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 Mar 2015 Cathryona
Some people want to draw the world upon their skin
But I see it there already
Some people stamp their favorite messages down arms and legs
But I see lovely verbage fall
around the edges of my veins
If my breast is a canvas
my bones an easel frame
my mouth will scatter paint
my eyes drip silver rain
to show you I am full and finished
A Universe
my name
May my words uncover my soul to the wise  and my beauty be hidden from fools. What a wonder has God created in every one of us!
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
Anviti Suri
She had a scalding heart,
Suffering fuelling it forever.
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
paper hearts
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
so much like the paper, it crumples
it remains untouched but has been molested
trying to close itself up, until you came and
tore open the stitches and shed the
so much like the paper, it falls
leaning on the words of another to live
their inscribed marks upon its open skin
scars not marks, wounds not scars,
because the wounds have not
closed yet
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
Untitled I
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
My hairs stand on edge
as I sit at the edge of my seat
I didn't think it would come to this,
but you lie, you're full of deceit
Yet I still wait, wait, impatiently wait
Grasping your back and protecting your heart,
saying "it's all going to be alright,"
But you refuse to acknowledge that
The suddenly, my nails aren't digging anymore
And your flesh is gone but so's your bone
And my tears are falling to the concrete floor
I'm all alone once more
hold on
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
Thank You.
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
Thank you Shaun,
for the pictures and flowers.
Thank you Lily,
for the ray of sunlight.
Thank you Bry,
for psychopathic measure.
Thank you D,
for the feeling of good pleasure.
Thank you Tay,
for tea and bears.
Thank you Meg,
for Sherlock and apples.
Thank you Zee,
for robots and twins.
Thank you Carrie,
for fangirling and friendship.
Thank you Liam,
for support and superheroes.
Thank you Paul,
for understanding and ingenious.
Thank you Ceryen,
for fake names and shared tears.
Thank you Chiara,
for Italian cheese and fanfics.
Thank you Rod,
for fish and evil.
Thank you Lia,
for kitties and souls.
Thank you Stephen,
for gravestones and vegetables.
Thank you Christine,
for mercurial and poetical love.
Thank you Caitlin,
for product design and Poundland.
Thank you Jordan,
for weddings and Brenda.
Thank you Conaill,
for DT and Courbet.
Thank you Brendan,
for axes and aunts.
Thank you Tom,
for form time and Brittany.
Thank you George,
for philosophies and pigeons.
Thank you Morgan,
for video games and hearing.
Thank you Alice,
for Pokemon and tumblr.
Thank you Aliyah,
for hearing aids and help.
Thank you all,
for reading and listening.
Thank you, me,
for absolutely nothing.
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
under the bed
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
The child, she
woke up in
the middle of the night,
and felt the
air freeze
around her little height,
but what if
the thing
under the bed, it
ended up
all in her head

But like Dumbledore
said, does that
make it any
less real
For it being in her
head, the monster
would be
more deadly
than ever,
than real

Because she wouldn't have the power to stop it existing
 Mar 2015 Cathryona
the horrible truth
i'm free, but i never am,
the shackles tied tightly
terrible haiku
I never thought that I'd be the one
To finally make you cry.

I swear I always swore to you,
That I would never be that type.
it is the cycle.
everything is
a cycle.

i'm starting to believe that nothing ever changes
and no one ever changes
and i don't change

the only thing that changes is the number on the calendar
and the temperature outside and the faces that come and go.
but the numbers in my head that add up to equal
the sum of my misguided thoughts
don't change

each and every time
i wonder if it's worth it.

the battles will bend and break me
the battles will tear me down
and the cycle always wins the war.

the cycle says that this is the year
that i, once again, contemplate the end

the cycle says that i am too cowardly
and that it isn't time

not yet.

someday the cycle will say
today is the day:
let go
and you'll be free.
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