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May 2019 · 139
The Shepherd Girl
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
A rider
was passing a desert.

He was to deliver
an important message.

He lost his way;
he spent all he had,
all the fool and water.

He was going to die,
in that endless desert;
life and death of many,
depended on his journey.

He found an oasis,
when he was hopeless.

There he met a girl,
a shepherd girl;
she was living there
with goats and sheep alone.

She gave him bread,
some goat's milk.

The rider forgot all
about his final goal.

He fell in love with girl;
Stayed with her till death.

Did he lost his way,
The day he lost the way?

Or did he got lost,
the day he found the girl?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
You only have the chance to live once
Even though some say you can live twice

And if you fail to live well in the first life
You shouldn't hope a better another life
Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 09:17
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I am an introvert
Confined in my own circle

You are an extrovert
Go around to many circles

Our fate was written so
We fell in love hitherto

We fought for many contrasts
You were always who conquest

That changed me for the better
You brought sweetness to my life
May 2019 · 88
My Virtual Hometown
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I was born in this small town
And lived here all my life
But I feel as I'm homesick
The hometown I never saw
This is a strange feeling
I see dreams of it every night
Memories rush to me in every
Spots in my life and work
I'm going to believe
That maybe these are real
Not a dream of an unsettled soul
But memories of a life
That I had somewhere sometime
A day I'll go straight
Back to my real old life
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Are you worried about your body?
Your appearance when in public

You see some are really relaxed
But their bodies not best shaped

Finally, I found out the mysterious
To be easy with self on the presence

You cease to be concerned of appearance
When you start to be confident in yourself
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Happiness could not be bought
I tell you where it could be sought

In clear minds from future worries
Who don't think about bad memories

In hearts that are proud of belongings
Not full of regrets for what's surroundings
Inspiration from one of my friends, a happy Russian girl.
May 2019 · 289
The Colors and Universe
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
The colors and universe are
different from the eyes of
various animals.
What is guaranteed:
that this world is not only
a dream of our imagination.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Between all shining girls
Slim and gorgeous and perfect
I chanced to set my eyes on you
You were not the most beautiful
By the standards of the community
You seemed a bit over-weight
Your dressing was not most smart
Your make up far from complete
Maybe to my eyes the other girls
Were subject of attention there
But something deep in my heart
Gave me a hint to look at you
And go toward you, not others
After the whole time that passed
I know now my heart was right
May 2019 · 188
Born in the wrong place
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Many believe they are
Born in the wrong place
They think if they were
In the right place right now
With that many talents
Success comes to them straight
They need to read many
Biographies of famous names
Success never comes easily
Knock on their door by chance
In every successful person's path
There are many ups and downs
By the way, if you don't
Try to reach your goals
You will remain where
You think you don't deserve.

Just move!
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
A man who had lived all his life
In a remote desert far from shore
Traveled once to a beach city
The moment he saw the vast ocean
He couldn't prevent his tears to come
He stood there and looked for a while
As someone who sees the first time
All the wonders in his life
He moved toward the beach hesitantly
All the time his eyes fixed on the waves
After a while, he managed to be calm
Ceased to cry and started laughing
The tide was going high again
The waves moved closer to him
The moment the waves reached him
Started to climb on his feet
He felt calm with enormous joy
That he never had all his life
The tidal waves got stronger
The man didn't move until
He was drowned and gone missing
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Life of settlers for a traveler
Is still and without change
Day and night pass in routine
No goal and no move to gain
A traveler feels the changing
Going on the way toward a destination
For every step he reaches
A bit closer to the final step
A person's life who change
Every day compared to yesterday
Is like that traveler
Trying toward a goal is a journey
At the end who went more
Who is really the winner
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Great goal means challenge
Risk of defeat and failure
Going on a journey, a quest
From tranquility to chaos
As the goal's importance goes high
Risk and challenge also goes high
This is the difference between
Great persons and ordinary one
Some accept challenge and go
Some prefer to be calm and relaxed
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
A girl, a beautiful, gorgeous girl
Ran from the home violence
With a guy who said he loved her

At first, it was really great
To live in happiness and love
Living in freedom, self-confidence

Until her boyfriend left her
Someday without any reason
All the world seemed scary

Violence, assault in every corner
This is the story of many girls
Feeling abandoned, their life ruined

If you see a girl had passed
This stage of life with success
Be certain that she is unstoppable
Thursday, May 16, 2019
May 2019 · 142
Strong Woman
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Strong Woman!
Oh! Strong Woman!

The nightmare for the weak men
Who prefer to see weak women
Even though they're pretty sure
Humanity is built by women
History is shaped by women
Especially by the strong ones

Strong Woman!
Oh! Strong Woman!

Ordinary men complain they
Are not capable of any love
But they fear to fight for them
Winning their love is challenging
Then they declare a strong woman
She can't be such a good beloved

Strong Woman!
Oh! Strong Woman!

You can't withstand her stare
You can't deceit her with a lie
You can't rule her any time
You can't own her free soul
But if you could win her love
You are the luckiest, lucky man
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Come open the lock on my heart
You only have the key, the art

Your beauty, your charm, your elegance
For problems the only needed assistance

Come drink with me a bottle of wine
I've provided for you, the most fine

You drink wine and forget about all
I'm already drunk when with you in all

Come sooner for my soul left my body
It's inconsolable, seeking for your body

Come sooner before the time is passed
You hear the news a mad lover is passed
10:20 Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
I believed that real love doesn't exist
Until you came blissfully in my life

You are the epitome of many qualities
Character aspects of a perfect lover

Love is sometimes full of hesitations
Is it really love that I hold in my heart?

But for you, it's clear without any doubt
As when the sun rises darkness fades away

Even flowers in our front yard seem happier
Birds sing every morning for you jubilant

This is what I'm sure that it comes from
The wish for my good luck from my mother

I'm happy now the happiest in the world
I have two angels in life my mom and you
Happy mothers day :)
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Wars satisfy some people's thirst for human blood.

War is a place for some people
Who **** others to satisfy
Their lust for human blood

They are war traders
And at the end of all many battles
Come together to negotiate for peace terms
Many became war heroes and earn medals
In expense of the life of many innocents

War is a place of cruelty
Put on in cloth of bravery
Who kills better is braver
Who is killed is a coward
A general sitting in the command
Kills thousands without a shot
But only one shot of a word
He sits in his comfortable seat
Wearing the most handsome uniform
Commands thousands to **** in his name
In the end, he sits with opposing commander
Like two old friends come together
After a long time and drink and laugh
They negotiate about peace terms
Thousands of lives gone forgotten in vain.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
May 2019 · 96
Finding The Right Word
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
Finding the right word
For the right thought
In a dictionary, you wrote
In my heart and mind
Finding the right term
To put in my passion
You filled my heart with
Hanged my mind totally
I speak like a mad man
Or a drunkard over-drunken
Never mind for who has lost
All his sense in your presence
I drink your love philter
You gave me last night
All of it is penetrated through
Every single cell of my body
Leaving a mad lover from me.
Hamed M Dehongi May 2019
First time kissing

Do you remember?

It tastes sweet still

After all these years

First time kissing

Do you remember?

I'm sure you do

Our journey was started
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
The wind takes a leaf in any direction
                 The weightless yellow-face leaf

It doesn't have any power
To select the path it wants to go

Do you feel like this sometimes
Such as that leaf in your life
Powerless, unfortunate, insignificant
Subject to many scoundrel bullies

Even can't select
                             The next step
                                                     Save the final destination

I felt like this many times
Tried hard the gain the power
Needed for being in a state
That my choices are mine really

Now I think I can see
            My goal on the summit
The way to the there seems clear
Am I on the correct path now?
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Love is

No one can describe it clearly
But all can feel it certainly

Love comes in many forms
                                                Agape, unconditional love
                                                Eros, pure ****** love
                                                Ludus, playful love
                                                Phililia, Affectionate love

Now I want to tell you something new
If you want to feel the extreme love view

You should seek it in
                                     An eastern lover.
09:09 - Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I was mountaineering with some friends
We found an old hut built on heights
That was where we sheltered for a night
It was enough to keep us warm that night
People said it was built by an old man
Who lived in a nearby village for a while
He brought all materials a little at a time
By his donkey to the summit for a while
As he was working to finish this shelter
The Soviets were building the Mir station
Pretty the same way as did the old man
Sending parts of it in modules to space
Modules after module by rockets to space
They both contributed to human history
One is registered as the first step in the history
The other is never discussed in any debate
These tiny men and women are numerous
During the first day till the resurrection

Which is a more important contribution to human history?
If I had to choose I opted the old man's work
Because it helps many stay warm and dry
Apr 2019 · 325
Fatemeh The Wise one
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
My firstborn child is dear to me
She is the wise one among the girls
She cares a lot about her sisters
Always she is worried and cautious
She loves reading and writes prose
I think she will be a writer and proud

The day she was born I was so happy
I felt the sweet feeling of being a dad
But tomorrow morning my joy come to end
When the pediatrician told me a painful fact
One of her nerves had damaged in her neck
During the time when she was given birth
So it caused that she couldn't move
One of her arms, the right one

I went to a corner and cried in silence
This was the most painful moment in life
I called for God, she is a little girl
Take my arm instead, let her have a healthy one

We went to another specialist, a neurologist
She tested and said nerve is damaged but
There are some pulses that make me hope
But we need to wait for three months

I was at work when she called
My wife was, she was behind the line
She shouted with an excited voice
That our baby girl had just moved her arm

Written: Monday, April 8, 2019, 14:07
I have two other younger daughters that I'll tell you about them later
Apr 2019 · 129
He was wild in bed tonight
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
He was wild in bed tonight
As if he had gained his lost youth
He used to be energetic long ago
But his vigorous moves was gone
So many long, long years ago
His wife was surprised by the change
And was happy at the same time
She felt young and pretty again
And contributed more than usual
In the act of making love tonight
She was not sure about the cause
But she welcomed and didn't care
For now, she had the chance to
Enjoy a perfect *** tonight with
A man who gained his lust again

She never knew that the real reason
Was just only that she had put on
A perfume that was once a favorite
Of her husband's lost ex-girlfriend

Written: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is another life
         That the rules of this one
                 Do not apply
                          So I can have your love

If it was not forbidden and sinful
I would forget about all the rules
I would come to you straight
And would kiss you in front of all

Your love is forbidden for me
With all rules on man's and god's
That fact never decreases in my heart
The flame of love that comes from you

It hurts even more when I know
You are unreachable in this life
Since the rules are set strictly
No one dares to try to change them

My only hope is that there is
Another life right after this one
That rules do not apply anymore
I wish I could quit this life very soon

I would go to that new life
And wait there for you to come
But I'm really scared of that
You may make me wait for a long time

Written: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is no unconditional love

At least
One considers one condition

His love be accepted
From whom he has loved.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
A man's heart
Is full of concerns
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Scar to the body
Heals but never goes unseen

Scar to the soul
Never heals but never is in sight
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Don't pity
A disabled person
With a defected body

The worst
Imperfection is
A defected heart that

Of letting love
Come in the heart
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
You are flirtatious Ludus and I'm dumb
I can't understand your moves
So I think you don't love me
Sometimes I feel that you love me
I am confused!
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Hello darling, my little pretty daughter
I wish you good, and times full of laughter

Everyone sees the world from her eyes
Or thinks of the world in her thoughts
I'm sure for a child like you
Or even better a girl like you
The world is full of happiness
Full of red hearts and birds
Drawn on your painting paper

Be happy in your joyful world
Time will come by force of nature
The time that negative thoughts
And ugly aspects of life
Steals your beautiful world from you

But never forget that the only
The beautiful world that you had
When you where a young girl
That is something that is really real.
Apr 2019 · 177
Poverty and Love?
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Does a man in poverty
Has any right to
fall in love
with a woman?

The poor man may destroy
Future and happiness for her

Does a man in poverty
Has a right to

Risk life of a woman
For only the passion
He feels in his heart?
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
You wish of being loved
Try to be as lovely as you should
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Many women changed the history
By being the first in any area

Other women did it in another way
By lovers who loved them
Such as to try hard to gain
The hand of a woman they loved
Tried hard to change for the better
They did their best and by the way
They changed history by
Being outstanding and successful
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Only love could change that proud boy
Come out of his eminence to fight
For love, he seemed never believe
Even that exist in his imagination
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Many denied starting a journey
Judging by the long path ahead
Some pioneers walked toward goals
By only small steps one by one
Apr 2019 · 148
I lost you for silence
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I lost you forever,
And you wonder,
Why I was silent all the time,
When I could try to reach you.

You enquired with your eye,
For me to say a word,
But I kept being silent,
Cause no word could I find,
To express my feelings.

Do you think love or passion,
Is the right word for me to say,
So you don't know how I feel.

I can never explain,
Cause no word can explain fully,
All that I keep in my heart.

For not you to misunderstand me,
I prefer being silent,
Even though it cost me losing you.

Unless you could read,
All my feeling in my heart,
Right through my eyes.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
There is no sense of security for a lover
Even though the love seems secure forever

Who appears to be the most confident in himself
Fear of loosing has a place deep in his heart

The dearest and greatest virtue in life for a lover
Is love, and no one can be contempt with such a fortune
Apr 2019 · 84
Avoid That Flirting Girl
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Avoid that flirting girl,
That ruthless girl who looks at men as preys,
Many boys have gone to her trap,
And never came back and lost everything.

Because she only flirts to torture.
She loves to torture by flirting
When she goes after her prey and starts flirting,
Almost always she wins.

But when the poor boy's heart is full of desire,
She abandons him and enjoys torturing him.

Especially she loves proud boys be her prey,
And I warn you, you who you think  
You are an exception,

You are proud of yourself,
But I assure you,
You are only her next prey.
Apr 2019 · 122
You are gifted
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
You are gifted he said
Made for this quest.
I was young and green,
So I started to go.

I went on and on,
Toward what I believed the goal,
A decade of wandering,
And I felt lost.

You are gifted he said
Made for this quest.
I was young and green,
So I started to go.

I reviewed my journey
And made a new plan
10 years is not much
For such a great quest
Apr 2019 · 303
You Never Gave Me a Chance
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
All I wanted was
An uncommon relationship
It was a forbidden love
But I needed you too,
For the quest of the life
You pretended to understand
The goal we thought we shared
But you were wrong
You never gave me a chance
To explain to you
And now I am leaving
Going alone.
Apr 2019 · 94
Words are not enough
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
How can I express to you
The feeling and passion in my heart
Words are not enough
To show all my love.

I say nothing
And hope you read it through my eyes
When love and lust are so close
Misunderstanding can come
From a single word.

So I prefer silence
And hope you read all through my eyes.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I want to be free.
I feel I'm lost
Every day is a copy of the day before
Sometimes worse!
Dreams are lost in dailiness
My dreams are not as great as before
The worst thing is not what I am now
That is I can't even remember
Who I dreamed to be.

Lost in dailiness
A prisoner in time and place
My dream is now
to be free from
The jail of time and place
Apr 2019 · 133
I Will Fight For You
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
When I was partial to a girl
If I felt that
My chance is low
Against a stronger rival
I always gave it up.

But you are different
I will fight for you
with all demons and men
if it needs to be.

I will go out of my safety
I sacrifice my security
To get you
because I really love you.
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
You chose between me
And that notorious philanderer
It is clear who wins
Honest love can't  win
Such a notorious philanderer
With all experience he has
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
I used to be a logical person
But it changed when I started loving you
My actions now are controlled by my heart
My mind never has a chance to prevent it
You see many crazy things from me
I appear mad because of loving you
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
Life on earth is mysterious
Especially for a race like a man
There are many puzzles about it
That generation after generation
Millions devoted their life to solve
Some of the mysteries in life
But living uniquely is the only task
Solving the puzzle in one own life
The only task everyone should follow
Solving the puzzle of the universe
Is not the task of anyone
Everyone should know why they have to live
Hamed M Dehongi Apr 2019
To work, to live, the way you hate it
To wish, to dream, the way you love it

Many have this dichotomous life

Few found a way to go
From a  real life
To a dreamed one

Still more are struggling

This is good to know
That you deserve better
Many even don't know
They can really better

They never dream, and never try
Mar 2019 · 193
Hamed M Dehongi Mar 2019
Regrets, griefs, sorrows
Heartbreaks that persist heartaches
The bitterness of past failures
Dissatisfaction of performances
Uneasiness recalling memories
Faults without apologies
Concerns about misgivings
Self-condemnation of disappointments

All like flames from memories
Burn All today's happiness
Future will be without joys
No pleasure of cheerfulness
Nor enjoyments or delights
Even no content in paradises
Or satisfaction of blessedness
Until one frees all minds

From all past regrets.

Saturday, March 2, 2019
Mar 2019 · 149
Hamed M Dehongi Mar 2019
We had many quarrels and disputes
Disagreement about all our moves
I failed to say my intentions clearly
You failed to ask me to clarify
Arguments and fights fatigued us
Misunderstanding arose hostility
I should've tried to learn more
How to put my thoughts into words
You should've tried to better
Pull real intention of my acts
I learned you learned from these tensions
Eventually, in our final split.

Saturday, March 2, 2019
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