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Wanderer Mar 2017
at 5 I wanted to fly
soar through the sky
so i could show everyone
that i could do anything

at 9 i wanted to read minds
and learn about all kinds
so that i would never be left out
or feeling unaware

at 15 i wanted to save others
i wanted for everyone to be like a brother
so that the world would be at peace
and love would take over

But at 19 i no longer linger
on just one of these wishes
they change day by day
as they are triggered

Some days I want to fly
high up in the sky
and see all my worries
vanish in the wind

Some days I want to read his mind
know what going on inside
so i could see clearly his worries
and his deepest fears

Some days I want to save others
so I can help those in need
not so i can feel better
but so they can be happier
Today I want to read his mind
Not so I will be all knowing
But so that I know how to soothe his soul
to make his heart happy again
I want to know how to make everything right
The trees dance to your madness!*

Dancing, dancing, dancing.
Crashing, falling and collapsing.
They dance to*  **your madness.
This is simply part three of my Storm collection. I just really like relating human reactions to other natural forms. Kindly follow me/share my works for more. :)
JR Rhine Oct 2016
In my dreams, it makes sense.
                                                               It's axiomatic.
            Like flexing an impalpable muscle.
                             A curling of the toes,
                                 clenching of the sphincters,
      I feel my feet lift from the ground
and I levitate.
Steve Page Jul 2016
Skin deep scars were easy to shoulder,
while the deeper ones each hardened my heart.
Life-long wounds still wept and smouldered,
carving permanent paths.

Hidden cuts wouldn't stop itching,
and beneath my smile shadows kept screaming.
Treacherous memories would sting
and bite right through my once thick skin
then slowly burrow, refusing to die,
spreading their cured lies ...

The scars are mine, the wounds are real,
the memories are with me, still
I was the haunted boy, the wild child.
I was the son loved, beaten, reviled.  
I was the dreamer. I was the drama.
I was the fiction that made me me......
That was then, but now see,
I have a new writing team,
a change in narrative, a brand new me,
a departure from my past continuity.

Now I have a team-up.
Now I have back-up.
And in this story arch,
I get a power-up,
one new ability:
His power to HEAL ME!
In Marvel comics, superheroes rarely get to break free of their past continuity. I'm so grateful that we do. 1 Peter 2:24
Lost Mar 2016
"Invisibility is a curse, not a superpower."
The worst feeling is existing but being alone.
S S Jan 2016
I have a special superpower
Shall I tell you what.

Let us make a game of this
I'll let you guess my lot.

When the night is ripe and freshly raw
You can brandish me about.

Throw me at your demons dark
And their presence you will doubt.

When the piercing light spills over hills
You can point me at the flame.

Watch the rise of steam unsheathed
None can beat me at my game.

Can you guess who I am now?
Or what I can do for you?

I'll bet you wish you had me now
But you haven't got a clue.

When your string of life drops all its beads
You can roll me on the floor.

Pick ones you choose from off my skin
Rest will meld into my core.

I can be your crutch when you limp unheld
A pillow when resting your dreams.

I can be your sword slashing unseen foes
Or cup filled from meandering streams.

When all is done and tucked in its place
Fling me far to sightless edge.

I won't intrude but hold onto hope
You'll remember where to dredge.

Do you know what my power is?
Do you have me figured out?

My power lies in your need for me
I transcend both hope and doubt.

With mercurial blood
I'm a formless form
I am what you need me to be.
Close your eyes and
Summon my being
I am exactly what you see.

— The End —