, repeat it
Don't feel bad, it's better to erase it
We have a choice, acknowledge stupidity and then rise
'Stop it, stupid!' is the way of the wise

Some people are heartbroken, they cry in love
They break their hearts, and then look above
They cry in love, they suffer in pain
They are stupid, again and again

Some people are attached, this brings them tears
The misery is not short, it lasts for years
If only they use this Mantra of happiness
'Stop it, stupid!' it can give peace and bliss

'Stop it, stupid!' a Mantra I share with you
Use it and you will stop feeling blue
Realize your ignorance and to make amend
Say, 'Stop it, stupid!' and put your misery to an end
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