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  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Ryan O'Leary
If Rick O'Shea was
a Buddhist he'd be
reincarnated as a
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Ryan O'Leary
DNA is a dyslexic
conjunction for a
back word haiku
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Ryan O'Leary
On waking, I imagined
you were by the side of
my bed standing with
the elegance of a gold
nib at the tip of a Mt.Blanc.

A letter from a ballerina
in calligraphic art, just as
a figure skater scribes
****** missives on ****** ice.
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Ryan O'Leary
If I am fortunate enough
to encounter this word
early on in a poem, then
my time is not a total waste.

As an example, let us try
and find an ingredient on
a food label which causes
such an allergic reaction.
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Jack L Martin
As I stare into the starlit sky
I wonder if i'll catch this guy?
Does Jupiter hide behind it's moons?
Do specters and goblins dance it's tunes?

Will Velma ever sing my song?
My heart for her will ever long!

Daphne, don't laugh at me!
Can't you see that what's happening,
is beautiful and sacred,
I wish you were naked
in my Mystery Van, half bake-ed
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
Kelly Rose
The moon’s pale light caresses me
My desire wakes by the moon’s glow
Dreaming under the Willow tree
The moon’s pale light caresses me
Passion is ignited and set free
Dark lust leaves me feeling ******
I dream of him in naughty glee
My desire wakes by the moon’s glow

Kelly Rose
© April 8, 2018
  Sep 2018 rhiannon
What once used to be my refuge
is now run down and forgotten.
What happened to my home?
Once it was warm and comforting
but now it is crumbling to pieces.
I sink to the floor,
Memories flash before my eyes,
my heart is clenching,
I'm lost.
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