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  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Shruti Dadhich
On my way,
One day,
I met a handsome guy,
Who was on the seventh sky,
He told me I looked like a ****** ***!!!
& with his sayings I was embraced
I cried & went to the mirror,
I asked,"Do I look good???
  Am I too fatty or too slimmer??? "
Laughing at me it didn't answer,
I understood & was filled with tear,
Oh I didn't eat during day
& couldn't sleep in night,
It was like I wasn't made for this beautiful beauty filled site,
& hiding my face I went out, & stood aside...
I looked at the moon,
Jealous of his beauty I closed myself in my room...
I forgot the incident & was lost in the world of books,
No I wasn't at all focussing on my looks,
Oh after bending over backward for several months,
I got the fruitful results,
Now that handsome proud guy saluted me,
& the mirror couldn't match his eyes from me,
& now I stood in front of moon's fake light,
Asking it to ignite itself,
& be bright,
Else at his place, he will see myself!!!
Looks seriously don't matter, the thing that matters is one's hardworking, & one's attitude towards life!!!
& beauty isn't in one's face, but it's in one's heart, & one's behaviour!!!
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Shruti Dadhich
Looking at a sharp knife in my hand,
& me going out in midnight,
She thought I was fed up & was standing near my end,
At last frightened she asked me,
       "Do you want to die?",
I told her,
       " No, just seeking for an another
          reason to survive..."
If you don't find any reason to survive, just once think of dying, trust me you will start loving your life!!!
                 Trust me, it works!!!
                   I'm experienced!!!
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
There once was a Fairy
Who lived in a magical world
Her sweet name was Mary
And she loved to be held

She loved to watch the stars
Twinkle brightly at night
Even though afar
They were a great sight

She watched the dusky sun
Rise early every morning
Whilst the birds would have fun
And humans were yawning

She skipped over lakes
Making the lake waters laugh
And fishes would wake
And give Mary a jacuzzi bath

She flew with Butterflies
And Dragonflies too
They ate custard pies
And egg foo foo

She made her own dress
From red autumn leaves
She was nicknamed The Best'
By all the lovely trees

She wore spaghetti hoops
In her long golden hair
And jumped through potholes loops
To explore natures flair

She'd slide down mountains
Rainbows as well
She brewed coffee in fountains
And rang a lunch time forest bell **
Fun fairy story x
rhiannon Sep 2018
By Rhiannon
I get on with life as a student,
I'm a sad kinda person.
I like knitting on Sundays,
I like writing poems in the week.
I like to contemplate writing.
But when I start to daydream,
My mind turns straight to reading.

Sometimes I look at myself and I look into my eyes,
I notice the way I think about reading with a smile,
Curved lips I just can't disguise.
But I think it's writing making my life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?
Writing or...

I like to use words like 'wow,'
I like to use words like 'super.'
I like to use words about writing.
But when I stop my talking,
My mind turns straight to reading.

Sometimes I look at myself and I look into my eyes,
I notice the way I think about reading with a smile,
Curved lips I just can't disguise.
But I think it's writing making my life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?
Writing or...

I like to hang out with Chelsey,
I like to kick back with Sophie,
But when left alone,
My mind turns straight to reading.

Sometimes I look at myself and I look into my eyes,
I notice the way I think about reading with a smile,
Curved lips I just can't disguise.
But I think it's writing making my life worthwhile.
Why is it so hard for me to decide which I love more?
Writing or...

I'm not too fond of swearing,
I really hate shouting,
But I just think back to reading,
And I'm happy once again.
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