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mEb Jun 2010
I wake up at 7 AM, its raining, go figure. I catch the bus by Cohen’s Food Co., soaked, on the bus now, and the windows are down. Lucky me. I brought my big Boss head set because last night the convenient apple iPod ear buds got soaked too. I guess it was karma. But at least these have good bass. Transit bus, not yet to arrive to the station, we travel over a vi doc, the distant fogged *** view? A St Louis skyline. Busy people in and out of the station. Babies. Druggies. Fuglies. The woman in front of me has no teeth. She kept doing a ritual gum technique with her lips. Smacking them inward as if her teeth were actually there. ****. I ride for awhile through the town. The plainest Jane land around, at least this Monday morning it was. My feet can’t touch the bus floor when I sit in the back. I like this, it reminds me of trips to California when I was small. The rental car was boring though once we got off the plane, Dad was asleep through the whole desert interstate. And my birthday, and your birthday. I’m at school. This junior college of filth. Free coffee though, I take a high advantage. MATH DRILL. Math. Simplifying the trickiest equations. Ratios and angles. Lateral products and dividing something half way through solving the problem. ***** math. 30 minute break. Smoking section. Nice little ash trays they supply, it would be a total turn off to walk far for a smoke in the wind. More coffee, I hate the taste, but need the caffeine. Second class starts. Writing. I like writing, but the projector smart board was broken, so we covered grammar from a text. We read something about complete sentences in the early 1920’s. In Europe. They would try as little as possible to use add verbs. Re-read this.
Born of a man who smiles
Never would he have a frown
A friend to walk with for miles
A king without a crown

They said he had special needs
But his heart would never fail
He would only do good deeds
Everybody knew of Timothy Dale

Always he had something special to say
He would stay with you, yes he would
He would always brighten up your day
Always trust in Timothy Dale you could

Even those who began treating him bad
They tried to make poor Timothy cry
He would even help them if they were sad
Timothy Dale, even for his enemies he would try

Children loved to hear him tell his stories
To tell them, well, he was the best
Told of long ago heroes and their glories
Told how they braved the trickiest quest

A time came when Timothy Dale grew old
And then poor Timothy Dale cried
There were no more tales left to be told
That was the day when a whole town cried

Those who would say poor Timothy was not bright
The entire town said he was the cleverest man
Now Timothy Dale is up in Heaven's light
He is telling Angels all the stories he can
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
I want my points
of entry into
states of wanton wide release grace to be
more graceful.

I want enough to
remember what's inside
the room to be able to resist the urge to claw,
drunkenly at the door frame or
**** the door **** because I am so far
gone from grace that this makes sense.

There's so much talk of a wealth divide.
Rich getting richer but what of the trickiest
shitfest yet?  How only grace begets
grace and doorknob ******* makes ******* doorknob
who'll likely be humpers too.
Joe Black Dec 2016
She is mystery
Sophisticated Puzzle,
Trickiest riddle
Most complicated task
To solve
She is marvellous Universe
My heart chose to float in
It's strange, weird,
Unknown darkness
Love every moment
Spent in you

Dedicated to girl one loves,
What can one say,
i'm in love
Renae Mar 2014
Testing testing testing
Do you know trichology?
Its oh so tricky you see
It's the trickiest thing to me
I can't seem to decipher between
pityriasis and pediculosis
Trichcatilosis it's all so  noxious
Hypertrochosis is an overgrowth process
If you knew what was happening to me
You'd be like "see ya wouldn't wanna be ya"
Because the effects on me of trichology  
is causing me alopecia
I am very nervous about my trichology test tomorrow in cosmetology school
Writing poems is like doing jigsaw puzzles in reverse.
The last piece is always the trickiest bit.

So, to help with my poetry, I tried doing a jigsaw puzzle in reverse.
And ended up with nothing.
Liz May 2013
You never know
what’s going to happen. Back then
there were more teachers than students
and I don’t think anyone grows up.
What if I don’t want to be promoted?
It’s like learning a foreign language.
Managing the cash flow was
the trickiest part of the job.

People knew.

I listened and responded to
their problems, questions, concerns.
Good citizens pay
bills on time, they show town pride.
I am grateful to live and work and appreciate
a good town we have for children.
Everyone works to find
common ground.

But I can’t relate.

Good work cannot be rewarded.
We breed animus and resentment.
weaver Nov 2013
In a language unknown,
in words truthful and opaque,
in dully shining rusted tones
he spins a tale of love and loss
that you lean forward to hear
and strain with all your being to understand,
because in his twists and corners you find you will Know.
Winding and vaguely present,
with wraparound phrases and
a heart that fathoms and unravels the trickiest of souls.
He Knows.

written for
Overwhelmed Mar 2012
it is half past midnight
and I am stumbling around in
the dark of enlightenment,
trying to find the lesson
it has for me this time
so I get the hell
out of

it’s a funny thing,
one of the trickiest
of the trickster

the one with the sickest
sense of humor, that’s for

but he seems
to know what he’s

he always helps me out,

but come on man.
I know what you’re doing.
stop ******* around
and just hit me
with it.

neither you nor I want it
but I’ve got to have it,
don’t I?

so hit me with it:

not in the shins with the coffee table,
not on the back with the arm of a coat,
but right in my face, with the full brunt
of your force.

I want it.
I need it.

it’s half past midnight
and I’ve got **** to
Yasin Jan 2018
Poems are magnificent,
everything can be misunderstood.

Attempt to express what I feel,
all my anxiety, fears and hopes.
My inner entity, my inner creature
Au naturel everything in me.
My inner companion me
Some day it fears, my inner demon me
But otherwise sort of Buddha me
Enough of me

I need more words
to fill the gap.
I just cant connect
through the crackles of my consciousness.
have a crack to hone
Improve, progress just words of today,
in a negative way.

Some folks say life is awful, some say it's exceptional
Of course, everybody has another view.
But why the question? Is there an alternative?
I would not answer this rather I fear my inner voice.
Who makes me cry and want to answer.
Then I approve my answer.
Ideas swirling in my head,
Maybe brilliant but then it's gone.
Thinking to store these ideas, never works...
The past feels more realistic than now .
Try to erase some memories, never works...
Some are gone by itself, but not the feelings.
Where am I now? Is this later gone?

Remember erased an emotional masterpiece.
These days i discovered that human is empathetic,
Never saw that coming.
Ideas too fast in my brain.
Everything's a fragment
Exceptional everything
Even incomplete human being
Where am I? I am lost.

A little twitch of an idea rattles
Every other. Understand me?
Words are the best way to communicate
Whether talking or reading them.
Where are more words?
What impression can someone convey with so less amount of words.

The brain is fascinating,
The complexity is beautiful,
It can do many things,
Talking, Reading, Processing,
Everything is a product of brains,
Neuronal connection rule everything,
The only beauty about a bad expression.
Although just few people hear you,
Rendition is a sophisticated process to handle,
There are too many opportunities  to process.

Some notion will rest for the time being,
A long lifetime not for everyone,
There is something missing.
Another notion will resist to leave ,
If somebody is here, feel free to sense ecstasy,
Is the gap filled? Not enough, need more.

Made by Brain, human's most trickiest stronghold,
Former age was simplicity itself,
Hold everything plain to pretend mistakes,
This is a vast blemish.
Even nature appears simple,
But in reality it is the complicated thing on earth.

Simplicity is a virtue while expressing.
Another virtue is empathy,
to feel what others feel
Human is poorly at understanding other being...
... Misconceptions occur
Those virtues counteract themselves.
This is my first written poem. I was inspired by a YouTuber whom I will mention later. At the beginning I started to write about my feelings, but then I noticed that I wrote it so difficult so that just me can understand it, decorated with hidden easter eggs. A new idea was that I write about my expression, I like to paraphrase even when I talk with other individuals and they have a hard time to understand me. It took me nearly five hours, but I was in a state of flow so I finished before I began.
Briana Jan 2015
sun's rays kissing
drooping eyelids
creating islands of softness
in thoughts.
curls smelling like honeyed coffee,
freckles dancing
to the warmth.

is the trickiest of things,
of which we will always be confused,
and contemplating,
and afraid of.
wanting to master,
to be content with,
to control.

but here,
minds are quieted
by sun's rays,
drooping eyelids,
and honeyed coffee.

whatever the truth may be,
lashes love the rays,
lips love the taste.
here on a soft island,
dipping toes into
reality's pool,
is just about right.
allison Feb 2017
Tell me, what is it like being the best and worst thing to ever happen to a person?  I used to be scared to cross the street because I knew I wouldn't care to stop and look both ways.  I would leave my car unlocked late at night and get back in without checking the backseat. And the ocean scared me because I always get ahead of myself.  I knew I would swim toward the horizon until my arms gave out. I knew I wouldn't be able to make it back to shore.  Growing up, I always had the trickiest time finding my pulse in gym class because it was so **** faint.  But I swear my heartbeat has never been near as profound as it is lying next to you.

Lover, please.. it's not too late to be gentle with one another.  I know things are hard and I know we have become broken.  I know two broken people aren't supposed to save each other, but what if that's wrong?  We, better than anyone, know the maps throughout one another's body, we know just where the cracks are.  What if we are both broken for the sole reason to mend one another?  My love, let me kiss you back together... Do you not want the same?

I need you to realize that the bottom of every bottle you drink will never be filled with love. Darling, please, put the bottles down... I know it seems like it's been raining for weeks, but I promise there is sunshine coming soon.  

I hope you know every time you smile the entire room lights up.  I hope you know simply thinking of your laugh is making me smile, now.  You made a broken girl write love poems when all she thought she was cut out for was over dramatic suicide letters.  And trust me, she swore that day would never come...

One day, I hope we can stand together at the top of the tallest building; and not wonder what it feels like to hit the ground.
And even still, I am warm
jeffrey conyers Jul 2014
Be truth.
Be real to yourself.
Don't state you're better than the mistress.
Who has used her trade to get along?

Money has taught you.
Money has bought you.
And you have used every part of you to stay ahead.

The richest folks can be the trickiest in society.
Putting on a facade to impress others witnessing it.
Many schemes the poor learn from them.

We just afraid to admit it.

Money controls you.
Money dictates the decisions you make.
And one is not to use as a fool.

It will cost to be with you.
And it will cost them dearly, if they play the role of that fool.

For money has taught you.
That people love of money is the root of all evil.
Sierra Carleton Apr 2018
The beginning of my summer
Held nothing but withdrawal symptoms.
When you're addicted to a thing,
It's a hard habit to kick.

But when you're addicted to a person
Every little thing makes you think of them.
You hear that song and you remember.
You see something the color of his eyes
And it sends you into a tailspin.
Every place, everywhere
There's something.
And the trickiest part?
You never know what it'll be.
OnwardFlame Aug 2018
If I could detach myself from my cell phone I would
I take breaks
I turn it off sometimes
Like when I have no where important to be the next day
I plug it in and walk away from it
I so completely love it and absolutely hate it.

It ***** you in
It bleeds you dry
You have to have it to live in this time.

I wish that we still used rotary phones
Or a landline
Like I had when I was nine
An electric blue phone with a twisty cord
I would twirl around my finger
My feet up in the air
Like I was talking to some boy.

I remember those days
I remember those days now with a lot of pain
And I really wish I didn't.

And I think that is the trickiest part
Of watching your family fall apart.

— The End —