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 Sep 2018 Nevermind
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
swaying with the wind
brown arms sprout where they were cut
leaves fall but they won't
life will always try to heal
from things the roots can't speak of
We think about how sophisticated and "natural" the style of our human homes when we use wood, especially the rare ones we brag about, cut to elegant shapes and forms; but we never thought about how these beings stand as homes to nature's creatures. We never thought they are breathing beings, too.

This makes me ashamed to be human.
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
meet me in the gaze
bear a lawless mind armed with
infinite queries
for the key is to not peek
through the locks of broken hearts
If you're up for it.
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
she had always kept
her own idea of him
like a bad tattoo
making sense of those blurred lines
rationalizing regrets
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
Jack L Martin
Whatever happened to the common man who sits in the shadows and listens to the pillowed breeze of merchant ships sailing on ancient seas?
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
Jack L Martin
Oh, for what was I a boy, so long ago,
Dancing freely amongst the tall tree tops.
Greedily breathing the morning dew's glow,
Mind settling down, vast daydreaming flops.

Gazing eyes upon sweets and fruits of bliss,
Sorrow has it's days and merriment be.
As bitterness eye followed for a kiss,
Delivered confusion under my tree.

Curious rovers bellow sounds of bleak,
Hell fellows chamfer happiness askew.
Mind's eye worrying a shadowless shriek,
Running humming my innocence aflew.

Events that played out like song of sorrow,
Gift to thine eye and forgotten tomorrow.
My first Shakespearean Sonnet
 Sep 2018 Nevermind
Jack L Martin
As I lay on my comfort king
fading in slowly from falsehood
splatters of moisture pain the leaves
and drip on to other things
that gravity has claimed for its own

Splatters of rain on aluminum
liquid flowing through it's crevice
gathering momentum' s energy
gliding down the metal channel
giving it's soul back to the earth
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