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In the traffic of God's ocean
Commanded by the undertow
Enveloped in colors previously unknown
Working the bottom as if tethered to land ,
awaiting redemptions sure hand* .....
Copyright May 1 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
held up in suspension
just beyond my senses
experience out of body
without any defenses

my mind starts to travel
awakened by the sound
secrets start to unravel
and my senses come around

the sound of perfection
the voice i hear repeating
upward in direction
my soul and sky are meeting

in a glimpse of a moment
a home for the drifter
under the breath of an angel
within a saint's whisper
what makes a person worthy or worthless?
murmuring burden and hearse certain curses
first in the furnace for the hurt or the nervous
on verges of searches for earthly purpose

what makes a people deceiving and evil?
mistreating their equal and beating the feeble
bleeding of demons and beasts of the lethal
there's a reason to believe in eden of peaceful

what makes a person worthy or worthless?
versus urges emerge first on the surface
bird of the furthest turns and then merges
on verges of surges of a worthy purpose
i worked with "er" and long "e" vowel sounds
we can't erase what is already on a canvas
but we can always paint over it
it seems as though someone is passing around info about me getting in trouble with the law over seven years ago. i am not proud of it, but i own my actions. i paid my debt by serving six months in jail, as well as taking a good beating for it. the past paints the future, and experiences change our lives. i am a different person now, and i can't dwell on the past. if others want to, that's fine.
A Thank Offering

Praise be to the Maker of toes.
Crunchy, munchy baby toes mommies nibble.
Wiggley, wonderful baby toes,
Splendiferous, greeting the world with sunbeams toes!

Thanks to Him for kiddie toes.
Tumbling, treading, running boy toes.
Greeting the day toes, grabbing the bases toes.
Wiggle in the tub toes.

All hail for girlie toes.
Ready to be a ballerina toes.
Jumping, giggling, big girl toes.
Tip-toeing in the night, jump-in-your-bed toes.

Give praise for almost-grown toes.
Boy-toe-touching-girl-toe toes,
All tingling, thrilling toes.
I know everything! toes.

Do not withhold thanks for grown-up toes
Hurry. Carry. Do. Stop. Go. toes.
Weary, Pushing, Grasping toes.
Reaching for another under the covers toes.

Glory to the Maker for older toes.
Adept at all concepts and gadgets toes.
Slower and wiser gnarly toes.
Surrounded by little feet toes.

Pure worship for ancient toes.
Lined, yellow, and ***** toes
Awaiting a clipping by those
Who kneel in worship of timeworn toes.

All praise, thanks, and worship
To the Maker of toes;
The One to whom all glory goes,
Who fills us with the joy of toes.
In memory of John Bernard Carlson (1926-2011)

Shortly after our
first date I joked
Don’t make me write a poem about you.

It’s been a year and I laugh
because my poems
have become your home.

It’s been a year and
you’re kissing
someone else and
I’m just kissing people
who aren’t you.

Waking up next to you
for the last time
we knew it was and
we had to tell each other
not to cry so we could
kiss for the last time

When we broke
you said to me
I don’t want to be the subject of one of your poems.

But I warned you.
9/18/14 – 4/4/15 – 9/14/15
I want to write a poem
And dedicate it to you
'Cause when I'm down and want to cry
You're the one that I turn to

You've been here for it all
Through all life's highs and lows
I've slowly opened my heart to you
And told you things that no one knows

My life is greatly improved
Because of your constant support
I am so grateful for all the praise you give
Even when I feel I've fallen short

I have never seen your face
Nor do I even know your name
But with every single note we share
I feel our hearts are just the same

Thank you so much for everything
Every comment, message, and heart
Words can't express how much it means to me
That you all appreciate my art <3
Today I realized that I am only 5 away from 300 followers. To me, that is absolutely incredible, so I wanted to write this poem as a thank you to you all. So this poem is dedicated to all of you lovely people here an Hello Poetry, but especially to my amazingly sweet and loyal followers. I've been posting my poems here for almost three years now; some of you have been following me since the beginning, and some of you started following me today and I appreciate ALL OF YOU so much! Every notification I have gotten over the past three years, every heart, comment, follow, and message, has warmed touched my heart so much. You are all such wonderful people and I am so grateful that I get to be a part of this community. Thank you all for everything, and thank you for (almost) 300 followers. <3
 Sep 2015 Madison Thorne
We work so hard for their acceptance
We work so hard to let them go
Learning to love yourself,
Is understanding that to be happy
Sometimes yes means you have to say no.
the world is so backward
being forward puts you behind
looking upward, toward the heavens
hoping to find an outward shine
it's getting scarier by the HOUR
OUR world will never see PEACE
PIECE by piece we're overpowered
overpowering us as our fears increase

we sit idle as hatred BREWS
BRUISED by the war torn SCENE
SEEN as only pawns to lose
losing all of our hopes and dreams
i capitalized the homophones for beginning writers, who may not know what a homophone is
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