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Zachary May 2013
An acorn falls down from itself
change is only made in time
and near where that acorn had fell
it's dryad form doth mime

Twice in its life the acorn falls
down great halls the portraits keep
the acorns that fall infinately
members of his family tree

They sow then grow
but leave the reap
to the subtle pull
of gravity
anonymousthinker Jan 2021
I hate you
                                                                                                               I know
                                                                                                I hate you more
I loathe you entirely
                                                                              I want to tear you apart
Your the devil incarnate
                                                                  You shredded my heart to pieces
Because I had to
                                                                 Your the worst person I know.
                                       In fact your the worst being in all of existence
I want to END you
                                                  I can say the same, but infinately worse
I'm deleting you
                                                      Do that then, give me the satisfaction
ESR Feb 2015
I used to draw cages.
Cages so infinately empty.
Cages that could never be filled.
Because they were only
Rai Jan 2012
Your words are infinately sweeter
than the dew in which you bathe in at dawn
You smile
Silently hoping
For the world to swing on its axis

There he will be*
Standing tall


For he is your truth

Your ultimate

Your one

Saviour his love

**For tomorrows feast
Shall surely die before it is born within your mind's eye
JM Romig Apr 2014
When she was little,
she tried to count the stars,
lost track at 236,
and started over.
This has been a recurring trend
throughout her entire life.

She would search for four leaf clovers
not because she believed in luck
just for the challenge of it,
like hunting for needles in haystacks
just because – why not?

She loved to challenge of impossible tasks.
She was never angry with herself
when she failed -
because she wasn't stupid
she knew what impossible meant.

But every time she did find a lucky clover
or counted even just one star more than last time
she’d smile to herself,
having beaten the impossible.

All she wanted was
proof that she isn't doomed to fate -
proof that she is more
than a infinitely tiny speck of carbon
living on a mite larger speck of carbon
floating in a vast sea
full of impossibly massive specks of carbon
that too, are infinately tiny
when compared to the sea,
in which we all swim.

So when she made it her mission
to steal this boy’s heart
it wasn’t about love.
Not that she was intentionally cruel.
Just that she didn't see the world that way.

It was the fact that he was so distant,
so out of her reach,
like the incountable stars
hanging above her head
every night
taunting her.
She couldn’t help herself –
she had to try.

She took her victory
and his virginity
in the back of a Dodge Neon
parked in the shadow of an abandoned factory
on a dead end street.

Afterwards, they sat on the roof of her car.
With eyes soaked in that teenage sappy first-time kind of love,
he gazed upon her glory,
like she was some sort of angel
sent to save him.

She was too busy counting the stars to notice.
napowrimo 6/30
You are a vision, ah yes
yet the physical is naught all I see
but the quintessence infinately free
I feel it, touch it, know it
for it is also a part of me

Nay, shall I ever forget
I have known and felt it from the start
it will always forever be a part
of the passion, happiness, and joy
that emerge from the ineffable depths of my heart

And now I leave with a message
may the sun always shine bright on you
happiness and harmony I wish for you too
A life full of joy, love, and peace
and all your precious dreams come true
Kayden T Widmer Feb 2015
My dearest one
The trials you do go through.
For my mind if fractured;
My Soul, tattered
My heart; all but dust.

Yet with your infinately gentle touch,
Your kind and patient heart,
You seem determined to pick up those jagged pieces,
And with the utmost care,
Make me whole again.

Many times I will trying to thank you
Many times I will try to prove my love.
Over and over again, yet my words are never enough.
And Still, You cheer me on,
Holding my hand and keeping me safe.

You are my dearest love
And I pray you never tire of me.
This was Written for the Love my me life and my boyfriend back on Dec 26th, 2014.
nick armbrister Jan 2018
moon spider
you are so self centric
full of yourself
like we should worship you
we don't matter to you
only your wishes and aims
nothing more or less
you sell us like slaves
make a fortune off our backs
not caring if we love or hate you
you're oblivious to us
your image on all the magazines
your fame is number one
as you are number one
we are number zero
infinately below you
you our boss who loves
all the cash we make you
from our blood sweat and tears
it has always been this way
the moon spider feeding
we food to the hunter
but we say enough!
this ends tonight...

— The End —