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 Dec 2014 Xavier Balladarez
You should be ashamed
Of filling me with *****
And horrible memories
And touching my chin
Then asking me why I was shaking.

I was shaking because of you.
You caused a great snowfall
Inside my hollow bones.
I would never keep your baby.

You can say god bless you,
All that you want.
He's left us.
He doesn't like the unpure.
That's what you are,
And that's what you've made me.

You say I have dragon eyes,
And I say they've seen it all.
But not very well, clearly shown by the title.
Life is so strange
Nothing stays the same
Everything change
But who to blame

Life is like a game
Where you have to lose
Before you can gain
To win you have to face the fearful rain

In Life.. They always say
Don't use your heart
Only use your brain

In life there is love
But the more is hate
No one decide
They all hesitate
And who knows the fate

The closest people you need go away
When you need them the most
You find them lost

Day after day
Days go by
People are born.. and other die

Year after year
No one understands
Nothing is clear
Nothing in our hearts except fear

Today you walk & talk
Tomorrow you lay in your grave
And nothing it gave
The money that you save
And no use of your gold
When it won't be sold

You have to be strong
Stop doing the wrong
And never lie
Be ready for your last goodbye
There are those with whom
We are only meant to share
He, a single bead of dew,
Aged well, yet threadbare,

Clung to the cat tongue edge of a
Green blade of grass.
She, a daughter among the olive trees
The olive in her palm
cured by the bottom of his glass.

We are all to become done
And what’s done
Is done, but
its purpose
has not passed.

Each a …hair
Fell from the head
'tis silence falling
that wakes one from dreams,

These men "gone missing
From lost souls
Have been found
By authorities,

Beckoned from behind the veil
So they came along
Quietly, quietly
Love thirsting, flesh
and frail.

“Your soul is but a diamonds shine”
Smiled the sage,
“Abandoned by youth,
lost in dunes
And found
In the sands by age.”
The scariest thing
is not being able to trust your own mind.
It is my woeful enemy
shooting me from behind.
Filled with nerves and harsh thoughts
i battle salty streaks and stomach knots.
I have no appetite and get no sleep
maybe its why i seem and feel so weak.
And while i try to understand this corruption
the anxiety and depression continue their introductions.
So theres a reason my mind and heart weep
over my broken thoughts that run so deep.
My doctor tells me this is "common"
that "others have it and are doing awesome".
But even though i know the stats
it doesn't make me feel any less like shattered glass.
And at the end this monster will take over
its slowly growing and getting closer and closer.
So dear friend, watch out for your mind
or you'll end up with a monster who is incredibly unkind.
sleep with me
in the most innocent sense of the word.
lay by my side
and envelop me
in the sanctuary of your arms.

let me leech your heat
and bury my face into your chest.
run your fingers down my spine
and whisper sweet nothings into my hair.

play with my hair
and hold me close.
sing softly to me
as my eyelids droop.

take me with you
into the dream land
where love is easy
and i can kiss you without interruption.

wake me up with butterfly kisses
and morning breath that smells sweet to me.
kiss me on the nose before you get out of bed
and tell me you'll see me tonight.

i'll lay by myself
in a bed that's cold now
and count the seconds
until i get to sleep with you again.

— The End —