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Laura El-Alam May 2015
Never has pïgeon shït landed on my shïrt
Never have ï found a four leaf clover
And not once has a ladybug landed on my fïnger
As the years go by, my luck ïs wearïng off
The goodness ïn thïs world, ïn mïne
Slowly dïsappearïng
And ï, always chasïng ït, lïke a chïld runnïng after a raïnbow
Always poïntless
For now my lïfe has been darkened
Wïth passïng black cats, broken mïrrors and spïlt salt.
But ï'll keep waïtïng for the moment when the sun wïll come out of hïdïng
When love wïll be easy agaïn
When the good wïll float to the surface and drown thïs world agaïn
Mïne, agaïn.
Laura El-Alam Apr 2015
She woke up from life
And did not know where she had been wandering all this time
She witnessed her family cry, and so did the sky
And then, she saw it, her body in front of her eyes
Without a soul, without a breath
With her hand, she touched the empty holes in her face
And with *******, retraced the place her eyes once filled
The light that would creep out so delicately
But there was nothing.
A cold blue body, laying still on a bed that was not hers
In a room that she did not love
And then, the clouds slowly parted, a yellow rays came in and touched her
Until, slowly, her entire being broke into tiny pieces
Of pink, purple, green and yellow
And formed little butterflies that would one day float
In the green meadows April offered.
In memory of a friend
Laura El-Alam Apr 2015
I took a cigarette and lit it.

The smoke escaped my lips like the sounds I made when we were together.


Slowly, then all at once.
Laura El-Alam Mar 2015
And as she lay on the ground, in the lightness of the warm sun March provided,
she opened wide her loving arms, and drew with rays of sun, angel wings that would fly her out of the darkness.
Laura El-Alam Mar 2015
Because he knew, in the deepest core of his soul,
That her kiss would never be replaced by any other,
Because she would melt into him,
Without restraint, without fear.
He would never admit it,
But she was his favourite,
She would never flinch when he'd press his hand roughly against her neck.
She would not cry in pain when he pulled her hair.
And he'd stop to see if she was still with him,
That she did not drift away in her daydreams,
Like the bubbles that floated away towards the white clouds.
She never did.
She stayed within his grip,
While he breathed cold damp sighs in her hair,
As he left bruises all over her body.
She stayed because she has never broken a heart.
And she would never break her own.
Laura El-Alam Mar 2015
She looked at me with eyes full of light,
Full of lust that ate up my whole being.
And with those big wanting eyes locked on mine,
The blood that was circulating in my body shot up to my face and heated me up.
She bit and licked her lip and then slowly,
And  then approached me.
I could feel her breath on my neck,
Her scent crawled up my nose
And i felt that i could almost taste her. Her lips touched mine so slowly,
And with a voice that made my whole body shiver.
"I want you" she said.
  Mar 2015 Laura El-Alam
Francie Lynch
Let's ban beer,
Expel wine,
Prohibit whiskey.

Let's banish ****,
Curse smokes,
Relegate ***.

Drive off knives,
Expatriate guns,
Deport bullies and fists.

Let's ward off the devine,
And the ghosts,
And those who think
They're holy sons;
In any or all

Let's proclaim a holy war,
A jihad, if you wish,
Crusade against what
Makes us human,
And live in boring bliss.
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