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 Feb 2016 Allison
The Luck
 Feb 2016 Allison
Billions of people around the world;
I must be very lucky.
To have met someone like you.
But I guess,
Not lucky enough
For you to love me back.
 Feb 2016 Allison
I was only missing you
But you turn back on me
I wish we could rewind
and turn back time
To correct the past,
Now everything's going wrong
The hope inside me has faded away,
I guess this is farewell
As we go down our own paths,
I will keep you in my heart forevermore
 Feb 2016 Allison
Alex Courrier
Drip, drip, drops the wax on the candlestick
As it sits upon the moss covered bridge
There to show the way to the other side
We seek its comfort, its warm embrace
The orange light shines in the dark of night
We stand there listening for the problems in the wind
But we stand back to back, always together
Never knowing the other is there
We just feel the comfort of the burning candle
As it pushes us through our lives
 Oct 2013 Allison
Love me like before
Remember the love we had
Don't kiss me goodbye
 Oct 2013 Allison
Your scent
still lingers
wherever I go;

In a field of roses,
yours would be
the only one I know.
 Oct 2013 Allison
John Clare
Love lives beyond the tomb,
And earth, which fades like dew!
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true.

Love lives in sleep:
’Tis happiness of healthy dreams:
Eve’s dews may weep,
But love delightful seems.

’Tis seen in flowers,
And in the morning’s pearly dew;
In earth’s green hours,
And in the heaven’s eternal blue.

’Tis heard in Spring
When light and sunbeams, warm and kind,
On angel’s wing
Bring love and music to the mind.

And where’s the voice,
So young, so beautiful, and sweet
As Nature’s choice,
Where Spring and lovers meet?

Love lives beyond the tomb,
And earth, which fades like dew!
I love the fond,
The faithful, and the true.
 Oct 2013 Allison
The lonely raindrops
placed soft kisses
on his pale skin,
right at the tip
of his button nose
leaving a light sprinkle
of love marks behind.

— The End —