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Lost in my Head May 2019
What gives you the right
What power do you derive authority from
And yet you come and act like you're in charge
Or you have some divine permission

Alas why but not to know
Come my bitter heart from within
Asking why you never notice me
Or why you can't accept your fault

I mean no disrespect
I do not mean to jab, poke or ****
But if you continue to act like you're better than anyone else
You'll have to be brought down
Michael Apr 2019
Your a fool if you think that your men won't know
When you're lazy not zealous, you see.
For they then might decide that it’s best not to go
With you wherever might be.
Service loyalty extends both up and down.
Kaitlin Evers Nov 2018
Never more than I can bear
It's what you promised me
A wrenching family affair
Obsessed with his authority,
trying to control me,
memories that hold me,
it's almost more than I can bear
He doesn't even care
It tears, it breaks, it falls apart
And this is just the start
Mane Omsy Oct 2018
They'll just let you
A few amounts of strength
Just to pull you out
And dip back into the darkness

Hear your voice trembling
Underneath their shoes
Won't they believe in you?
Won't you matter to them?

Sometimes, you crawl
And they watch
Sometimes, they fall
And you watch
It's Just Business.
SC Kelley Aug 2018
We're all rebels WITH a cause.

We all have something that we would put above all else.

Even authority.

~S.C. Kelley
For all the rebels out there
Madison Aug 2018
Revolution is

Five syllables of meaning

Life without restraint.
Madison Aug 2018
Please stand for our ode

To the elite corrupt.

Sing loud for your majesty

And let him interrupt.

Bask in his diluted glory

Grotesque and proud.

Hear his sob story

About what won't be allowed.

Look at his knights' creations

Pushing opinions

All his own.

Posters read 'know your enemy'

With unsuspecting faces overblown.

See him mellow


As he satisfies his gluttony with wine.

Hear him bellow

'Those who aren't cheering

Are no friends of mine.'

Feel the rage burn my veins

As the crowd follows him blind.

See me lost in my brain

Wondering if they care

About the things in my mind.

Watch the show end

As he calls on his court

Inviting them to sup.

Hear their satisfaction

As they leave for dinner

On the way

Swallowing me up.
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2018
If our authority

For what
We dream
Genre: Abstract
Theme: Curiosity
donia kashkooli Jul 2018

i ******* hate structure in every sense of the word. always have.
any expecting mother, upon finding out that she's going to have a baby girl, suddenly begins spending all of her life's work on gingham overalls, and gigantic, faux-velvet bows to adorn her newborn daughter's bald head. my beautiful persian mama had nothing to worry about at first, she had it her way, and for a while, i was the baddest baby on the block, except i didn't have a block. i grew up on a dirt road on an island called whidbey in the north puget sound. much to fatima's dismay, all that little me wanted to wear once i turned six months old and developed a personality was big t-shirts with logos of bands whose music would keep me sane and my heart only half-broken seventeen years later. i wouldn't let her put pants on me. i would crawl around in my backyard in little more than an alice in chains shirt and a diaper, sometimes riding on my beloved golden retriever's back. i was young when my parents realized that they could try all they wanted, but their child, born on the cusp of gemini and taurus, was too much for them to handle.
i started skipping class when i was in kindergarten; i would run out into the acres of heavy forest behind the playground during recess, and i'd be ****** if i decided i wanted to come back. in middle school, i would skip because growing up middle eastern in a post 9/11 society was enough for me to be bullied to a ****** pulp. in high school, i would skip because i wanted to smoke cigarettes behind the football field with my friends who couldn't go to class because they were tweaking too hard. we would make daisy chains and listen to everything that mark lanegan ever made. i was throwing my life away; well, at least that's what they told me, but i was happy. and it was cause i had been successfully fighting the man since before i could walk.
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