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Mukti is Freedom, we must be free
We must not be bound to the ground like a tree
We must not be slaves to the Mind and Ego, ME
The goal of life is Mukti, to be free

Most of us are slaves, we follow the herd
We don’t  open our wings  and fly like a bird
Although we human beings are blessed with wings
We crawl on the earth, tied with many strings

Therefore, we suffer the triple suffering on earth
And then we die and return in a rebirth
We suffer the pain of the body, ego, and mind
True happiness and peace, we struggle to find

We are prisoners of the Mind and Ego, ME
Our thoughts make us puppets,they don’t let us be free
Although we have an intellect to tell us what is wrong
We let the mind destroy us with thoughts so strong

Our senses make us slaves of vengefulness and greed
We are prisoners of anger and jealousy, indeed
Puppets we are, of lust and shame
We live in a cage, through the life game

Passions and obsessions rule our life
They make us prisoners and we live with strife
Instead of being free, and living with a smile
We are slaves of emotions that are longer than the Nile

Our own thoughts and habits make us puppets that cry
We live as prisoners right till we die
And though we could from these monsters be free
Instead of Freedom, we choose misery

We are a slave of ignorance and myth
We believe in rituals and superstitions, not the truth
We chase achievement, thinking success is happiness
And run the rat race, ending life in a mess

Haven't you seen people who are prisoners of fear?
They think a little virus will **** them, oh dear
Fear has made the world lock down everything
Shouldn't we be free to start living!

And then, we are prisoners of worry and anxiety
That these emotions can rule us, is a tragedy
We are puppets of revenge and hate
And we tie ourselves behind the misery gate

Freedom must also be got from religion
We must find out our true origin
We must not just believe what people say
We must investigate and  find the right way

Fences, Faces, Farces, Forces, the prison of four
Locks us behind many a door
We live and die, as a miserable slave
And take our sorrow till our grave

It’s not just being Free from  misery on earth
We must also be free from taking rebirth
If we don't realize the truth, who am I
Then we will not be free, even after we die

The body will die, but what about 'me'?
The one who passed away is not yet free
It is the mind and ego that carries its Karma
Until it is liberated and attains Moksha

Therefore, the purpose of our life
Is not just to be free from misery and strife
But to be Enlightened and gain Liberation
And to be free for Divine Unification

Freedom,Freedom,Freedom-that’s our goal
To be free from the body-mind-ego and live as the Soul
We must be free from wishes, wealth, and wine
So that we can become one with the Divine
Give, before you are gone, for you are sure going to go.
This world is nothing more than a drama, a show.
Give, for you don't know when the death whistle will blow!

Nothing is ours, did we bring anything with us?
We will leave everything behind, then why all the fuss?
Isn't it better that we give away our surplus?

This world is not real, it is a Cosmic Illusion.
Man is a fool, he gets caught in his possession,
The ultimate goal of man is to get Liberation.

There is great joy in giving, have you ever tried to give?
If you haven't ever given, you haven't started to live!
Nothing is more important than to give as you live.

We spend our entire life, first to learn and then to earn,
Whatever we earn, one day, others will burn!
This is a simple truth, but this, when will we learn?

Nothing is ours, it is just a Trust, just like a loan.
We have to leave everything behind, even our mobile phone!
People who don't understand this, don't smile, they groan.

It is certain that every 'body' must die, none can escape death,
You may have wealth, but soon you will lose your breath!
Therefore give, before you are gone, the wise men have said.

Life is made up of a few years, don't try to add years to life,
Add life to your years and give to those who are in strife,
Don't just keep your money, for your family after your life!

Those who are ignorant, think everything is ours,
They have a lot of money, but are caught behind these bars,
They don't realize the truth, they are zapped by the stars.

They do not give what they have, because they live with fear,
‘What will happen if I give away everything, my dear!'
They sing this song, until they die, year after year.

They don't realize it's all Maya, a cosmic projection,
They don't realize it's a Leela, a show in higher dimension,
They spend their life, doing nothing, except in wealth collection.

They did not spend time understanding their duty or Dharma,
They did not realize the truth of the Law of Karma,
Nobody told them that their goal was Moksha.

The Law of Karma is simple, what you give is what you get,
Karma makes no mistake, you can be sure, this is a bet!
If you don't get it now, it will come after you are dead!

For all this, you need, what is called, Self-Realization,
Overcoming ignorance, and getting Liberation.
When we give, we will get the Divine revelation.

For God is not someone who lives up in the stars,
Not in a temple or church, not even in Mars!
God is in every living being, in birds, animals and flowers.

We don't realize that when we give, we actually give to God.
Every human being is a manifestation of the Lord.
We just follow the herd and are caught by the fraud.

Whatever we earn is going to be a complete waste!
This truth is bitter, but we must ensure that this we taste.
If we don't give, we will be gone and everything will be erased.

A man who dies rich, in reality dies very poor,
For if he did not give anything, he will suffer for sure.
All his life, all he did, was to want more and more!

Isn't it the truth, empty-handed we come, and we go?
We must learn that we must give before the end of the show,
What we give, will come back to us, this we must know.

But what we don't give, we leave behind, others will ******,
We have no option but to give, did you get the catch?
If not when alive, after we die, everything will despatch.

So, learn this simple lesson and Give before you are Gone,
If you don't learn this, you are sure to be reborn,
You will suffer again and again, and this will go on and on.
What is Prema Yoga?
How can Love unite us with God?
How can Love for the Beloved
Make us one with the Lord?

Love is a powerful emotion
It can take us to any length
For Love, kings even gave up their throne
Love has so much strength

But how can we love God?
When God has no body, no form?
When we love the Beloved as God
Within, there is a Divine storm

For when we love the Beloved
As the manifestation of God
When we fall in love with the Beloved
We are actually loving our Lord

This Love is not worldly Love
It is not for the beauty of the skin
This Love is loving the Soul Divine
The Soul that is God within

But how can we see our Beloved as God?
Our Beloved is just our Love
When we see the Divine in the Beloved
Then we love the One above

Divine Love is intoxicating
It creates Divine Bliss
When we love our Beloved just as we love God
There can be no greater Happiness

Unfortunately, we don't know what Love is
We think it's a hug and a kiss
Divine Love is Soulful Love
A fountain of joy that is Bliss

Somehow, we have been taught wrong
That love comes from the Heart
When will we realize Divine Love
And from the myth, when will we depart?

The truth is this, God is a Power
God is the Soul that is in all
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power
In our Beloved, we must recall

So, when our Love makes us yearn for God
We need not go to a temple or a church
We must look into the eyes of the Beloved
And this will end our search

For God is here, God is now
In our Beloved, does God live
If we open our Real Eyes, we will Realize
And God to us, our Beloved will give

And then, we can love God all the time
We don't need to search for Him
We can constantly love our Beloved as our Lord
And our bliss will go up to the brim

Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love
Will make us one with the Divine
When we are ever united with the Beloved
This intoxication is greater than any wine

The world knows of four states of Yoga
Meditation, Devotion, Action, Education
But the Divine gifted me the Yoga of Love
Which unites me through the Divine Manifestation

Do you love God, do you seek Him?
Do you have a yearning for the Lord?
Then, realize your Beloved is His manifestation
And in the Beloved you will see God

Love is the Power of the Supreme
Love comes from God and is God
When Divine Love appears for the Beloved
We will be ever united with the Lord

How can one live as a Yogi?
How can one be connected with God?
While the four states of Yoga create a union...
Prema Yoga creates a seamless union with God

Prema Yoga is the strongest Yoga
A Yoga that can’t be put in words
It's when you Love your Beloved, deeply as God
Greater than Love that's in 'Lovebirds'

For deep within you will find
God in the Beloved's Soul
Love for the Beloved will unite you with God
And make your life whole

When Love for the Beloved becomes Divine
And through the Beloved, God we can love
This Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love
Will make us one with the Power
Do you love God, do you seek God, do you pray every day?
Do you have any clue, what to your Lord you say?

Where is God, do you know? Where does He live?
Does He live far away, His address can you give?

Is your Lord, God or is my God the Lord?
Are there many Gods or is there one, Almighty Lord?

So many religions in this world, which is the best?
Which religion will give us God? Come, let us test!

Religion is just a kindergarten, like a basic little school.
But one who is there all his life, will always remain a fool!

Just like we go from a school to a university,
We must graduate and realize God through Spirituality.

God is not a man or woman, made of bone and skin,
God is the Supreme Immortal Power that throbs in the heart within.

We give God a name and a form, we believe in the myth,
We pray to a God who is not God and live and die with it.

God is birthless, God is deathless; God is an Immortal Power.
But we put God in a temple, a church and a monastic tower!

If God is not God, then who is God, how can we find?
We will realize God only when we tame the monkey mind.

We must realize who we are, then we will realize the Lord.
We are the Divine Spirit, the Soul, we are a temple of God.

But how can we be God, we say, how can this be true?
How can God ever be, in me and be in you?

When we realize God is a Power, God is here and there,
We will realize the Power in a flower, the Power is everywhere.

The Power of God can be seen in the mighty sun that glows,
God is in the wind that blows, and in the water that flows.

Because we believe God is human, God is he or she,
We don't realize this is a myth, how can this ever be?

Such is the mighty Power of God, our petty mind cannot see,
Imagine emptying into your bathtub, the waters of the sea.

But still, with innocence and ignorance, we continue to pray,
We believe in God, who is not God, and thus we just bray.

When will we yearn for our Lord, and start for Him a search,
When will we go away from a temple, a synagogue and a church?

When will we start the journey within, go inside and find.
The Lord, behind the senses of the body, the ego and mind!

When we realize 'I am not I', then God will come to light,
When we let go of the ego, then God will come to sight.

God is the Supreme Immortal Power, God is SIP,
What we see of God, in fact, is just the iceberg's tip!

Every atom, every molecule is energy, it is SIP.
Because we live in ignorance, in misery we dip.

When we realize we are that Power, we'll be free from pain,
We will be liberated from the rebirth cycle, again and again.

We live and die, and don't realize what is our goal.
The purpose of life is to realize we are the Divine Soul.

When we realize we are ourselves the Power of SIP,
We will find SIP in all, the Power is in every lip.

Everything that walks and crawls, every bird that can sing,
The Power of SIP is everywhere; it is in everything.

Everything in this world is an illusion, the one reality is SIP.
We don't realize this because we are on a worldly trip!

So, we live, and we die, and God we don't realize,
We roam like blind men and don't open our real eyes.

Just because a man is blind, is it true there is nothing?
No! The truth is he is blind, he can't see anything!

And so, God exists everywhere, in every grain of sand.
But we are searching for God, in a faraway land.

As long as we live with ignorance, the truth will ever hide,
But when we realize God is a Power, within SIP will abide.

Then, we will feel the Power of the Lord every moment we live,
We’ll experience SIP, live with love and joy, and we’ll forgive.

We’ll realize this earth is nothing more than His Divine show,
We are all just actors, we come, and one day we will go.

Everything is just a projection of His mighty Power.
It is all like a dream that gets over before we shower.

We must wake up, realize the truth, and live our life with SIP,
Not continue to follow the foolish herd, we must make a flip!

You are God, I am God; this truth when we get to know,
Then we will overcome misery and enjoy the Life show.

Just because the world is caught in a big illusion,
We should not follow others and live with disillusion.

Only when we realize the truth of 'who am I?'
Then we will realize, SIP is the Power that lasts till we Die.

First we think that my Soul is different from your Soul,
Then we realize all Souls are one and we achieve our goal.

What is the Power that is present in everything that is alive?
It is the Supreme Immortal Power - SIP, don't count from one to five!

As long as we try to define SIP, we will continue to wonder,
The way to realize SIP is to accept and surrender.

Before this journey of life comes to an end,
Let us realize SIP before we take the final bend.

The world may call it Moksha, Nirvana or Enlightenment,
Names are different, it is freedom, free from imprisonment.

When we are free from Ego and Mind and live as the Soul,
We become one with SIP, the Power that is from pole to pole.

When we realize we ourselves are nothing but SIP,
We will live without fear and worry, enjoying this Life trip.

Then we will live with SIP, in ever Consciousness and Bliss,
We will live with Joy and Love, and eternal Happiness.

God is not God, God is SIP, when will this we know?
Hurry up, don't waste time! Soon it will be the end of the show.
We human beings are seeking Enlightenment

But we live and die in the dark

The myth makes us scared of a lizard

Instead of fearing the shark

It's sad that we are taught lies

And our mind is full of junk

It's time for the Intellect to make the monkey mind

Into a silent, tamed monk

But how do we doubt our parents and teachers...

Who taught us all that we know?

How can we believe that this world is not real...

It's just a cosmic show

For years we have followed our religion

And believed in what scriptures tell

Suddenly to change our belief is tough

That there is no heaven and hell

What is the Truth, what is the myth...

How will we get to know?

Until we ask questions and investigate

Through Life, we will just flow

We are taught to chase money and success

And that the Goal of Life is Achievement

We live and die without realizing

That the Goal of Life is Enlightenment

Throughout Life we chase pleasures

And to become happy, we try to be

We never realize the Truth that happiness

Is within and then from misery we are free

Money can buy medicines and a bed

And it can buy a diamond ring

But money cannot give us health and sleep

True Love it cannot bring

So, throughout Life we believe in the myth

We never learn the Truth

We live and die with ignorance

Not getting to the bottom of the root

We try to be Happy in a tomorrow

A tomorrow that is not yet born

And we live with the miseries of yesterday

A past that is forever gone

We believe in astrologers and palmists

And like fools show them the lines on our hand

We don't realize that everything is controlled

By a Supreme Power beyond our land

We live and die with ignorance

Thinking we are the body, ego and mind

But the Truth is that we are the Divine Soul

This Realization, when will we find?

We come with nothing, we will go with nothing..

This Truth, don't you know?

Enlightenment will open your 'real' eyes

To realize everything is just a show

Then, the myth makes us celebrate our birthday

With balloons, candles and a cake

The Truth, we were conceived nine months prior

To this Truth, when will we awake?

We think God lives in a distant heaven

He is made of blood, bone and skin

That is a myth, the Truth is this

God is the Power within

Doesn't each human being on earth say with pride...

'I am Roger, Steve or John'?

These are just names, when will we realize

One day, this body will be gone!

Some of us believe in the Law of Action

Everything is controlled by our deed

Do we believe in the myth...

That we can get mangoes with an apple seed?

Then, why do we believe the Law of Attraction...

That we can manifest all we Dream?

When will we realize, not attraction, but action...

A Team and Scheme will fulfil our Dream

We believe the myth that our mind is king

And we trust it can do anything

When will we realize it is the biggest enemy...

That throughout life does misery bring!

Isn't it true that we will die?

Death is certain for all who are born

Some of us believe we are this body

But at death, we depart, we are gone?

Then, we believe that after death

To a distant heaven we will go

We ourselves destroy the body of our loved one

Then to God, who will go?

We haven't understood death, have we?

The myth of death makes us live with fear

The loss of all that we own and the beyond, unknown

Makes us shiver, year after year

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question our ignorance does ask

Bad things can't happen to good people

Everything is happening as per our task

Then, we blame God as being cruel

And say that He is unjust, unkind

This is sheer ignorance my friend

It is a trick of our monkey mind

It believes that good deeds will take us to heaven

But think, who will go there?

The body at death has become dust

And the one who died, is where?

Of course, we have to pay for our actions

For every good deed and sin

When we realize the Truth of Rebirth

Then, this battle of Life we win!

But we just live with ignorance

Thinking bad thoughts will control our

Life It is not bad thoughts, but actions

That we do to our friends or our wife

And so, we pray to our Heavenly Father To

forgive us for our bad deeds

When will we realize the law he made?

Everything grows as the planted seeds

The Truth is simple, it can be learnt

If we transcend the ego and mind

But first we must discard the fairy tales we learnt

Then Enlightenment we will find

For years we are taught this story

That God lives in a temple or church

We live and die with the ignorance

But for God we never search

We think God is a statue or picture

Who has a name and a form

We don't realize that God is the Supreme Power

He is immortal, He never dies, nor is ever born

But because we are taught with prayer

To God we can go

We continue to fold our hands at pilgrimages

Through life we flow, we don't grow

Is there a way to find God?

This Truth we never find

We just live as slaves of our ego

And our rascal monkey mind

Because we just believe everything

We are taught and we are told

To the myth and the superstitions of this world

And to the rituals we are sold

Religion is good, it teaches us basics

But it's just a kindergarten, it's where we start

If we want to realize God

We need Spirituality that will take us to the last

Spirituality is the way to realize God

To realize the Power in our heart

To realize we are ourselves that Supreme Power

And with the Power we will unite, when we depart

But as long as we believe that our ancestors are alive

In some heaven far away from earth

We will not realize the mind and ego

Will return to earth in a rebirth

Why do we believe in the fairy tales?

Stories that preach suffering of the Soul

To realize that the Soul is the Supreme Power

Is our life's ultimate Goal

But we are taught about good Souls and bad Souls

We don't realize we are all one

Our bodies and mind are different

But our Soul is the Power of the sun

There is one Power that controls everything

The Supreme Immortal Power

But until we overcome our ignorance

The Truth we will not discover

Have you ever stopped to realize...

What is the purpose of life?

When you do, you will be free from all misery

And the triple suffering that causes you strife

The past is gone, you can't change it

But you can change Life from now

Go in quest and realize the Truth

Today, take this solemn vow

Let go of the fairy tales, the myth and the lies

And realize the Truth of this show

We are just actors, this earth is a stage

We just come and we must go

Before we go, let us overcome the myth

Let us transcend the ego and mind

Then, we will attain our ultimate Goal

Within, our GOD we will find

And if we don't realize the Truth, then what?

One day we will die on earth

Then we will return again and again

As we suffer in a Rebirth

Those who realize the Truth of Life

That they are not the ego, body and mind

They are free from all misery

Everlasting Bliss and Peace they find
Do you know why we came to earth?
Why did we get this human birth?
Everything that happens in our life is Karma.
Very few of us realize the Truth of this drama!

How does the Law of Karma work?
What happens when from morals and ethics we shirk?
Whatever you do, that’s what you will get.
Nobody can escape from Karma, that’s a bet!

Why don’t we see an apple on a mango tree?
Is there a way from Karma to be free?
The law has a principle - as you sow, so shall you reap.
If we are going to sin, we are sure to weep!

Why do we see a child being born blind?
Why do we think that God is unkind?
Because we don’t realize the Divine Truth,
Life is Karma, we don’t get to the root.

Is God controlling our Life from heaven?
Is there a way to reach cloud eleven?
The Creator has created the Law of the Deed.
Our good Karma will make us happy, indeed!

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why is there suffering for the weak and the feeble?
Nothing is luck, nothing depends on chance.
Life is a drama and Karma makes us dance!

Why do we cry, look at the sky and ask ‘Why?’
Oh Lord, I didn’t ****** or ****, did I?
While we pray to God as we experience hell,
We don’t listen to the Truth that Karma does tell!

Can anybody escape from Karma, the action?
Can anybody escape from Life, the reaction?
Whatever we have done, we must receive the fruit.
Karma is Life, this is the Truth

Does Life depend on Chance? Does Life depend on luck?
Can we control whatever happens, choose what to pluck?
While we have a freewill and can choose our deeds,
We can’t escape from the thorns that we planted as seeds

Does Karma decide all that happens on earth?
Will Karma also decide our rebirth?
Yes, we are glad or sad, depending on what we do.
And this will continue into our next Life, it is true!

Who carries the Karma, to whom does it belong?
Is the account of Karma, short or long?
The body will die, but Karma belongs to the mind.
It will appear in a new body, leaving the dead one behind!

The Law of Karma, can anyone escape?
Is it only for a man or also for an ape?
Every living creature must follow this law.
The law is perfect, it has no flaw!

Who controls Life, Karma or God?
Can I get away if I pray to my Lord?
Those who think that prayer can do the trick,
They ultimately cry, when Karma gives a kick!

To whom does this Law of Karma belong?
Is Karma stronger or is God more strong?
God has created Karma to control the earth.
Everything is Karma, our death and our birth!

How can we then from Karma escape?
How can we reach God at heaven’s gate?
Only those who realize – the doer is not ‘I’
From Karma they are free and to God they fly!

What is the way from Karma to be free?
To be born, not to return as a human, animal or tree?
When we realize we are not the body, ego and mind,
Then free from Karma ourselves we will find!

What is the mystery that happens at death?
What happens when the body loses its breath?
Those who carry Karma, will come back to earth.
As per their action, will be their rebirth!    

What is the way to escape rebirth?
How can I escape from the triple suffering on earth?
It happens by realizing we are the Divine Soul,
This is our Life’s ultimate goal!

What happens to those who don’t Realize the Truth?
What happens if we don’t discover Karma in our youth?
Agony of the ego, we face, misery of body and mind
And this will continue again and again, we will find!

So why should we worry about Karma and our Life?
Why not just enjoy with our kids, our family life?
If we don’t realize Life is Karma, we will cry,
And we will return to suffer after we die!

What is our Life’s ultimate goal?
Is it necessary to live as the Soul?
Yes, this is the way to realize God
To live blissfully on earth till we unite with our Lord!
As I move forward in my mission
To help people Realize the Truth
After I have evolved myself
And have got to the bottom of the root
I share a way to eternal peace
To bliss and happiness
And show in a noisy, material world
How Divine a Spiritual life is

Spirituality is not that complicated jargon
That mystery we learned in school
Spirituality is not giving up the world
You can't do it, O fool!
Spirituality is discovering the eternal Truth
We are not the ego, the body, the mind
Spirituality is discovering who we are
The Divine Soul we find

Don't we suffer many a crisis
Caused by desire, passion and greed?
Don't we often get disappointed
Trying to fulfil our need?
Don't we get caught in the struggle
Of duty, lust, and shame
Chasing money, success, and achievement
Crying every day in this game

Oh! What will people say
It is better if we follow the herd!'
We don't have the courage
To fly like a bird
We seem to be trapped in ignorance
Living with anger, revenge, and hate
These are the real-life stories
That imprison us behind the gate

But some of us begin the journey
We start a Divine quest
We don't accept, we ask questions
Putting every belief to test
We want to know 'Who am I?'
Where is heaven and God?
Are we the Soul? Will we be reborn
And become one with our Lord?

We blindly believe our religion
And follow what scriptures tell
We pray with devotion to our Lord
Hoping to reach heaven, not hell
We get trapped in rituals and superstitions
Not knowing what we do
And soon our life is over
It's time to bid adieu

But what is life all about
How will we get to know?
We learn how to use our gadgets
But what is this life-show?
What is the purpose of our life
Why did we come to earth?
Who will tell us what life is
And the purpose of this human birth?

Then somebody said, 'It's Spirituality'
Let's live a Spiritual life
Let's give up this material world
That is full of misery and strife
But how to discover that Divine Spirit
The Power that lives within?
How to transcend the body and mind
And go beneath the skin?

Everybody wants happiness
Who wants to live in pain?
Everybody wants to make a profit
We want pleasure, we don't want pain
But while we are chasing pleasure
Like shadows in the material world
In the end, all we have are tears
As our life, our years have swirled

We live in this world of love
Thinking love is just a kiss
We create relationships
But True love, we sadly miss
Hearts and hugs and Valentine's
Is not what True love is
We don't discover Divine Spiritual love
That fills our life with bliss

What exactly is it to live
A Spiritual life, do you know?
Will you discover this amazing journey
Before it is time to go?
Will you realize that life is not
Just a crazy race?
And get out of this material prison
Get out of this miserable maze

Life is a gift for us to live
It is all about the 'now'
Can we be happy tomorrow?
Can anybody tell us how?
The only way to happiness
The only way to bliss
Is to live life moment by moment
That’s actually what life is

The fact is that we are not this body
This body will one day die
Though there are so many thoughts
The mind seems to just pass by
The fact is we are the Divine Spirit
We are the immortal Soul
To Realize this Truth is our purpose
It is our life's ultimate goal

We don't have to give up this world
To live a Spiritual life
We can live in this physical body
And cut the world with a knife
If only we discover the Divine Truth
Before we fly in the sky
What is the purpose of coming here
Finding out, 'Who am I?'

Human beings have a Divine gift
With the intellect they can choose
We have been given an opportunity
Which we must not lose
We can just live in this material world
And soon we will be gone
The body will die, but the mind and ego
With Karma will be reborn

But some of us are lucky
We choose a Spiritual life
We are not caught in this material world
With our children and our family life
We overcome ignorance, Realize the Truth
From the material world, we are free
And live a life of eternal Bliss
Being who we are meant to be

So, if you want to find a way
To live with peace and bliss
To escape misery in this material world
And discover true happiness
Then, stop running in this mad race
And get out of the maze
Live a Divine Spiritual life
Live with Divine grace

You don't have to give up this world
To live a Spiritual life
Living in this material world
There is a way out of all strife
If only we discover who we are
And why we are here
We can live as the Divine Spirit
Every day of every year
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