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 Dec 2014 ZL
Christopher Lowe
Have you ever
Metaphorically drowned
In your own thoughts
 Dec 2014 ZL
 Dec 2014 ZL
she plays sad songs on repeat
like the routine of her heartbeat...

they smiles at her
she refuse to speak...

racing thoughts creep...
tears leak...

she licks her lips
and taste defeat...
 Dec 2014 ZL
Jeffrey Pua
Do not lead this finger... your tongue.


© 2014 J.S.P.
Writer's Block
 Dec 2014 ZL
 Dec 2014 ZL
my head is heavy
and so is my heart.

they tell me to stay in my place
but I forgot my part.

my head is heavy
and so are my eyes

I wear a muffle
to cover my cries.

they tell me it will be alright,
but it won't because I'm not white.
 Dec 2014 ZL
Kate Irons
 Dec 2014 ZL
Kate Irons
I can’t describe the pain I feel

So I write it down for all to hear

And I can’t help but admit it’s true

That I’m losing my mind over you
 Dec 2014 ZL
SG Holter
Their footprints are
deep from carrying
cannons to
 Dec 2014 ZL
Self vs Self
 Dec 2014 ZL
I went to war last night!

Somebody died,

because I'm alive.
 Dec 2014 ZL
Sarah Gammon
I wish I wasn't so upset by a lack of music in my ears,
I feel so alone when no one's there to dry my tears.
I'm wasting time trying to figure out what I feel,
Instead of realizing all the things I have that are real.
I've skipped all the good and jumped to the bad,
I'm a worst-case-scenario thinker that's always sad.
Questioning intentions and arguing compliments
Instead of worshipping myself and my accomplishments.
Tell me why I should have the right to complain,
Besides the fact that I'm burning alive in pain,
A mental pain that exists due to a chemical imbalance
Kind of ironic that a libra would encounter that challenge.
But nevertheless, here I am wanting to scream,
Asking God why I can't have what I dream.
Not sure why I feel so empty when I'm alone,
but when people are near, I turn hard as stone.
I'm a catch 22, a ******* hypocrite, too.
Being a happy person is hard work when you're naturally blue.
Fighting the same battles, years after years,
An internal struggle to justify all these **** tears.
But when the music is gone, it all comes to the surface,
I am an endless cliche of a girl with no purpose.
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