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Nathan Burgess May 2014
You never left me Mononoke. You've grown on me like a tumor. Whenever i run out of things to make me feel something I feed it and it ruins my sense of humor.

What could i do when I get bored without it.
Although, I don't want to seem ungrateful. You gave me a sense of what loneliness is and so far that's the most useful experience I've had. It shows me how to stomach all of this meta cannibalism and how to put something down without feeling so bad.

Most of all there is no practical or abstract advantage either way. Just which ghosts follow you around, and this one is pretty nice when letting your mind run astray
Mike Jewett Feb 2015
Grey clouds roll in
Over Mount Fuji
– Miyazaki –
The Good Pussy Oct 2014
                        Killer Tsuomy
                      Miyazaki   T e d
                      Bundy Saeed Ha
                       nuel Robert Pic
                       ton Robert Mau
                       dsley Robert Ha
                       nsen Moses Sith
                       ole  Mary  A n n
                       Cotton J e f f rey
                       Dahmer  Huang
                       Yong   G regorio
                       Cardenas Herna
            Dez Gary Leon  Ridgway Eliza
         Beth  Bart hory   Dean Arnold Corli
           Pedro  Lopez       Mary Bell Louis
               V  a. n                  S c h o o r
Sam Oct 2016
the door was barely opened before
I caught her like a 2am yawn (once seen unstoppable)
she caught my smile but expressed it better than I ever could
and like I would for the queen I quickly stood
she must have seen my eyes through the hazy night
and she moved closer like poetry I cannot write

ok I can't help myself
she walked like an 'um' itself
an um for the wordless times
when something more important is on your mind
when you're asked for the truth but are filled with lies
when in pause, time it buys

gliding like a miyazaki dragon spiriting me away
anywhere but here, the now, the day
struck dumb
the response to her hello?
- 'um'
Antino Art Feb 2020
I feel like we are in
an old Hayao Miyazaki movie.
I suspect we are hand-drawn people
hunched over hand-spun milkshakes from a classic American diner
like Culver's burgers and fries.

I imagine the real me
has fallen asleep on a couch
in front of a microwaved dinner
somewhere in the distant future.
I think I was watching
the snow
fall outside the window
like static on a TV screen.

I could have been watching
the same Saturday morning
on loop,
walking in frames
to the same diner we've been going to since you were five.

There, we meet for breakfast
by the window.
Your hand is drawn wearing a gold wedding ring. I smile behind a silver beard.
Though it's hard to recognize our faces,
we say things that sound familiar

something about
how our favorite
Hayao Miyazaki movies
illustrated the passage of
through the eyes of a child

You order a kids meal
with a milkshake
in a classic re-enactment of
the days
I thought would
never end.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2020
Tokyo to Kyoto
  What would Kobayashi Issa say?
                   Spirited Away
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2023
Rothko blue and green
    Miyazaki blue sky

Qualyxian Quest Jul 2023
Not much hope
Maybe 10 percent
Rothko blue and greens
Lots of fat Americans
Can you see what I mean?

Sweet blue sky
Miyazaki blue
She and I between

Alas alas alas alas
Only just a dream


— The End —