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Sometimes with the Heart
Seldom with the Soul
Scarcer once with the Might
Few—love at all.
you probably think you drained me that afternoon
stole the last bit of hope I had that love is more than bare bodies pressed against each other in the dark
but I still have the same fire in me I’ve had since I was six years old
hearing my father slur his words at 2 am while I pretended to sleep, trembling hands and sweaty palms until we make it home
and I swore I’d never choose a bottle and a hollow heart over someone I was meant to love
but if I didn’t need a man then to show me I was worth more than empty promises and inconsistent affection
what makes you think I’d need one now?
The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
Petals on a wet, black bough.
I am
soupy mud-lukewarm rain.
I am art rarely born in
I am
being more hazardous than a
heartthrob, commitments which don’t owe.

I am
seemingly flawed acrobats where
wars and rifts give purest windows into-
I am
diversity, unbiased observation
without opinion

This body is
a cave to personal Aboriginality.
With similar struggles,
this body is
February  funerals
Stumbling drunk
Faulty wires
Silence singing

This body is
masculinity sitting as knobs on my chest. 10 month T shot
showing no faith in God likely hates me like
This Body Is
a two week alcoholic.

I am
some body. A temporary palace worthy of worshipping
past open hours of service,
I am
this breath inside a masterpiece,
losing pace and time of directions.

I am skeletal, with you
growing through rainfalls I want you to learn to dance with me
I am putting on a face
‘pretty’ is a word fit to little girl’s dresses and marmalade eyes
I am
black lightning down her classroom arms.

This feeling is
‘I think I want to wear makeup’ Who I can be Who can I be? Who was I
This feeling is
Who I was.
Bogged down and banking on jawline horizons never seen,
This feeling is
what it is.

This feeling is multiplying
hearts for many individuals.
This body is
I think I’m aro ace all the way.
I am
thought to be nothing more than your constant in a dream.
 Mar 2017 Apoorv Shandilya
There once was a lesbian named Zoë,
Who was born in a month quite snowy.
She has glasses on her face,
Enjoyed a warm embrace,
And her smile was big and glowy.
I just came out to my English teachers using this poem.
Many moons,
have passed over my headpiece,
as you leave me behind,
in moondust & ashes each night,

You collect on the bookshelves,
I keep here,
collecting on hearts with your light,
dusting my world with your beauty,
diminutives in bits of the white,

This is not the end of the journey,
 this a mere tiny part of the flight,
and I've not seen any more shiny,
or any star nearly as bright,

Though I am unable to see you now,
or touch your skin ever again,
or truly hear you with my ear,
I still miss you so my friend,

I know I cannot be near you now,
I cannot be where you are,
as you are but a twinkling light,
a brilliant & distant, star-

If it was not but for the moon dust,
my heart wouldn't,
be able to see you anymore either.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk inspired....and missing someone who has passed ❤ to you all! X - Ma Cherie!
I think a lot of thoughts,
At 4am.
And I only ever think of you.
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