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 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Diana Bloom
i want to be in the city.
i want to wake up to the sound of taxis.
i want to walk down 5th avenue holding the hand of my lover.
i want to look out at night and see the twinkling city lights.
i want to be in the city.
i want it more than anything.

 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Allen Wilbert
I'm Pregnant

Do you think you're fat like me,
looks like I'm pregnant with twins.
Gained forty pounds in two short years,
never thought I'd reach two hundred pounds.
If you don't give a **** like me,
then don't even worry about it.
If you care then try a diet,
exercise as often as possible.
I bring to you,
for a one time offer,
the I don't give a **** diet.
Jam packed with all things bad for you,
sit on your *** all day and do nothing.
That's my diet secret, no pain, all gain.
I like my big fat tummy,
it assures that my food is yummy.
I find it funny,
when fat people order a steak and three sides,
then they ask for a diet soda,
like that's gonna do anything.
People who say they love the taste,
must be lying, cause diet soda is nasty.
Oh those days when I was skinny,
dorky face and bushy blonde hair.
Not sure which one of me looked better,
but hot ****, no one makes the girls wetter.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
i miss you . . .
like, i miss talking to you
is that weird . . .?
i'm sorry.
life doesn't reflect poetry.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
I know you miss me
Though you say you hate me
And want nothing to do with me
But I know I treated you better than the rest
Because I saw it first hand
And I made it a point to be irreplaceable
I genuinely wish things could've been different between us
But you said you never loved me
And you won't stop telling lies
So with that, we're over forever
© Willa 2014
**** you.
My life was on a treadmill-
Simple steps and common sense.
Then you stopped by
And dared me to
          Jump off

This roller coaster we rode
Whizzed by all who watched.
Not certain of what they saw,
They smiled-
And marched on to the next
          Big thing

Chains and gravity take this adventure
To new speeds and bigger heights
But we both know-
The end is coming
And it's coming fast so
          Hold on

Soon I'll get back on the treadmill
And you to the Ferris wheel.
And back to the groove
Of organized chaos.
And looking back, I'll only think
          Of you

I'll think of adventures
Of maybe finally getting what I want;
Of sunshine and late nights,
Of what is and what could be
And say to it all
          **** you
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Margrett Gold
I try to mimic the touches that you've made,
here when I’m alone
but I can’t seem to trace the slow
the ripples
the shivers,
the heat
that you've garnished over my skin,
the feel of your finger tips
sliding along the seams of my sweater,
riding along the ridges of my spine
down and round the valleys of my senses.

I try to mimic the touches that you've made
alas, when I’m alone
my timing is always
slightly off,
your touches feel like a stranger's,
never quite right.
And those carefully carved moments
the order of movements
of walking through the door
to familiar ground,
and laughter
with a twist of lime,
a kiss
and release,
timing that sigh of relief
settling down into the confines of our choices
starting a scene that always seems
to end in a dream sequence in my mind
realizing that it abruptly begins,
and painfully ends in time.
(I feel you still, and delicate, when I pull off clothing and climb into bed). I suppose this is a feeling that I just must let go of.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
He liked her with her long hair,
so she cut it short.
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