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Who doesn't want to be Happy?
We all seek Happiness
We search for it from birth to death
But the true treasure of Bliss we miss
Success is Happiness, we were taught
And in this myth, we were caught
We won and we lost, we succeeded,
and we failed But Happiness we forgot
Happiness is like a Shadow, you see
The more you chase it, the further is goes away
But if you stay still to enjoy it
You will see that with you, it will stay
Happiness is not a product or a place
Nor a person that can give you Bliss
Happiness is a state of being, my friend
When will you realize this?
From the time we are born, we seek Happiness
Just as we run away from pain
We start seeking pleasure and then we seek Peace
We seek Happiness again and again
Ananda is that state of Joy
It is true Bliss without a tear
We transcend the suffering of ego, body, and mind
And we live without worry and fear
But this state of Ananda, this state of Joy
Doesn't come to us for free
Until we become conscious of the Truth
In this state we cannot be
It starts with the Realization of the Truth
Overcoming the myth in life
Renouncing all superstitions and rituals
That create misery and strife

When we go in quest, 'What is the Truth?'
It is then that we get to find
All that we were taught when we were a child
Was a lie, but we were just blind
When we are Enlightened with the Truth
It is then we get to know
We are not this body, we are not this mind
This world is just a show
We realize that we are the Divine Soul
That causes us to live until death
The day we leave this physical body
There is death, there is no breath
But we are that, the Divine Soul
To realize this is our goal
Then, we will experience true Ananda,
In Peace and Joy, we will roll
Why is it we don't realize the Truth?
Why the Truth we don't find?
Because we live as prisoners
Of the ego, body and mind
Our quest leads us to the Law of Karma
Our actions make our desires prevail
Then we realize there is no heaven and hell
It is all but a fairy tale
Today science agrees we are not the body that appears
Before this there was no synergy
It had warred with spirituality on almost all counts
But today both agree we are energy
When we become conscious of this Truth
Then the myth we leave behind
It is then that we open our spiritual eyes
We can see, we are no more blind
But soon the mind that's a monkey
Will jump from thought to thought
The Truth that we had realized
Will soon be forgot

The challenge is to stay conscious
And to observe as a witness
Only then the Truth that we have realized
Will give us Happiness
The Truth is the Truth, no one can deny
But we must be conscious of it
Otherwise though we have the knowledge
We will lose sight of it
Consciousness is not an easy thing
It's unknown to the world
Only a few are blessed to experience
What the wise sages had told
SatChitAnanda, they used to say
Consciousness, Truth, Bliss
But what this state actually was
Nobody could understand this
Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss
But how this Joy, can one find?
Unless one realizes the Truth
They remain prisoners of the mind
Ananda is that state of Bliss
It is a state of Joy that's rare
It is eternal Peace and everlasting
Bliss But you must pay the fare
You must be conscious of the Truth
If you want everlasting Peace
Then the triple suffering that makes you cry
Will, once and for all, cease
Nothing will affect you in this world
As you surrender and you accept
The Divine Leela of the Lord
You will realize you passed the test
Nothing is real, it is just like a dream
In the end, we all must go
But if we live conscious of the Truth
We will truly enjoy the show
Those who don't know, they fret and fume
They look at the sky and they cry
They try to make sense from what happens
They pray and ask God, ‘Why?’
But those who live conscious of the Truth
They live a life of Bliss
They have learnt to live in the moment
Forever in Happiness
SatChitAnanda is a seamless Joy
Being conscious living in Peace
Nothing that happens in the world
Can make our Bliss cease
For deep within we enjoy Peace
And conscious of the Truth we live
We know it’s a dream, it’s not real
We love, we laugh and we give
But is it easy to achieve this state...
This state of eternal Bliss?
Oh, no! As long as we have the mind
It’s difficult to achieve this
As long as the monkey mind in us
Creates all the junk
There can be no Ananda
Till the Monkey becomes a Monk
Then, we can live with Consciousness
With Peace, with Joy, with Bliss
Nothing that happens in this mortal world
Will steal our Happiness
SatChitAnanda is eternal Bliss
It is our ultimate goal
It comes when we transcend ego, body, mind
And we live as the Divine Soul
We are all seeking Happiness
When all we want is Peace
When we turn within, we will find it
And our stress and worry will cease

Peace is an inner thing
It is a state of Mind
If we can only be quiet
This treasure we will find

There is a Monkey within
That jumps from thought to thought
Our very own Mind is the thief
That must in our quest be caught

And so, we lose our Peace of Mind
As we fill our Mind with junk
If we want to restore Peace within
We must make the Monkey a Monk

Until we stop this 'Ever Yearning'
And we stop our constant crave
We will take stress and anxiety
With us into our grave

Peace is the foundation of Happiness
Without Peace there can be no bliss
If we want to be really Happy
In our Mind we must plant this

It starts with making the Mind still
Stopping it from a burst of thoughts
Tying the Mind with a virtual rope
Tightly with many knots

We live with worry, anxiety, and stress
Right through our life
The cause may be a failing business
Or a nagging husband or wife

But the pity is life will soon be gone
And we will lose the treasure of Peace
Only worries we will carry with us
When this gift of life will cease

In ignorance we search for worldly things
Rubies, diamonds and gold
Turmoil and worry will create wrinkles
And soon we will be old

We run through life like mad men
Seeking this and that
We get lost in a world of desires
We become as blind as a bat

As long as our Mind is not still
We can never enjoy Peace
The Monkey Mind jumps here and there
From New York to Rome, and Greece

But we don't need to go anywhere
Peace if we want to find
All we have got to do is this
Just still the Monkey Mind

The Mind fills us with negative thoughts
Of anger, revenge and hate
It creates so much worry and stress
That we exist in a joyless state

First we must flip from NEP to PEP
From negative to positive
We must give a shampoo to the Mind
Then with Bliss and Joy we will live

We must discover the Monk within
And live like a Peaceful Soul
The challenge is to discover this
It's our life's ultimate goal

We must be Conscious, Aware, Awake
To Realize the Truth of Life
Then we will be free from all stress
Worry, Anxiety and Strife

We are not the body or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul
But the Monkey Mind and Ego together
Makes the ME pay the toll

We lose this gift of Peace of Mind
The source of joy and bliss
Because of the Monkey Mind within
This treasure of life we miss

There is away to find this Peace
We must cut the Monkey's tail
The 'Ever Yearning’ of life must stop
Otherwise, we will fail

We come with nothing, we go with nothing
Life is just a show
The Mind makes us just run and run
And then it's time to go

Instead of being in the moment with Peace
Living with bliss in the 'now'
We swing to the past and jump to the future
Like a wandering cow

We never learnt to sit still
And go within to find
The treasure of Peace that is inside
Is stolen by our Mind

And so, the secret of Peace is this
We must make the Monkey a Monk
Our Mind flooded with rotten thoughts
Must be cleared of the junk

The Mind seems intoxicated
With all that it has drunk
How will we ever find Peace
Until we make it a Monk

So, let us start anew journey
To discover the treasure of Peace
Then worry, stress, and anxiety
In life will completely cease

We will reach that state of bliss
Of Peace and tranquillity
If we stop the Monkey Mind
Jumping from tree to tree

Our ultimate goal is Eternal Peace
Purification that leads to ilumination
And then, Realization of the Truth
That will lead to Divine Unification

The treasure of Peace belongs to us
But it is stolen by the Mind
Until we control the Monkey within
This treasure we will never find

Peace of Mind will bloom in us
When the Monkey becomes a Monk
When we escape from worry and stress
And anxiety in which we are sunk

And so, if you want to be happy, my friend
First, Peace you must find
You cannot enjoy joy and bliss
Until you still your Mind

You can experience Peace of Mind
But for this you must be a Monk
If you want pure tranquillity
Get rid of your Mind's junk

And when you cut the Monkey's tail
Stop it Yearning this and that
You will discover the Monk within
And Peace within your hat

Peace is a gift to all of us
If a Monk we learn to be
But we live with stress and anxiety
Because of the Mind Monkey

If we resolve to live like a Monk
Controlling the Monkey Mind
Peace and tranquillity, bliss and joy
Every moment we will find
We all have been given this gift of life
But we don't know how to live
We forget to read the Life Manual
Today, this to you, I give

This Life Manual that I share
Is what I have experienced
It's not theory, it's practical
It's the way I have lived

Who are we? Why are we here?
This we were never taught
We live through life and soon it's over
But these questions, we forgot

Are we the body that lives and grows
And then finally dies?
Or are we something else, which at death
Into the universe flies?

What about the mind, do we have one?
Has anyone found the mind?
We can touch our nose and scan our heart
But the mind we cannot find!

Life is a journey from birth to death
There is no guarantee
We pay nothing for this precious gift
It is given to us for free

But there is a purpose for us on earth
Not to just live and die
Before this journey comes to an end
To find out, 'Who am I?'

We are not the body, we are not the mind
Nor the ego that we are told
The truth is different, we must realize
We are the Divine Soul

Instead of realizing this truth, we wander
In this world of many a thing
We crave for pleasures, but don't realize
Happiness is a state of being

Things don't make us happy
Nor people, or places give us bliss
Happiness is an inner thing
In life, this truth we miss

Everybody has problems; this is a fact
A problem free life is an illusion
Problems don't come to stay forever
Get rid of this delusion

We think time is ticking, but time is still
It is life that actually moves on
Moment by moment, we live our life
Till death, from the time we are born

What do we do when we start our day?
We just jump into it
We never learnt what life truly is
For this, we must silently sit

It's only when we spend time in peace
That we will experience joy
Then we will feel what true bliss is
It's amazing, oh boy!

But we don't stop to understand life
We are just running in this race
We increase our pace and get caught in the maze
Trying to be an ace!

Somebody told us, 'Success is Happiness'
So the wealth of this world we chase
In the end, our life is in a mess
Though we have gold, diamonds, and lace

But nothing belongs to us, don't we know?
We will leave everything behind
We come with nothing, we go with nothing
This truth – when will we nd?

Those who try to understand life
They live with contentment
They don't let their greed overtake their need
They find fulfilment

There is a way to everlasting joy
And to experience Divine peace
For this, we must smell the flowers
And enjoy the rabbits and the geese

We are so busy in this material world
Spirituality, we do not know
Very few realize we are the Soul
Before the time comes to go

Life is a product given to us
But we don't unwrap this gift
The paper and ribbons are still around
Till that time when we don’t exist

We just exist, we don't really live
We don't discover what life is
Sinking in this world of material pleasure
Peace and bliss we miss

And so, I thought I'll write this book
Not just scratch my pen
But share with you what life truly is
Before my life comes to an end

We still have time, we can discover
How we must live our life
How we can find joy and peace
Escaping misery and strife

We have a choice, we have a free will
Everything doesn't depend on luck
The Universal Law of Karma does work
What we sow is what we will pluck

To think our thoughts, we have the mind
But it makes us wander, in fact
To  eliminate the stress and worry it causes
We must use our intellect

The intellect is a tool given to us
To discriminate black from white
To make important decisions of life
And to choose what is right

We live with passion and attachment
While nothing belongs to us
The way to joy is detachment
Just letting go, without a fuss

Why should we fear? Why should we worry?
Why be stressed and anxious, my dear?
Find the way to be happy
Right through the year

For this we must pause, not rush through life
This gift of life we must understand
Enjoy the mountains and the sunsets
Beautiful beaches and white sand

We still have time to realize the truth
Find out, 'Who are we?'
We are not the mind; we are not the ego
That constantly says ‘It's ME’

One day, the body will die
But the one who was alive within
Will carry all actions unsettled
And be born with a brand-new skin

How does death happen, do you know?
It's when the Soul inside departs
When the life power in us decides to leave
Then this chapter ends, another starts

Whatever we think and we call, ‘Ours’
People, possessions… everything
At death nothing will belong to us
We can't even carry a ring

What is death, have you ever thought?
Or do you just blink your eyes?
It's time to stop, to contemplate, to think,
Whenever somebody dies

We too will go one day, for sure
We will not be forever on earth
Every living being that lives
Must die, if it takes birth

But we don't realize all this
We are ruled by the monkey mind
Until we stop its constant chatter
The truth we will not find

For the mind is full of rotten thoughts
We suffer because of this junk
If we want to discover the true meaning of life
We must make the monkey a monk

There's one more thing to learn in life
That agony is caused by the ego
For if we want to nd our God
We must let go of our ego

Our Ultimate Goal is to realize God
Not in a temple, monastery or church
God lives within our heart
When will we start our search?

We all remain stuck in our religion
About God, it teaches us ABC
We need to grow and evolve spiritually
Then the true God we will see

God doesn't live on a distant planet
Somewhere far away
It's God that makes our heart beat
Each moment of every day

Most of us are ignorant
And think ignorance is bliss
How to live this amazing life
Alas, we just miss!

We live, we die, we are born again
Such is the life show
Karma will decide when we will die
When it is time to go

If we plant apples, we won't get mangoes
It's a law, don't you agree?
Such is the law, we die and take rebirth
From this cycle, we must be free

There is a way to escape Karma
And to escape from rebirth
If only we realize we are the Divine Soul
We won't return to earth

Realization is a rare gift
Not everybody this treasure can find
Those who truly love God
Transcend body, ego and mind

They discover they are the Soul within
In fact, they are Divinity
They don't see humans as bone and skin
They see God in you and me

This is the ultimate goal of life
For us to realize the truth
We must discover who we truly are
Get to the bottom of the root

But we are so busy consuming life
The Life Manual we do not read
All we know, is to clothe this skin
And our greedy body we feed

Having fun, life gets over
But hello! That's not the end!
Death is not the end of the game
Death is only a bend

It's time to stop and to start anew
Living life each day
Holding the Life Manual in our hand
And finding the right way

Understanding life is an important thing
Who are we? Why are we here?
Realizing the truth and then being free
Living without a tear

We can be conscious and live in bliss
We   can have joy and peace
If only we understand this product called 'Life'
But we must pay our fees

Then we will be free from problems and sorrows
We will only have joy and bliss
We will enjoy each moment of life
This treasure we will not miss

This Life Manual is a Divine gift
It shows us the way to live
To realize God in every Soul
As we give and we forgive

It's time to wipe out all that we've learned
Cleaning the slate of our mind
Living a new life with this Manual now
Joy, peace and bliss, we will find
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord

After Belief, Prayer, Faith, Hope & Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Importance of a Guru comes before step eleven
For without a Guru, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to overcome ignorance, he makes us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step eleven to realize the truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, so shall we reap, that will be our food
But step twelve on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn how to God our Soul must fly

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War Within that can make us lame
We must transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
For God do we all search
In temple, mosque, and church
Little do we know that the ego does hide
That very God that lives inside

We must let  go of the ego
If God we must find
And for this, we must realize
The biggest enemy is the mind

But first, it is the ego
That keeps saying 'I' and 'me'
It dominates our life so much
That God we cannot see

God is not on a faraway planet
Nor an old man with a long white beard
God lives in the temple of our heart
Alas, his voice is not heard

The ego makes us deaf and blind
It stops us from the truth  
And makes us pray to a statue and a saint
And a God with a snake and a flute

What does the ego do in fact?
It creates duality
It makes God different from us
And the truth we cannot see

The world has hundreds of religions
And thousands of Gods to whom we pray
The fact is we don't know who God is
And we don't even know what we say

As long as the ego dominates our life
Between God and us, it creates a veil
And though God is right here and now
To realize God, we fail

Because the ego causes ignorance
The truth we cannot see
We believe in the myth and superstition
And just be who we are told to be

The ego is my identity
The ego says, ‘This is me’
Because I keep saying 'My' and 'Mine'
The God within, I don't see

The ego makes me suffer
Triple suffering with body and mind
It is the ego that makes me cry
With miseries of a different kind

‘How dare you did not do it!'
This anger, revenge,  and  hate
It's the ego that makes us go around
And stops us from heaven's gate

Who is, where is, what is God?
The ego makes us juggle so much
It makes us search here and there
As our God, it tries to touch

But God, in reality, is within
God has no bone, nor skin
God is a Power that gives us life
In the trillions of cells within

What is birth, what is death?
Why did we come to earth?
God is the one that makes us live
God gives us the human birth

Without God, what are we?
Without the Soul, we are nothing
The body, in the end, returns to dust
It is God that is everything

Unless we go in search for the truth
Unless we start our quest
We will just believe the myth
And fail if we don't question and test

Life is like a spiritual puzzle
The pieces we must find
We must put together who we are
And not live like we are blind

The truth is simple, but we don't see it
After death, there is rebirth
It is our own actions, our Karma
That brings us back to earth

The Soul is a Power in us,
With the body and mind, just a part
The Mind and Ego is the one reborn
When God in us departs

But we do not realize this truth
Because the ego says, ‘It’s me’
The Soul, the God that is within
The blind ego does not see

The ego is always looking out
With the senses and the mind
It does not realize the self, that's us
Being a prisoner of the mind

We are not body, we are not mind
The truth is we are the Soul
Self-realization is the first step
That takes us to this goal

When 'we' realize, not body and mind
We are the Power that's the Soul
We also realize  the  God  in  all
That manifests as the whole

What stops us from such Realization?
What stops us from Liberation?
It is the ego that stops us from God A
nd from Divine Unification

Man minus Ego is God
If we remove the Ego, we will find
God plus Ego is Man
With Body, Ego, and Mind

So, we must let go of the ego
If God we must find
For as long as we think we are 'ME'
The journey we will rewind

God actually lives within us
His silent voice we do not hear
Because the ego and the mind
Make us live with a deaf ear

They make us live in this world and suffer
Believing all this is real
They hide the God that is within us
As in the world we twirl

God is not far away, God is near
God is in you and me
But as long as we believe we are the ego
God we cannot see

The very God we are looking for
Is right inside our heart
But the ego that is screaming day and night
Tears the truth apart

We just live and we just die
And God do we all seek
It is the ego that stops our climb
From scaling the spiritual peak

What is our life's ultimate goal?
To realize we are the Soul
We are the very God we seek
Not the ego that plays its role

The ego that lives saying,‘It’s me’
Makes us go  round  and  round
It stops us from finding God within
As it fixes us to the ground

The truth is this and nothing else
God lives in us within
Let us stop going in search outside
And go within our skin

What stops us from going within
It is the ego and the mind
Though God is very near in us
Our Lord we never find

God never leaves us even for a moment
God is with us all the time
But the ego is craving for this and that
And so God we do not find

It's easy, all that we must do
Let go of the ego and mind
Then shining deep within
God we will find
O God! Will you answer my prayers?
O Lord! Will you take away my tears?
O Divine! I am so worried about my fears
We pray, but don't know the meaning of our prayers

Of course, most of the world does pray
Not many of us know the meaning of what we say
We just fold our hands and close our eyes
And call out to the one who we think is above the skies

If we pray, but don't understand what we say
Then we don't pray, at best we bray!
It's time to stop and find out the truth
What is prayer? Get to the bottom of the root

Who is God and where is He?
Aren't our prayers for God meant to be?
If we don't know God, but still we pray
Then who is listening to what we say?

We pray because we have some desire
Or because of problems that consume us like fire
Isn't there a reason we go to God?
Or just for fun do we pray to our Lord?

Some people pray because they truly love God
There are others who pray out of fear of the Lord
A very few pray to express their thanks
They evolve in life's journey and cross to God's banks

Prayer has a purpose, to God we do talk
Some stop to listen, they don't just walk
Prayer that works is a two-way communication
A tool that leads to ultimate liberation

There are rituals and superstitions in every religion
They make us get confused and cloud our vision
We are so controlled by what our scriptures say
That we just blindly follow, day after day

Is prayer all about mumbling something to God?
Is it about praying, not knowing who is our Lord?
Unless we first know who God truly is
We may say many prayers, but the main point we miss

Therefore, in quest of God, we must go
We must ask questions until we ultimately know
God is not someone made of bone and skin
He is a Power that lives within

How do we know that God is a Power?
When will we stop praying at some religious tower?
If we must realize the truth about God
First know, who is the one that's praying to the Lord

Self-realization marks the beginning of our quest
It asks questions putting every belief to test
Then we realize that we are not ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, this truth we find

What is the Soul? Is it different in you and me?
The Soul is a Power, different it cannot be
It is one Power that gives life to everything on earth
It goes when we die and it comes at birth

What is the Soul and where does it go?
Fill two balloons with air for this truth to know
When you deflate the balloons, where goes the air?
It merges with the air that is everywhere

So is the Soul, it's not just in us
It's in everything that moves on this earth, and thus,
Man, beast, plant, bird or fish, whatever it be
The Soul creates the life, the Soul is the key

Then we realize that everything is God,
We are all nothing, without the power of the Lord.
God is the cause, only effects are we
We would be nothing in the absence of He

When we know this truth, it changes our life
We live in bliss, without misery and strife
When God is within, then there is no fear
The Divinity in us wipes out every tear 

Realization changes the way that we pray
For now, we know who is the one to whom we say
The Divine is not someone sitting up in the sky
He lives within each one of us, right till we die

When we know that God lives in every human being
He lives in every animal and every living thing
Then we realize serving humanity is prayer
Our love and compassion, God will surely hear

Prayer becomes simple seeing everything beautiful as God
True prayer is not seeing the beauty, but the Divinity of our Lord
Then we not only pray when a temple bell we ring
But rather, at every song that the little birds sing

True prayer is all about being connected with God
Being disconnected with the world, being one with the Lord
Transcending cravings of the senses and desires of the mind
True bliss and peace being with God we find

Some people pray hard, but they don't pray smart
For many years they pray, but they never learn the art
True prayer is first knowing to whom we pray
And then understanding exactly what we do say

If we rumble and mumble a few words in prayer,
Is this communicating with God? Will this prayer He hear?
When we discover the true meaning of folding our hands
Then we are liberated, and go to God's land

What is our life's ultimate goal?
It's to realize we are the Divine Soul
Overcoming ignorance, that leads to God-realization
Liberation and ultimately, Divine unification

There is a purpose for us human beings on earth
There is a reason why we pray after we take birth
Prayers create faith, trust, and love for God
And ultimately make us unite, make us one with our Lord
Religion is just a kindergarten
It’s just a preparatory school
It prepares us for formal education
So that we don’t grow up to be a fool

Spirituality is graduation
University that follows school
It helps us become graduates
So that we can jump into the world pool

What would we do without Religion?
Without ABC where would we go?
If nobody taught us the basics
We would end up with a poor show

But can we live our entire life
Learning in a nursery?
Imagine growing up as big adults
Just learning ABC

We all need to progress
We all need to grow
We need all kinds of knowledge
So that our life boat we can row

While learning is important
And it is a must to go to school
If we want to achieve our life goal
Then Spirituality is the tool

Who is God, where is God, what is God?
If answers we want to know
Then we must go on a Spiritual quest
Knocking door to door

We can’t just believe in Religion
From birth until death
For it only teaches the basics
It is just like taking breath

From Religion we need a transfer
From kindergarten, we must grow
We must ask questions about God
Not just accept what scriptures show

Of course, we need Religion
We can’t do without it.
But if we only stick to Religion
We will only learn the myth

Religion starts our journey to God
It builds our faith and hope
It teaches us to pray
And how in life we must cope

But Religion doesn’t have answers
It doesn’t take us to God
It doesn’t show us a way
Where we can unite with our Lord

Spirituality is a university
It’s all about going on a quest
It is not an easy game
And we must pass the test

What is Spirituality all about?
To realize we are the Soul
To be liberated from this alluring world
This is our Ultimate Goal

While Religion makes us imprisoned
In myth, ritual, and superstition
Spirituality makes us realize the Truth
And then gives us Liberation

What is the Truth Spirituality shows?
We are not ego, body, and mind
We are the Spirit, the Divine Soul
This Truth, it helps us find

Spirituality is not just knowledge
It is realizing the Truth about self
It first teaches us what we are not
And puts the Truth on the shelf

If we are not the body and the mind
Then in reality who are we?
Of course, we know we exist
Then the inner Spirit we must be

There is a Power inside us
That comes to us at birth
We may call it the Soul, the Spirit, the Atman
It’s with us till we are on earth

But ignorance makes us blind
Making us think we are body and mind
We don’t realize we are the Soul
With realization this we find

Realization can’t be taught in schools
We may read many a book
But until we Spiritually evolve
Ignorance will catch us by the hook

Spirituality is a long journey
It needs a Spiritual Master
He will help us realize the Truth
And to God, we will go faster

What is the essence of Spirituality?
What is this all about?
It is our true Love for God
To God a direct route

But God can’t be found in temples
Nor in church or mosque is He
God is a Universal Power
There is not a place where He cannot be

God is in you,God is in me
God is everywhere on earth
God is that Power that gives life
Without God, there can be no birth

It is not so difficult to realize
At death, we come to know
The body just lies on the floor
But where did the Spirit go?

The Spirit is the Lord that is inside us
The Truth is that we are He
We are not the Body, Ego, and Mind
Spirituality makes us see

Our Souls are not different
At death, we see our Souls pair
Just like when we deflate two balloons
The air merges with the air that is everywhere

God is a Power that is everywhere
God is Energy too,
God is in you, God is on me
Spirituality shows us this is true

But why is it that we don’t realize
This simple Truth about God?
Because we are going round in circles
Praying to our religious Lord

We must go beyond our Religion
A lot further we must go
We must march to our Lord
And Spiritually we must grow

We need not change our Religion
All Religions in the world are good
But they cannot make us realize God
They give us our basic food

Religions are good we must know
They teach us faith and hope
They teach us to believe in God
But sadly, tie us with a rope

If we truly love God then we must
On a Spiritual quest, we must go
Our goal must be to realize God
Before the end of our life show

Most people believe in Religion
They pray from birth to death
But they never realize the Truth about God
Performing rituals till their last breath

But life is given to us
So that God we must know
We must evolve Spiritually
And our Soul to God must go

It is not possible with Religion
We all need Spirituality
Kindergarten can do the basics
But we need a university

So, make a resolution today
A quest that you will start now
You will not stop until you realize God
Take this solemn vow
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