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 Jan 2019 E
Jon York
It's still you,                               Miss Me                Time Plays     
It's still you.                               Like Your                 Tricks        
                                                    Losing Me.       On Your Memory

Be you.                                        We're all                      Like Rain
Do you.                                         trying to                        I Fell
For you.                                 forget someone.                For You.

You Left                                       My Love                      I'll Meet
but Still                                          For You                   You Where
you Linger.                             Was Bulletproof.           We Began

Remember When                           I Miss                      Can't Sleep
You Were                                       What We                   Because
my World?                                  Never Had.
                                                            ­                              Something Is
                                                              ­                              Missing.
You'll Always                              You Were
be my                                          My Lifeboat,                  
favorite Almost.                         I Drowned.                She Warned
                                                          ­                                  Me About
                                                           ­                                 Loving Her
I'd Be here                                       It Still
if  She Asked.                                Hurts At
                                                           3  AM                     I warned
                                                                ­                          Her About
                                                           ­                               Loving Me
     I Almost                                    Come And
     Had You                                   Waste Time
     Didn't I?                                     With Me.                 We Exist
                                                           ­                              In Moments
                                                         ­                              Nothing More.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in life, not to change things. Just to feel a couple of things twice.

                                                         ­                            Jon York   2019
 Jan 2019 E
A linguists dream
 Jan 2019 E
I want him to become so dizzy with me that he forgets what language he speaks and has to make up his own

Starting and ending with my name
 Dec 2018 E
 Dec 2018 E
I love you
And I just learned that you love me
But now we are too shy to talk to each other
And it's driving us apart
 Dec 2018 E
 Dec 2018 E
I've been changing a lot these days. It feels like up until this point I was just a caterpillar, growing and eating. Absorbing information and understanding. But now I'm ready for the change. Ready to use all that I've learned and absorbed. I've weaved my cocoon and now I am ready to emerge from it's safety and isolation.

Today I leave behind my chrysalis and embrace my life as a butterfly.
 Nov 2018 E
when people talk about love
I don’t think of you anymore
I think it would be so beautiful if everyone added a line or two to this
 Nov 2018 E
 Nov 2018 E
To My Soulmate,

When you enter my world
I will give you everything
I will become your anything
And when we are apart
You couldn't fathom
Such a lonely and empty feeling
So stay by my side
So that we can be whole
A home inside of me
A palace within you

Sincerely, a soul in search of someone searching
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