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According to the society I live in,
I am the man in the relationship,
because I have the *****.
According to society,
that means I have to be the ultimate handy man,
Ultimate know how,
ultimate lover
ultimate brained guy.
I feel like I am subjected by what other men expect of me.
I feel like I'm not enough,
The other men make me feel bad,
just because I'm the only guy they know,
who isn't in a relationship for *****.
Because in fact,
I value love.
According to the society I live in,
I am supposed to use my big **** in situations
to please the woman,
and move on to the next.
But, that's not me.
My **** size should not matter,
nor should my ability to please women,
because that isn't what matters.
What matters is how i can respect her,
and make her happy
(not only by ***).
Men need to wake the hell up,
stop being in it to ****,
and try a REAL relationship for once.
My biceps should not define my worth,
but by my heart, integrity, and morals.
Men think they have to be "dominant"
but what they really need to be is dominated.
My face should not be the world of my life.
I don't want to be ignorant and cocky,
but loving and compassionate.
Men shouldn't be bragging about how many girls they've ******,
but complementing the girl they love for REAL reasons.
My fellow men disgust me.
They have fallen so far behind.
I am a man,
but I will not fall victim to other men's expectations.
Dedicated to ****** who think they are everything because they are a "man"
Copyright Bleeding Diamonds, 2016
"Run run lost boy they say to me
                                   Away from all of Reality"
We  had  a  strange  coffee  morning  today.
Instead  of  coffee  and  biscuits.
We  had  coffee  and  buttered  toast.
It  went  down  well  with  the  people.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
love is like the roll of dice.
Sometimes what you want,
some times not.
Love is the genre of anything, and everything
stretching wide and far apart.
Love is kisses,
love is hugs,
love is ***,
love is pleasure,
love is patient,
love is fun
Love is jealous
love is narcissistic,
love is hateful,
love is painful.
love is impatient,
love is cruel
Love is what we make it.
Humans have lost the meaning,
some kept it.
sorry if this is generic,
but i like to keep it simple,
and to keep the ball rolling.....
And i think...
Love saw what we did last night =/
I guess you can call it lying
saying you’re fine when you’re not.
But it’s also a way of protecting
the dark spots on the mind that one got

— The End —