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mworkie Jul 2019
Believe or not,
Loving you was something
I can't believe i believed

Believe or not,
Giving a chance to you was something
I can't believe I believed

Believe or not,
The lies you told me was something
I can't believe I believed

Believe or not,
Believing you was something
I can't believe I believed
I can't believe you anymore
mworkie Jul 2019
Are you the sun,
That lights up the whole universe?

Are you the umbrella,
That covers me from heavy rain?

Are you the ice cream parlor,
making me excited everytime i see you?

Are you a pillow,
That comforts me through nights?

Are you the sky,
That makes me stare in awe?

Are you a dream?
Cause for sure im not waking up
Lol what are you right after who are you..
Thanks for reading my poem
mworkie Jul 2019
Who are you?

Judging like you know my past

Who are you?

Speculates what i'll end up to

Who are you?

My mom?
My boss?
My god?

Who are you?

Ain't you got a life?
Who tf r u?
mworkie Jul 2019
The clock keeps ticking,

As my heart keeps beating,

Sometimes i felt like stopping everything.

Giving up on every sweats,

I've been through.

'It's not that hard.'

I thought

Just a knife or maybe a shattered glass like my heart

One slide and you're free to go

Why can't i just bid a simple goodbye,

And begone even for awhile?

Leaving the world and disappear like a petal of flower,

Blown away by the wind's power,

Fog on the window,

Steam from the hot cappuccino,

Or shadow that seems shallow?

Why am i not appreciated?

Why is it hard for you to accept my flaw?

You would always look at people with awe,

Leaving me behind like a fool

Not knowing what to do

In the end.

It's just me, myself and i.

I wish you would understand

The perk of being abandoned

By people

Who are supposed to be loving and supporting you

The so called


Was indeed none other than

The source of hate
Force, demanding,scars and pain

I was once told

'Words can make you wish you were never born'


Words are the cause of joy, laughter and pain.

But is it just me?

Who collects my own shattered heart

Placing it in a jar

That I've been hiding it far

Because of painful words,

That turned a prince into a beast

I would have been happy

Because appreciation

Is all i need.
I'm proud of myself cuz im still breathing despite what I've been through
mworkie Jul 2019
The look in his eyes,

The joy he bought to me,

When everything drags me down,

He lift me up

Through his

Funny face;

Ugly glasses;

Cheerful personality;

Foolish acts;

Which i thought

Could last forever

But nothing


Last forever

Including him

My source of happiness



Cheering for me from far away

Thats what he said

But i believe

'Things will get better one day'
They say

And so I believe

Brightest future awaits

May my source of happiness

Shine upon his way

Because this time,

Im the one lifting you up

May you success,

My friend,

My dear source of happiness
Im the saddest human being on earth cuz i cant believe you're leaving already

— The End —