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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
and i wish i knew
how to love you
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
She is like a flower
One that begins to blossom
At the commencement of spring
I want to love her
Shower her with affection
Nurture her with laughter
Make her shine like the sun
She is the most beautiful
As she blooms in the midst
Of our love
She is so graceful
The way she opens her heart up to me
As if she were flower petals
Soaking up every bit
Of every spring day
She is like a flower
Yet she is something different entirely
Something more
Something like I've never seen before
Her beauty goes unrivaled
Her authenticity and her passion
Are of something I've never witnessed before
She's the greatest I've known
Her love is something I cherish
Her soul, her heart, is like a bouquet of perfection and beauty
One of a kind
I'm so happy she's mine
Woke up to the sweetest message from her.

© Willa 2014
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I'm Sorry
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Dear you,
You're the person who has never let me down
You've always been there when I needed someone
You lent me your ear
You gave me advice
You wiped away my tears
Held me through all my cries
You've spent your time on me
You've spent your money
And how I repay you
Is by not doing so at all
Instead I betray you
And I put our trust on the line
Now it is gone
And the fault is all mine
You deserve so much better
Than what I have to offer
I'm in a horrible place
And while that is no excuse
For what I have done
You still deserve someone to be there
And reciprocate what you do
You're the one person I love the most
And the one person I hurt tragically
By losing you, I lose myself
But I deserve this
You belong with someone else
I'll always love you
And be plagued with pain and guilt
You'll always be important to me
But now I think I should set you free
Because I hurt you so tremendously
It may be selfish
But I can't live with myself
I love you
I already miss you
One day your true love
Your beautiful princess
Will be there for you
I'm sorry
But it isn't me
Had an awful morning and fought with my best friend.

© Delia 2014
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I've said it maybe a million times
that "things will be okay"
and yes, my love,
they will be okay for you
but it is I who is so uncertain
of this life and what I make of it
I know I've been acting off
I get so emotional anymore
everything is making me crumble
I fear soon I shall be nothing but those crumbs
and what happens to crumbs?
they are swept away
on an amazing journey
airborne in their container
false hope making them believe that they have won
they are rising, getting where they need to be
and, I guess, in a way they are getting there
to that wonderful trashcan
and I bet at first that seems great
so many people are around them,
i bet they even act like them
this is shattered by reality though
even a small dose, lover, is toxic
they too soon realize that they are losers
everyone around them, like them,
everyone breathing the the same
grimy as they are, is just a loser
and maybe thats not the worst
i think the worst would be knowing
knowing that there is no way out
other then to be thrown out again
joining many other crumbs on a final journey
to being incinerated, crushed, and maybe
even put in the ground to rot
and, lover, I think I got off track
maybe, but not really
What I'm trying to say is that
Do not let yourself become crumbs
Do not rot away from the beauty of life
Do not follow in my footsteps
Do not become me.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Carson Taylor
Do you even know alone?
You're always surrounded and loved
Don't you dare talk to me in that condescending tone
Into the light you're shoved
Again and again, by your own hand
Do you like the attention
It's the truth I demand
But it's not something that to my face you will mention
I've given you my heart
and all you've done was broken it apart
as im naked and lying in bed with you, I allow the reveal of my most exposed parts. not those of my body but those of my heart.

i cling on to your arm and rest my head on your shoulder and this routines not something i had wanted to discover.

its easier to have suitors who do what they need, to get up after selfish  pleasures are pleased. give me fake promises and acceptingly leave. this routine had me feeling empty it seemed.

i accepted that repeated routine and didn’t realize it turned once beautiful hopeless romanticism into a myth for me.

that idea of this was one i thought was irreversibly now sincere . but this time for once i want you to stay over my dear.

those big green eyes that dont look hazed or glassy, have caused me to want and need you for real. you held me and kissed my neck and our bodies tangle tight.
i don’t feel as though this bodies all you needed that night.

i felt pleasure I swore off and didn’t think could exist again.
pleasures pulsing in my body but also mentally in my head.

i am reluctant to passion or emotional acts of this kind.
but **** baby that night I knew I wanted you to be mine.

and as hard as that is for my own mind to understand,
i want you to know that I can contribute to future plans.
that i wont hurt you or deceive you and support and my comfort for you whenever you need my helping hand.

you made me feel like I had someone safe and I wanted to keep the feeling around for always. Please just say my name so heavenly sweet and softly…

but although this feeling has hurt others in turn, I want my own heart to  
finally be able to have what it deserves. and to you I know Id be sincere, sweet and kind.
to your untrusting attitude and damaged heart similar to mine.

and it seemed at first that jaded attitudes are all we had in common. Until you opened up to me and I emotionally let you in.
because for once I wasn’t thinking this wasn’t going to be anything real in the end.

And I unexpectedly loved that sweet feeling of our pressed bodies sharing skin.

when you told me you wanted to be good enough to have me,
Iv have burning desires every time your around me.
I dream of you taking me fast and pushing hard against walls,
And when desire overtakes on the ground we should fall.

Where ill let you take that one part of me I didn’t know I had.
And I know your sweet passion will give up to me back.

Hard and heavy breathing as your green eyes catch mine.
Holding bodies and remaining still as we let final pleasures overtake us and our bodies bind.

And as hot and heavy heat simmers down and subsides, I lie on your chest and feel  my most comfortable inside.

Your arms protectively wrap around me and we temporarily rest.
But this routine of intense amazement will start again fast, because our hearts are finally accepting what we both deserve at best.  

Emily A Grande
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Lets go to the beach, where we can
    play in the sand
    splash in the waves
    run hand in hand
    eat things we crave

Lets go down town to
    check out the shops
    buy new clothes
    see boys that are hot
    mess with hobos

Lets run away and just
    always be the same
    rely on each other
    dance in the rain
    go undercover
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Jonny Angel
Millions are made
off the misery of others
& there is no cure in sight.
The system just reloads,
rakes in the hard earned dollars
of real people
who they say
have no rights.
And who are they,
but the high & mighty
sitting high in the pulpit,
hitting happy hour
before they drive back home
after a hard day's work
playing hypocrite.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I wonder if poetry is as good when your happy
Lord knows it can usually sound quite sappy

Love and birds and clouds galore
Children's laughter and so much more

But for now I will write of my gruff and my grit
The stuff that's all made up of ****

Relationships , casualties and inner daemons
The thick in which remains of my dreamings

Paired with that of a guilty conscience
Can only leave me to sound obnoxious

The fumes to ruminate the life I once had
Of birds and clouds and things that were glad

For now I'm ok with the grit and the gruff
Because for now it is the truest of stuff
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