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Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
Hunger is all I know at the sight of you
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
Is this really what love is?... I thought it would be a good thing...
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
I'm dumb, I romanticize everything about you. Maybe that's why I like you so much :/
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
I'm choking not because I'm jealous, but because I know how replaceable I am.
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
My body is stained with the melancholy scent of you
Not that I'm complaining... Your scent is what keeps me going
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
Every word he speaks becomes my new favorite word. . .
Ikari Kanashī Dec 2020
Maybe I won't feel so ashamed talking to you if I forget our past.. though it's probably impossible.. I don't know..part of me wishes I never knew you.. and the other part wants to be yours again. It's a constant battle though I can never hate you. I just feel selfish for wanting you so badly.. is it wrong? To be addicted to someone like you? You're obviously not human.. you're something else. You're trapped in this world and your mind wants to be free.. I'm not helping much am I.. I'm just here falling in love with you every time we speak.
I can't even describe how he makes me feel without choking on my words...
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