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  Jan 2015 Jamie Grace Bautista
When I first saw this mysterious  guy
I thought my heart stopped
I tried to ignore it for a while
But I failed to
So I tried to let it stay that way
In fact, I almost forget to breathe

Every week, I get to have a chance
To take a look at him for a couple of minutes
Though a little bit from a far
And a chance to listen to him as well
Because he's actually a musician too

As he tried to press every key from that  piano
I can feel that
It matches perfectly to the rhythm my heart beats

Then one time, our eyes met
I got no choice, but to quickly lose my gaze
But suddenly I cannot
So we stared quite for a while
But sad to say that’s just it
I meant like a painting where you only get a chance to appreciate such
As you look carefully through it
And funny to say, that’s simply how we did it
You don't know how much
How much I care for you
And even if you said you hated me
I will always love you
Sometimes, all it takes to deliver a message is one stanza ;)
We are all born angels
Everyone at every single place
I was one such angel
But I've fallen from my grace...

Dear God forgive me
I do not wish to cause you shame
But a sin I have committed
And I'm the only one to blame...

Your virtue of love and innocence
I seem to have given away
I didn't mean to cause you trouble
So please hear me while I pray...

Dear God, I am a broken angel
My wings will no longer spread
Please forgive me and all my sins
Because disappointing you is what I dread...

I'm sorry for giving up my virtue
I'm sorry for throwing it away
Please forgive me and my sins
and please hear me while I pray...
I am the glass
Sitting quietly on the table
Silently doing what I can
Doing what I am able

I am the glass
Fragile and sincere
My friendship and love
Knows no boundary with my peers

I am the glass
That you'll never find in the store
Unique and one of a kind
And there's nothing more

I am the glass
That you took granted and sent away
You think I was like the others?
No, I was special in my very own way

I am the glass
That was tipped over and betrayed
And no matter how much you piece me back together
My trust will never be the same
I couldn't go forward
I couldn't move on
The day you left me
All alone

I cried all night
And looked at myself
It was all my fault
It was my mistake

I was imperfect
I was full of flaws
No wonder you left me
For another girl

Then someone knocked me
Into my senses
Telling me all the beautiful things
I've never heard before

I didn't know
I thought all over
The good things I had in me
Surpassed all my errors

I couldn't be happier
The moment I realized
The culprit wasn't me
It was you
Have confidence in yourself and look at all your blessings instead of your flaws.
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