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 Feb 2020 JcA
W. S. Merwin
Your absence has gone through me
Like thread through a needle.
Everything I do is stitched with its color.
 Feb 2020 JcA
 Feb 2020 JcA
Every morning I wake up and cry.
I wish I hadn't woken up again.
I only want to die.
Because in my dreams,
I am not alone.
 Jan 2020 JcA
 Jan 2020 JcA
I swim in their wide oceans.
I fly around in their skies.
I pierce very deep into them;
When I look in their eyes.

Everything appears so clear;
When my eyes walks inside.
Their every secret lay so bare.
Desperately they try to hide.

But my aren't safe either;
Secrets which I want to disguise.
Others can look deep too;
And I too have vulnerable eyes.
 Jan 2020 JcA
Poems aren't written,
they're found,
Somewhere in your head the words are waiting,
They're sprawled across the floor,
You just need to pick them up,
Make a path with them,
Let your path guide observers,
And if you can't write,
Walk down somebody's else's path first,
First poem I've written, to anybody who reads this is hope you enjoyed it and it made you day a little better
 Jan 2020 JcA
 Jan 2020 JcA
I was sleeping
With your shirt on
While she was
Sleeping next to you
 Jan 2020 JcA
Moonlight shine
 Jan 2020 JcA
He’s a falling star
Burning in the night
He’s the shimmer on the water
In the river of moonlight.
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