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 Mar 2017 aniket nikhade
Poetry is breath for the broken
When air isn't enough to keep you alive
When speaking no longer suffices
To express what you're feeling inside
It's for pain beyond what you knew existed
It's tears when you run out of tears to cry
It's for all of the words left unspoken
And the times you never got to say goodbye
 Mar 2017 aniket nikhade
Merry Christmas and God bless
And yes I still love you
As my last teardrop turns to a snowflake
I have nothing left to lose
I wish I could give you the world
And a life together to live
But a few broken peices of my heart
Is all I have to give...
 Mar 2017 aniket nikhade
Can you show me the way to my heartbeat
When my love was so simple and pure
Can I please find a way to go back there
To relive my sweet yesteryear.
i left you because
my glass feels less lonely
than you.

i left you because
my drunken haze
didn't match yours.

i left you because
your soft voice was
heaven to my ears

and i always preferred hell.

i left you because
you leave me every night
and speak the name
of someone else.

someone skinned
deeper onto your skin,
someone you can't just leave
someone for whom you breathe.

i left you because
you always left me

and your fingers didn't feel like a lock
when mine were the key
they didn't fit in.

i left you because I love me
like ghosts on water
like ideas of forever

and you love me

-- Eleanor
missing something
that doesn't exist

stupid nostalgia
I think I could try this
An eternity of you
With loneliness as an option
You're the better of the two.
August 9, 2016
Life is passing me by
And as I hold my breath
I realize I can't stop
The endless, rushing days
Hours of wasted time
Unless I breathe. And live.
August 9, 2016
Though our paths lead us to different places
We'll meet again beyond the boundaries of our fate
Out the window there,
Beneath the glassy, blue sky,
The white sun bleaches
Everything beneath its rays.
I wither inside.
I die if I venture out.
And yet, my heart yearns,
My soul burns, to see the world.
Mountains, rivers, seas;
Indeed, just to see a tree
I would leave it all.
I would risk the burning sun,
Drop it all and run,
If forests were there for me.
I would endure it,
Knowing that cool springs waited.
My heart climbs mountains
As I answer phone calls here;
My mind explores caves
As I file cash receipts.
I watch mountain lakes
Turn gold with the dying sun
As I read emails.
But some day, I will reach out
And instead of desk,
I will grab my mountain gear;
Some day, my fingers
Will callous and toughen up:
Instead of keyboard,
I'll skip rocks across a creek.
I will do it all,
See all I've wanted to see,
And feel the cool breeze
After climbing the mountains
And fording rivers.
I'll get out of this desk chair
And go explore what's out there.
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