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Maple Mathers May 2016
Marshall is the Only Thing that Mathers: Lessons of Elementary School

When I was in third grade, I found religion.

Well. Kind of.

My older sis brought a CD home one day - "The Eminem Show" - and explained how cool - how popular, rather - it made her. This was news, as the both of us personified the textbook social pariah - we were weird, or something. And kids made sure we knew it.

"Eminem?" I wondered. "Who names themselves after candy?"

Slim Shady did, apparently. Cannibalism, at its prime.

"Duh, stupid idiot! It's spelled differently!" Scoffed my sister. She loved to remind me who was boss; she had a ball making me feel even smaller than she did (I'd assume). A talent amplified by her superior intellect, which isolates her to this day. Back then she could do as she pleased, and I'd readily adapt. She was many thing, but predominantly, she was there. And I adored her for it.

She told me everyone had or knew this music. This Eminem band.

I listened till I could recite every track, verbatim. Captivated instantly.

The very next day, I came to school, ratty and grimy looking as ever (my mother hadn't taught me any different - for, I suppose, she had looked my way but saw only herself. Thus, I frequented the principal's office those days, teacher sent me from class every morning for disrespecting the environment.

Apparently, looking homeless isn't  acceptable - even if you're 9.

Anyways. At least I got to miss class.

Nobody would play with me those days. I had just one friend for all those years. They'd kick me and spit on me, lock me out in the snow, call me Spider.

Typical grade school semantics.

However, that CD was a game changer, I anticipated. Things were different. I knew about Eminem, and since my sister's peers were obsessed, mine would soon be, too. Thus, they'd finally play with me, wouldn't they?

Those were my expectations.

But. Conclusions drawn by a 9-year-old aren't exactly conclusive, it turns out. I approached a handful of children during recess. And promptly, terrified them.

Estatic, I exclaimed, "I'm going to hell! Who's coming with me?!"

I was beaming. For a couple seconds. And then Everyone ran, screaming and crying, yelling back at me with the appropriate intonations for a sewer rat.

I didn't understand why. Baffled nobody percieved my announcement as hysterical. And brilliant.

Yet, I got what I wanted, I suppose. Invisibility negated by taboos and vulnerability; I, the Satan freak, finally became interesting. Interesting enough to be picked on, and bullied.

It was an upgrade at the time.

Though, I had yet to understand why it'd occurred; the quote was hilarious to me. God meant nothing to me - "insulting" the lord, what did that even mean?

How would I know?

Alone, again, I snuck behind a tree and wrote all the lyrics I could recall - it was all okay, cause soon, I'd be home.

And home meant Eminem. Someone I could count on to be there. No matter what.

Funny how those same kids arrived at high school, and learned what a real bully can do. Bullies who never messed with me once, and never would. It's unwise to provoke a bee, you see - especially the queen of the hive. ;)

And laugh it up, but Shady is forever my religion.
Shady is My Religion.
Baqir Talpur Nov 2018
Our eyes entwined together,
Whilst my fingers appreciate her curves.
With each touch runs a ripple,
Down her spine and beyond.
Her fingers swirl around in my hair,
Complementing them,
For the maze they are.
My existence buried in hers,
Striving to keep its identity,
Craving the honey dripping down her ***.
Her existence drowning in mine,
Like its hit by a thousand tsunamis,
All at once.
She tries her best to keep it all down,
Hide the obvious tell-tales of glee,
Her burning cheeks and scarlet smile,
Her twinkling eyes and dry lips,
But her sporadic breaths are telling the tales.
Revealing the secrets of the ecstatic sin.
Aly Oct 2016
I shouldn't have dialed your number,
when I need someone to listen my babbles and rants,
when I feel sick--lonely, close to crying.
When I feel empty.
I shouldn't have dialed your number,
when I'm pained of missing you.
When I'm numb.
When I'm estatic.
I shouldn't have dialed your number,
but I want to hear your voice,
cuss on me when life gives you *****,
laugh with petty-or otherwise- mishaps.
I want to be your anchor--
like the old days.
Oh, those ******* old days.
You shouldn't have answered my call,
when you want to hear my voice,
when you missed the sound of my existence,
when you want to kiss me, hug me--
but you can't.
You shouldn't have answered my call,
when I need you.
I will always need you.
You shouldn't have answered my call.
You should let it ring,
until it became a missed call on your log.
You should swipe it to decline.
You should throw it on your bed,
or to something harder.
You shouldn't have answered any of my calls.
I called because I missed you.
I called because I want the old us.
I called because--****!
I can't live without you,
but I should live without you.
Damaged May 2013
It's amazing how fast a year can go by.
I still remember that day like it was yesterday.
That sweet day in May.
I remember waking up to a text, "Your sister is in labor."
I think I smiled bigger than I ever have before.
I was so anxious all day.
I had a tournament that day too.
We had just finished our game and I checked my phone.
I saw the message, with a picture attached.
A picture of you.
And while everyone was happy and estatic that we had won,
I had joy in my heart because you were finally here,
After all those long months that never seemed to end, you were finally here.

I remember the day your mom told me she was pregnant with you.
I remember all the days I spent with her while she had never ending morning sickness.
Helping her take care of the house and your sisters.
The sickness never seemed to go away.
I remember that day in class when my ***** sent me a text.
It's a boy!
I was so happy I screamed with excitement.
Everyone turned to look at me but I didn't are.
All I cared about in that moment was you.

I remember the day they brought you home.
I got to hold you for the very first time that night.
I fell in love instantly.
You looked so peaceful wrapped up in that blanket.
Your eyelids flutterling.
Your chest falling and rising with every breath you took;
because you were finally here.
And you were beautiful.
The days and months started to pass and you grew with every passing day.
I watched in awe.
I loved seeing you learn to crawl,
then stand on your own,
then walk.
Now starting to form tiny words.
You are growing into such a handsome big boy.
But you will always be my little bug.
JS Turner Apr 2016
I skipped a rock
on a lake.
It skipped six times.
I was estatic.

Six. *******. Times.

How simple life was
during childhood.
The joy you could get
by throwing a rock.

The fun of finding that
“perfect” one.

The one that was round,
completely flat.
You knew it was the right one.
It was gonna give you that
sixth skip
you’ve been waiting for.
And when you got it.
It was like nothing could break you.

I’ve grown up.
Skipping rocks is for children.
Bills and occupation are for men.
Getting up early,
drowning myself in coffee.
Making millions of ******* dollars,
for someone else.

Seems pretty redundant,

Yeah, we all look forward to pay day.

Today is different,
I’m looking forward
to getting that seventh skip.
AR Jun 2013
Simple things usually create the happiest smile,
However those simple things only stay for a short while,
But before those simple things run away from my mind,
I want to tell you Harry these moments where my smile shined,

Back in 2011 is where my smile lies,
Behind a past of friendships parties and starry filled skies,
Where life was easy and dream could come true,
Were a friendship was unbreakable between me and you,

But then came 2012 filled with alot of change,
Smiled where for different reasons my smile became strange ,
Things that made me smile like getting through the day,
Reading books, blogs, changing my way,

It was a happy year really it started off like a bomb,
Somthings sure where tragic something where estatic one thing was called Tom,
Looking back at the year with only few I called friend,
Makes me smile at how strong I was not to  follow the trend,

2012 taught me how to be myself,
To stick up for what I believe in my opinions not to be left on the shelf,
2013 a new story will begin,
And at this new opportunity Harry I'll wear a dazzling grin,

So here's to the small things in life that have yet to make us smile,
Embrace every moment I'll make them all worth my while.  ©
Written for a friend who asked me to write about "simple things"
Brent Kincaid Jun 2017

Estatic when she's shopping,
The boughten things she's got;
Right proud of all her purty stuff,
She's The Lady Of Alot.
Alot of costly Chinese stuff
Imported hear by Walmart stores.
She useta shop at I Magnums but
She don't like them ones no more.

Irregardless, she believes she
Ain't not no ordnary ****.
If she'd of got haffa chance
She'd of voted twice for Trump
And the strait Republican ticket
So The Donald can fix are country
Like he exhaled in his own companies,
Making lots of good clean money.

In her sweatshop-made clothing
She shouts allowed she can't wate
For the Grand Old Party and Trump
To agin make Murrkuh grate!
She feel she's happy in her ivory tower
With all the treasures she has got.
She sees nothing wrong with this country
The dense, nearsighted, Lady Of Alot.
Its not hard to live without you, its what I've always done.
Its not difficult to not think of you, there's not many memories to think of.
its a breeze, to say the least.
Because its something I've always done.
I was born without you, fake smiles held me or hung?  ...
I grew up without you, whether you lingered or not that's the way it was done.
I endured hostile intent, that should of never been provided the oppertunity.
Had you been there, like all religious intents scream for you to be.
Would it had been the way it was in the hands you let hold me.
I'm sure, since you wrre never there, it would have transpired to a more malicious state.
One leaves due to fear of what they'll do or what they don't want to see themselves doing.
Regardless of your absence, I care not for your excuses.
You, not painlessly, taught me how alone, lonely, and incidious someone can truly be.
Not only did you leave me, you thought it waa wise to pay, so I would stay away.
No attempts to want me, or see what I've become.
No motives to care haunt you, or would ever dare.
And it was my existence alone that twisted you.
Made you unloving due to your need to move on as thoigh I ne'r existed.
I survived, though your vast attempts at leasure.
I breathe even still, though not to your desire.
I've always lived without you, and always wondered why that must've been.
Now I only wish to never see you the way you worked so hard to have it spent.
Now I agree with your every motion to never be one moment.
I'm estatic there's no memories to haunt my every breathe.
There's not a single way I sway that would remind me of a time when...
I only wish I never saw you, so in the mirror time I spend.
I wouldn't see your eyes, lips, and nose or color of your skin.
I wouldn't know I have your hair or that my ears sit where yours did.
Id be able to see something beautiful instead of the state you left me in.

jeffrey conyers Jan 2013
The day you was selected and not elected to be my love.
It wasn't cause of your political affilation.
That I could careless about.

It was because you have the power of both houses of Congress.
I said it.
I meant it.
You a representative stronger then anyone in the senate.
It a seal deal when you move on a proposal.
You have the power of the veto.
And you're not the president.

You understand, what Thomas Payne meant by his booklet common sense?
If we broken the word Congress down.
This what it means concerning you.

Courageous, in the mist of a fight.
On time, at the beginning of your shift.
Nice, when needs to be.
Grand, to the point that others listen to you.
Restless, to the point that you don't give up.
Estatic, that you able to accomplish a lot.
Satified, that once the deal is done you share the credit.
Sincere, to those that call upon you.

Only, if the politicians had the quality of you.
Then , the world we live in wouldn't be going through the things they are going through.
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Cloaked in black velvet and silver adorned skull peices. A halo of anxiety sits over my head. The intrusive pornographic thoughts rumble like holograms in front of my minds eye. Iris's and lillys. Dandelions and sunflowers. I want to stick my fingers in all the flowers and taste their pollen on my lips. Fantasia salivation elicted with cowbell bass drops. *** sells in seconds, lust in hours, love in years

Feeling  like a ****** journalist. Her, another with straight bangs. A septum and ****** peircing peirce me straight through the heart. Its vanity but its a start.
Let me wrap you in eagle feathers and wolf fur. Let me exercise your cowskull traumas, raging buffalo hormones into rebirth
Huff and blow moaned words into ear canals as I enter your eternal.
Infernal like the lusts of hell
Ethanol and bossom busts sell in seconds, Lost in hours with love to fear.
Gold halo of Anxiety paired with a silver skull clad in black velvet
Thrusts of the pelvic
Release whats held in
Redesigned pulpit seldom held words in
Align with me the divinity felt in
*** (in)finite feelings that last in transnce. Slowly peeling away strips of skin to permanance.
Feeling an earnest sense of wonderment. No time to wonder what it meant when impermance is permanent

Smoke cigarettes for the hurt when life has turned to **** but you heard it when i said i love you and you turned a bit. Looked in my eyes and i caught a glimpse of a future id like to witness. Didnt hear a word you said but i saw the world in your eyes instead. Tried to listen but my brain went dead
No words to say when you glow infared. Hotter than the spectrum
of sight. Glowing infared,
Youre hotter than spectrums of light so burn me like Arizona sunlight
Slap ***, hand shaped sunburn from a liquid honey night. *** on lap, lap up the *** like the last watersource, pour it on my face until gasps of air you hear. Taste your pollen near my lips nectarine fallen on your chest.

Feel the lasting affects
Of sexs' (in)finitely affixed fixation on transience. Glowing infared and ambient. Flowing energy in the pits of sacral chakras, returned to the crown and passed back down. Circulating intuitive lessons, divine bits of each other imbued in fission, fuse them into   living. Seperated by the gods as two seperate beings, unite mind, body, soul
Freeing all in estatic feeling.
Peeling all the tragic sealed in
Two seperate beings fleeing
Into impermanance
Towards a permanent form of seeing
666 eyes healing
Red Fox Dec 2015
I've loved you since before I knew it.
Your appearance,
Flawless, just the way God drew it.

Your smile, radiant.
Your eyes, deep.
Estatic that it is I,
That gets to crave every word
Your mouth speaks.
Any moment without you,
My heart weeps.

I've loved you since before time began.
Before the first grains enables this rat race to begin.
I've loved you before you loved yourself.
Never had the chance to say,
In sickness and in health.
I've loved you longer than I've ever known.
The mere thought of you inspires this poem.

I've loved you and don't even know your name.
But upon finding you my heart shall never beat the same.
For you are the Omega to my Alpha.
The Yang to my Yin.
But when I find you,
I'll leave this Earth loving you.
My Best Friend.
I had to write something, so here it is.
Escalus Feb 2012
You left and took my happiness with you
For the past few months I've cried myself to sleep
I am constantly questioning everything, why? Just why?
Even in my songs, and my dreams I can only weep
Everything is wrecked, and you just look at it with a sigh
Why did you even choose to say goodbye?
I sit here and wonder whose in you arms now
Hearing the bombs, the words you said erupt like torpedoes ka-pow
Oh how lucky that girl is, how so very lucky they are
I sit here and look at my heart which now deems another among the thousand scars
Seeing all those estatic people passing in those cars
Oh how I wish I could go back to that day that day when you said you loved me, that amazing day
I wish together we could have stayed
But now as we pass I don't even get a wave or a simple hey
Oh how my heart out of beat it pounds
Thus wretched music sounds
I know it's not well written, just had to get it out
Mia Mcdaniel Jun 2019
Ridiculous to fall for his tricks
He didn’t care but put me down
I try to forget the pain you put in me
Day and night I close my eyes I dream on lilly pollens glow
The sound of crickets chitter in joy
Glistlening leaf buds singed to have love embraced for estatic shiver
I dream for the sun to flicker against his ***** blond
To remorseless sweet left as I smell a breeze blow pass across my face
My emptyness tearsshed for tender touch realized he didn’t care tofeel  the love
I be his slave like a mule
Bowed down though he’s my king
My loving feeling for thee sheds
I realized there was nothing there in the shelf of love
I looked across beneath the tree
Lighting flickers personalities grew
I feel for peach tree buds didn’t bloom
My ocean blue eyes show the true pain
If he looked he see pain for love
I hide behind my distraction smiles
Like a rose afriad to get picked
I took peaces of my other poems added more and made another one. let me know what you guys think. #love #sadness
Autumn Shayse Jan 2017
Eclectic, estastic
the lights burn,
burn into your pupils and
the music isn't music anymore
just dabs of brightness
and there is no-one there
it's just you
fingers and toes and thighs tingling,
feeling it all at once,
all the brightness and lights and burning
eclectic, estatic
Tenaj Apr 2017
I am just the observer in a foriegn world,
the truth unbeknownst to me,
listening to the news on a satelitte radio of my own creating.

The Inner cities of my heart and soul,
thinking of what I used to and used to not be.

Dreamers, Believers, accidental happenings with the not so acquainted acquaintances.

Fiction is peril, non ficition perilous fiction peril,
sense becomes non sensical, words blurred, heard while reamaining unheard.

Dreamers, Believers, accidental happenings with the not so acquainted acquaintances.

Distasteful, disgraceful, shameful, painful,
to fully understand is to fully comprehend,
actions have results,
condone or condemn, all the while justice cons them,
substitue, excuses, sub conscience, contentious,
Erroneous roots to hidden truths.

Criminal in the subliminal, sublime, sunshine,
fetch boy, new stick old tricks.
Boat for sale, sail boat, same old, all same

Sanity, Vanity is in constant demand, man, michelen stars perahps lost in space

Depraved, beraved, inner cities atlas atlantis, at last this port royal has sunken ship

Saying God saves the Queen in a dream,
fiction is peril, non fiction perilous fiction peril,
never safe, sugar sweet has lost its taste,
estatic ectasy, youths remedy, careful melodies, what are you telling me

Perhaps the aliens, alienated in the same way have been made to fall in love with me

Perhaps the ramblings of a sorry soul, sold, to be heard over the intercom

What do I really know,
a foreigner,
Observing, never really knowing, because I created it all

~Another Dream Deferred
I search out my flaws, the make-up in my inner being,
The essence of life, love and liberty. I find so much hope
In what I see, nature's way of telling me all will be well.
I have so much pain, and I wrestle with God in a every-
Day occurrence, wanting this and reaching for that
But knowing in my heart that he has my back. I should
Of been lying in the marble orchid long ago but
What ever the reason I'm not is a blessing, it has
Taught me a valuable lesson of why I should live
By principles and not my selfish means.  I rejoice
In the gift of giving, whatever I can do for someone
Else is freedom in my mind. I only give a little but
Even that makes the darkness that much scared,
Frightened by the goodness in our hearts and when
I look around I can see the joy in people's eyes,
Holding true in the way they live and it makes me
estatic with a great deal of gratitude.
Life is too short without having any gratitude. I was thankful for a lot of things but showing it was a different story. I never did. Today I try to show the ones in my life and the people around that I'm revere them.
Illusions of thy presence
Love, thy dwellings in self illusions
Fabricating for souls
Belladonna your favourite peace offerings

Your speaking smile
Explicit words of happiness
Estatic feelings thou brings
Enchantments a layer thou hides

Thou sheddings of light
Deceiving men and their deeds
Postering love
Forgetting life's hatred

Your best addressed to all pains
Your cunning way to thou's enchantment

Promising Euphoria
A place thou led us there not

Written by Tosan Oluwakemi Thompson
This poem talks about the happiness and the illusions of happiness.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2015
Happiness, just shows upon their face.
When you see them smile.
Even during the sad times.

When then they laugh with you.
When they can't stay forever mad at you.
Especially when you don't want them too!
Yes, when you see them smile.

You're happy.
You're estatic and delightful.
When they smile.
Because they are the one you have sworn your love.
On Saturday October 20th, there's a WWE Live Show in Portland, and I can't wait to go and see it.
There are some many things I'm excited about for Saturday, but due to the internet on this guest computer being slow, I have to hurry.
The normal 20 minutes has turned into 11 minutes as of now, so I need to get these thoughts out a bit more quickly than usually.
Alright, let me start with this is the second WWE Live Show I've been two in the last year.
The last one I went to, was only in July, only two and a half or so months ago.
And that show was so much fun, that my PaPou K said for me to tell him when WWE came back to Maine, and I did.
I didn't think we would be able to go to this show, as we were still living in the condo, and were waiting for our mobile home to come.
However, my Mom told me to come downstairs a couple mornings later, and I had no idea what she wanted.
She told me something about my money, and I didn't really care, because I thought the money was gonna go to our mobile home.
She asked me if I wanted to know the reason, and I said sure, then she told me the news.
PaPou K had bought us two front row seats to the show!
I talked to him about it later, and he said he got us seats 1 and 2 in the aisle!
As soon as, Mom told me this, I knew that meant I was gonna be able to touch hands with wrestlers, and see them up close.
The thought of doing this filled me with so much excitement.
I only have 5 more minutes, so I have to make this quick.
Let's fast forward to yesterday, when I found out more about this Saturday.
PaPou K had actually purchased the Walk The Aisle VIP Experience!
Now, I don't know exactly what this all means, though I've read the confirmation email.
Due to needing details and directions, I think I may be a little confused until Saturday, but I still can't wait.
I mean, the things this comes with!
I just don't really understand what the Walk The Aisle ringside photo Opportunity is, exactly.
All I know is after that, someone will direct PaPou K and I to our seats.
(PaPou is grandfather in Greek, by the way. And the K stands for our last name. Just in case, anyone got confused by that lol)
Alright, all I can say is I'm very excited, and I can't wait for Saturday to get here.
I gotta get off, and I'm sure I only got a minute or so left.
I just wanted to get this all out here, so I was able to think of other things.
I'm just estatic, and can't for to get there for 5:30 on Saturday afternoon.
Alright, I gotta go now.
I'll see you tomorrow, bye!
To anyone who reads this, again, thank you so much, if you did.

— The End —