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In my car on another late Wednesday night
The blues have taken over
Nothing but silence and the cigarette smoke leaving out of my window
Cars pass by with families in them
While I'm cold and tired
They pay no attention to me but I know them very well already
They're not satisfied with how they're life turned out
Nobody is ever happy enough
And nobody can solve the problems that really matter
We as a people request a more satisfying taste in our mouth
A more beautiful sight to see
Or we will grow disrespectful and resentful to our surroundings
As we have seen them many times before
We as a people know that this will not change and we are all stuck in hell
The moods change with the placement of my body.
With you I'm perfect.
The world is beautiful and I want to explore with you and only you.
At work it's hot and angry and I feel a need to leave,
But on my way home in the silence and dark sky it becomes deppressing.
Sitting in my car because I don't want to walk through that storm door because I know what will happen.
I know I'll begin to not eat and become depressed.
I don't want to be sad anymore so can I please spend all my time with you?
I know I get annoying and you think I'm dumb sometimes but I don't care
I'd rather be with you where I can be happy.
I just really want to make you happy too.
But I know I don't
And I want to sleep in my car in my driveway because I'm scared of my bed and my starving stomach.
But it will soon pull me in
And I'll spend the rest of my night thinking of you
And thinking of how I could be happy
If only I could make you happy
But I don't
And I can't
Just let me be happy.
Maybe drugs are a good replacement of loneliness because being with you is like being in a different mental state.
And that mental state is called happiness and I don't know how to get there anymore.
So rip open  my chest and grab my heart with your hand and tell me everything will be okay
Because I'll believe you
And I couldn't believe anybody else
But that's what tears me apart inside is knowing that you want something else
Knowing that you could never talk to me again and be okay
So I'll just go back to my room and close my door
Wishing that you were on my bed smiling back at me
But I'd tear out my own eyes if you left because I'd rather see nothing then to never see you again.
Talk is cheap but still feels too expensive.
when did my heart and mind end on the for-rent list.
I would play you any song but only disappointment is on the set list.
I'll ask the genie at the bottom of the bottle for that last wish.

I might always be sad, but you'll never not be a liar
I hope these things come to you in those lonesome hours
I'm still buring with all of my passion
But worthless were my words and actions.
You get what you give, all you do is take
I hope I see the day your skeleton crumbles and your bones break.
there once was a girl who broke promises like tea glasses. It wasn't hard, really. just a little too much heat, too much pressure. maybe she just didn't pay attention, until there were tea glasses shattered all over the floor.
     but one day the girl worried that someone would see all that broken glass and start to wonder, so she grabbed fistfuls of the mess and she swallowed it all down down down where no one could ever see. and the jagged shards tore at her insides, shredded her gut into ****** ribbons, bedazzled her stomach lining like stars.
     the girl smiled and bled and broke more promises and swallowed and swallowed and swallowed. until one day those pretty tea glass promises ripped her open and everyone could see her mistakes spill out of her as she bled out on the floor.
settle down children, this one's about you.
Rain has never been as nice as it is now
It bounces off your cheeks when you smile
I could watch this happen forever
Can we just stay here for a while
So we can talk about our plans after high school
And we can talk about each other
These moments they'll soon end
I know they won't last forever
I am **** to your touch
I am filth on the street
Watch me be walked on
Underneath your reach
You'll try to grab and pick me up
But I like this just fine
Every now and then it's warm
But it stays cold most of the time
You are everything to me
You are the air I want to breath
I'm just a cloud in the sky
But you darling you're the sea.
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