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rhiannon May 2019
You have an empty feeling that comes from within
You long to share your feelings but no one will listen
You reach out for open arms, but nobody is there
Your tears fall to the ground, but nobody cares
You pick up the phone, but have no one to call
You feel overwhelmed; your mind is a crawl
You lay in your bed in the light of the moon
Just so you don’t see those who aren’t there for you

I open my eyes
But it’s better they stay closed
For what misery today will bring
I just don’t know

Every day is like the one before
I find I’m more hurt and lost
Than ever before

I can’t remember a time
Where I was happy and smiling
It feels like forever
That inside I’ve been dying

It’s strange
But I’ve got used to it
Being this way
It’s part of my life now
Depressed everyday

I thrive on the sadness
That tears at my heart
I find some sort of comfort in it
This pain that rips me apart

I was once smiling
Once warm
And so care free
Now I look at myself
And say
“What has happened to me?”

What made me this way?
So cold and lost
Were the memories so bad
That I forced them to be forgot

How can I break free?
And leave this behind
I’m tired of being this way all the time

I just want to be held close
But I know I will push everyone away
I’m too scared to let anyone in
Because I know no one will stay

How do you fix a soul
Which has pieces long gone
How do you fix a life
That has gone so badly wrong

How do you save me?
When I’ve fallen so far
How can you heal these wounds
Which have turned to scars?

This is who I am
Every day and every night
Sad isn’t it?
When all i want is to be happy,to have a friend,to forget the past
i am always depressed,lonely,self harming,scared,having panic attacks,flashbacks of the past
I'm suicidal!
rhiannon May 2019
No feeling

There is happiness around me,

then why do i feel sad.

There is everything around me,then why do i feel bad.

i feel gloomy and at a loss of words,

i know its kind of absurd,

but i feel some kind of pain within,

A strange emptiness that i feel,

I really don’t know the reason for it,

but life is hurting me, bit by bit!

I hate this feeling

I hate this feeling of being so lonely,

Without someone around who understands me,

i may be surrounded by lots of friends

Yet i long someone to fill this emptiness within me.
i am feeling suicidal
rhiannon May 2019
I am the rain

gently patting

the rooftop

the drop

sliding down

your window

i glide

past the glow

of your lamp


to the warmth

of your fingertips

as they press

against the glass

losing grip

i slid away
  May 2019 rhiannon
The first measures of your favorite song coming on the radio
The lurch your stomach gives when you go too high on a swing
Dancing in the rain, and splashing in the puddles
The relief in flopping yourself down on your bed after a hard day
Happy dreams
The moment you realize there is one more cookie in the box
Your favorite outfit
Hugs from loved ones
Discovering beautiful shells on the beach
Waking up and realizing you still have a couple hours to sleep
The joy of saying, “I love you”
The joy of hearing it back
Lazy Sunday afternoons
Happy birthday wishes
Deep, meaningful conversations with friends
Little children running in the sun, enjoying life
Helping a classmate with homework
Reconnecting with old friends
The awe you feel watching a sunset
Raindrop races on windows
That grin you give your friend across the room when the teacher says, “pick a partner”
Hot showers after a good game
Stuffed animals that don't mind being squeezed and cried on
The tears and hugs of making up
Realizing the moment you fall in love
The congregation passionately singing your favorite hymn
Spreading God's Word
Puppies and kittens
That text from the right person at the right time
Surprising your friends with little gifts
The smell of new books
The smell of old books
Capturing that perfect picture
Your unknown potential
God's love
Feel free to add more reasons in the comments!  This poem is for anybody going through a rough time; don't worry, it will get better!
rhiannon Apr 2019
You pretend you care
you pretend you understand
you make me feel special
then you shout in my face
and tell me to
F* off *****!
and make me cry
i feel worthless
and i don't
want to
live anymore
so say bye
because i'm
i'm going,
so bye to the world
because you won't see me again
i'm fed up
of living with all the abuse
why should i keep
living with this
so baby,i'm going
going gone!
never trust anyone
they betray you
use you
abuse you
depress you
and make you feel
like your never
meant to belong
so bye everyone
i'm going to heaven!
rhiannon Mar 2019
Hannah is a medical student with a serious addiction to video games
~ A Biography ~
Hannah Lauren Donaldson is a 22-year-old medical student who enjoys adult colouring books, cookery and spreading fake news on Facebook. She is gentle and generous, but can also be very sad and a bit depressed.

She is addicted to video games, something which her friend Oscar Dustin Hammond pointed out when she was 18. The problem intensified in 2019.

She is English who defines herself as straight. She is currently at college. studying medicine. She is obsessed with selfies.

Physically, Hannah is in good shape. She is average-height with bronze skin, grey hair and brown eyes. She has sticking-out-ears.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Her father left when she was young, leaving her with her mother, who was an addict.

She is currently in a relationship with Horace Keith Cummings. Horace is 18 years older than her and works as a builder.

Hannah's best friend is a medical student called Oscar Hammond. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with Brandon Reynolds and Carmen Watts. They enjoy playing video games together.
rhiannon Mar 2019
Joshua Middleton sat crouched in an alley. It was midnight. Where is Keri - Josh questioned himself. Keri, Josh's newest case, was a ghost girl. She was supposed to meet Josh in the alley, at midnight. Together, they only had one minute to make it to the Middle Grounds, protected by the only time of night that death took a breather. So where was Keri? Josh checked his watch. She should be here! Suddenly, Josh heard a noise, it was Keri floating above the roof. Josh didn't have time to talk, so he blurted out - "Let's go!" The Middle Grounds were only a mile away, and midnight was the only time Keri could escape to the middle grounds without being carried into the after-life. Keri and Josh took off running, running as quickly as he could manage, they still would never make it. Running at twelve miles an hour, the clock moved to 12:01. Death roared through the city, making Keri and Josh speed up. The grounds were in sight, Keri lept over the border and fell, crying, with joy.
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