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DJ Thomas Dec 2010

Bride of the desert
the indomitable town
Solomon’s Kingdom

Lost in history, I wander through a city that was fortified by King Solomon, raided by Mark Antony and ruled by Queen Zenobia who made it the capital of an empire, only to be captured herself and paraded through Rome in gold chains.

Civilisation upon civilisation are entombed within Tadmur; in a huge plain of carved stone blocks, massive columns arched in rows or standing alone, a Romanesque theatre, senate and baths, dominated by a great temple whose origin dates back four thousand years.

Due to a clever mistranslation from Arabic by the euro-centric traveller who ‘discovered’ Palmyra, the city also has a modern name.

Here for millennia, a tribe of Bedu have camped within the folds of these desert steppes and blackened Tadmur’s ruins with their camp fires, to trade camels or herd goats and sheep. Walking the divide between city, desert and the more fertile steppes, I search for their surviving descendants and find a black woven goat’s hair tent with its edges raised to capture a cooling breeze.

Hamed and his sons, huge and wary of foreigners, welcome me to sit within on  carpets and then graciously serve dates with innumerable small glasses of tea. I indicate ‘enough’ in the traditional manner by rolling my right hand and the empty glass. Hamed continues to voice his concerns about the lack of feed for their sheep and the prices achieved at market. I readily succumb to several small cups of greenish Arabic coffee, before being allowed to take my leave.

For millennia the wealth of this city was based on tariffs levied on goods flowing out of the desert aboard swaying camel caravans. Today, these once proudly fierce tribal Bedu no longer breed, train or ride camels.

The Bedu greatly prize their reputation and the respect of their peers. Their traditions are the foundation of these small tribal communities and may predate Islam;  a life now undermined by borders, nationalism, government settlement plans, conscription, war, television and tourism.
                                         *+     +     +      +      +

Black torn empty shells
swept by Mount Lebanon’s shade
Cannabis Valley

As I recall a haiku of ‘images’ of  my very first journey to Damascus, from war-torn Beirut through the lushness of the Bekaa;

in the here and now
a dark suit and Mercedes
cross the Euphrates

Defence Minister, Rifaat al-Assad is in town with his fifty thousand strong Defence Companies, complete with tanks, planes and helicopters.  A coup d’état is in progress to assure Rifaat’s succession to the Presidency of his older brother Hafiz al-Assad, now recovering from a heart attack.

Last year, Rifaat massacred some forty thousand Syrian citizens when he ordered the shelling of the city of Hama. Nobody in Damascus will be underestimating him.

All political and military power is in the hands of the al-Assads and key generals, who command the military and police. The majority of whom are of the Alawite minority Muslim faith from the rural districts near Latakia in the North. Before their revolution, governments came and went in weeks.

My friend Elias is allied to Rifaat’s cause, by simply doing business with the son. Now he and his family share the risks and dangers of this coup failing and stand to lose a fortune. Monies paid locally in Syrian pounds for goods delivered to government agencies.

Elias’s connection with Rifaat and Latakia, as well as his confident presence, humour and love of life, still allows us easy access to the Generals’ Club. Sadly, there is to be no table and floorshow, but a closed meeting with two senior Generals, where we learn that Hafiz has recovered enough to take charge and is now locked in discussions with his younger brother.

The decision is therefore made for us. We say our goodbyes and drive to Latakia.

On Sunday Elias meets his brothers, then with his family, we visit his parents small holding and enjoy a meal together. A wonderful fresh mezza that includes my favourite, courgettes stuffed with ground lamb and rice, in a yogurt sauce. Syrian food is amazingly healthy and my cuisine of choice.

It is a cloudless Monday morning, as I, Elias, his wife and children drive into the docks to board an old 46 foot motor cruiser. Huge cases are stowed as I make my inspection, then start the twin diesels and switch on the over-the-horizon radar. Our early departure is critical. We cast off and the Mate steers for the harbour entrance below the cliffs that guard it. As the Mediterranean lifts our bow in greeting, the disembodied voice of the Harbour Master tells us to return as we do not have permission to sail.

Ignoring the order, I increase our speed through the short choppy surf. We are sailing under the Greek Cypriot flag and in an hour I hope to be out of territorial waters.  At 14 knots we are a slow target.

Fifteen nautical miles from the coast of Syria, I leave the mate to follow a bearing for Larnaca. Elias has opened a bottle of Black Label. I quaff a glassful.

Later noticing a noisy vibration and diagnosing a bent prop shaft, I shut down the starboard engine. Our speed is now a steady 8 knots, so I decide on a new heading to discern more quickly the shadow of the Cypriot coastline on the radar screen.

Midway, the mate and Elias begin babbling about a small vessel ahead and four separate armoured boxes encircling it. Ugly Israeli high speed gun boats or worse, Lebanese pirates. Should they board us and find stowed riches, we will be killed.

Leaving the Mate to maintain our course, I go on deck to play the ‘European Owner’.  The vessel they have trapped is long and lean with three tall outboard motors but no crew are in sight.  Leaving them astern, our choice of vessel now fully exonerated, I and Elias throw another whisky ‘down the hatch’.

With us holding the correct bearing, I ask Elias to wake me as soon as we near Cyprus. Feeling utterly exhausted I collapse into a bunk.  

I wake unbidden, to find the Mate steering for the harbour entrance. Shouldering him aside, I spin the wheel to bring the vessel about. Shaking, I ask them why there are minarets on the ‘church’ and did they not notice our being observed from the top of the harbour's hillock, below which a fast patrol boat is anchored?  The Mate sprints to the Greek Cypriot flag and is hugging it to his chest; Elias wisely prays.

I command the wheel as we motor directly away from the port of Famagusta and Turkish held Northern Cyprus. We later change bearing and pass tourist beaches, it is night fall before we moor-up in Larnaca.
                                         +     +     +      +      +

Later that same year I am called to a last urgent meeting in Cyprus with Elias. He calmly tells me that he will be arrested when he rejoins his family, who have returned to Syria. Elias asks me to take full control of his Cypriot Businesses, then returns home and ‘disappears’ with his brothers.
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Since sacking the two Arab General Managers when they tried to get control of the bank accounts, it has taken more than six months to locate the prison holding all the brothers. We obtain the release of all except Elias, who has been tortured.  We then ‘purchase’ him the exclusive use of the Prison Governor's quarters and twenty four hour access for Elias’s family, nurses and doctors.
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Over the last two years, I have honoured my promises and expanded trade as far as Pakistan. Elias is still imprisoned.
+     +     +      +      +
haibun of a late twentieth century travelogue
copyright© 2010
Today I have followed the strange Damselfly,
Down to all ponds on my father’s marshland,
Not to live the blissful Waldensianism like Thoreau,
But to come down unto discovery of wonders
Readily displayed in the ****** manners of the damselfly
Sub-dragonfly that was conveniently called damselfly,

It is dark and white in pearly texture,
Like the Palmyrene Queen dear Zenobia,
Damselfly move as a pair on every time
A female and a male like a musical duet,
The Female has a lock on the ******
As the males does; tight lock on the sheath,
Keeping safe its ***** away from robbers,
The female damselfly has key to unlock
The cryptic lock system on the ***** sheath
Of the garlanded male damsel fly,
The male damselfly too has the key
That can only unlock the cryptic lock system,
On the ****** of the female damselfly,
Their lock and key functions within,
The specific species of the damselflies,
All this evolved to block out the thieves
The predating dragonflies of other species,
Intending to steal *** with the damselfly
With no other reason but to darwinize the damselfly,
Willie Topaz Mcgonall is the damselfly with Male lock
Billie Burroughs ghost is a dragonfly minus any key
African poetry is the damselflies with female poetic lock
Both have keys on each other’s custody of culture.
Zenobia Dec 2009
When you discover the world around you
You also discover all within it

      Selfishness, Greed, Hatred, Infidelity, Abuse, Sickness, Waste,  Homelessness, and War

We bare witness to all these things
But selfishly ignore them,
In route to prospect of all these evil forces that misguides us

For better or worse
It scopes our daily lives with inconvient truth's
The mental or physical rightousness
That lies in the truth of disparage  
History of our actions will go noted
In the days and years that come about as such

You can not tell life what to do
You must surrender it all into the hands of God  
That he protects you from the shame, one must feel deep inside
Waivers us from all our faults and sin alike

Trust in the inner voice that speaks to you and believe
For God's truth is yours if you want it
Set your intentions to heal thyself and other's
Peace be still in you, with love for your sister and your brother

Or let your misguided judgement, and false preservations follow you into your own judgement to...Hell!

(upwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710        12/13/09
Zenobia Jan 2010
When earth shatters at the door way
Cracks slowly widen
My heart does not waver
God is by my side
My tears flow to moisten the ground
To make the mud come together
Rebuild the walls that have fallen
My heart does not waver
Cause through all the heartache and pain
My God will lead the way
I place my hand in his
To lead me out of the darkest hours
My heart does not waver
Though love ones around me
Go to a better home
My heart does not waver
It shall be through the memories
That the Love of them
In the light we will shine on
My heart will not waver
No Fears, No Hatred, No Fist To Throw

God Is My All
My Heart Will Never Waver

(upwc)  2010-  Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710     1/14/2010
Zenobia Dec 2009
Look into the face of the innocent
See the purity in them
The faces of no deception, no misplaced reactions
Just the innocent of a child born with love in their heart
To give to you and I

Look into the face of the innocent
Cherish this child, lead and guide them
Through a world so complicated of mistrust
That what justifies the meaning of Love
Is the greater good of one

Look into the face of the innocent
You'll see Love all around and within them  

(upwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710   12/13/09
White as Zenobia’s teeth, the which the girls
Of Rome did wear for their most precious pearls.
Zenobia Jan 2010
Tragedy may strick us at any given day
Take life as a chest full of treasure
Bless it in your own way
Give, Live, Love and Breathe
The best that's within you
Cause you may not see truth
Through the mirror that may distort the future
With eye's closed, you may fall
With your eye's wide open
Theres truth that we can't deny
Selfishness, Foolishness, Greed, Hatred
We all our not perfect
Each of us have choice to make and to take
In what we say and do
Just remember one thing
God is watching you  
Be not judge by your habit of choice
Let the habit of choice be your salvation

(upwc) 2010 Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710   1-15-2010
Zenobia Dec 2009
Your brother's keeper
Let the truth be known

Co-operate CEO's, Politicians, Government Agencies,
Drug Dealers, Preachers, Terrorist, even your Neighbor

Who do we trust
When it's all in the name of greed
For the love of money, power, and prestige
When does this all stop being a game
That we live so selfishly by fame
In putting together
The Master Plan
In robbing the sick, the poor, the elderly
All who our blindsided of a scam
With business as usual
It's all about me and mine
Have we lost our way to committing more crimes
Or is making a deal with the devil
The only way in this lifetime

(uwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Now I lay me down  to sleep
For a wishful peaceful dream
Of you and me
To capture a vision what it would mean
Having you lay next to me
Warmth of your body
Close to mine
Holding me so....heavenly divine
I feel your breath upon my neck
Something stirring inside.... oh what the heck
oooh, now I know this is just
Ah.... dream

(upwc) 2009 by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
I feel the heart of your love
It captures me like a soft breeze
Wisks me away into perfect harmony
True and Pure

For the love that you give to me
With your arms opened wide
I feel alive
With your kind of love, I am satisfied

For all that you have given me
When I was blind to so many things
You lifted me up out of darkness
You, set me free

I'm forever, oh Lord, thankful
For your many blessings


(uwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
If you blame it on the rain
Better hope your not in pain
You'll get the thunder and lightening too
High winds and floods
Comming after you
While politcians court their lobby mistresses
They drown themselves in a lot of mischief
No banding together to get it passed
"A Health Care Bill"
We the people want at last
Many folks need it desperately
Now and in the future generations will seek it
From an illness to close to deaths ear to call
Blame it on the rain to surely fall

(upwc) 2009-by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Look at this face before you
Tell me what you see
Do you just see the color of my skin
Or do you see me

Look at this face before you
Am I really that different from you
Can you see what's in my heart
That feels the same way as you

Look at this face before you
It sheds the same tears
From being torn apart
When you label me with your fears

Look at this face before you
The next time you judge me
Cause it just may be the hand that reaches out first
In your time of need

Look at this face before you
Then ask me my name
Not my color on a application
It is not the person of who I am

Look at this face before you
My heart is open wide
To share and give love
The best way I know how

Look At Me!  Look At Me!
Tell me now, what do you really see
Am I so different from you
Or will your eye's remain blind
And not see this beautiful face,
Before You

(uc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ
Zenobia Dec 2009
The abstract of your young mind
Has painted you into false conclusions
Tilting on highs and lows
Of denial and delusion
Having taken a bet to far
You know not what you say or do
Misguidedly triggering a..."forest of a tale"
Brought you under a misconstrue spell
It has you on a floating scale
In high def echo, in a state of confusion
I want the one I know best
Before he takes one more wrong mistep
Into the wilderness journey
That will fall dark into a hole
Locks them in
Make sure it's the choice you want to travel down
Cause it's a long lost lonely road
Where the traveling will limit your lens
Into a forest you'll go
And never come out again

Come Back Out Of The Forest
Into the posibility of...Hope

(upwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
In my eye's you've been half a circle
Not yet fully grown to be whole
Troubled heart...with mix messages of your youth unfold
Trying to fine a structure in your young life
Being rebelious, as most teenage kid's do
Attention drawn onto you
Seeking your own independence
Leads you to choices of big trouble
Not wanting to obey and play by your parents rules
Is a disobident child being a fool
Every course of life we've fed to you
The importance of being true
Eveything and everyone you feel, is against you
Deep down I understand your pain inside
I once was a teenager too
You have to show up and not continue to deny
Cause no soft landings will be the cure you seek
With being a follower and not a leader
Is like being a puppet on a string
It takes away your chance to stay free
To get respect, you must show respect
Or else sign the deed, me
You will regret your own unplanned...."Agenda"
When you get locked up
To only throw away the key
You'll be just another young teenage black man
In the system, with a number

(upwc) 2009,  by: Zenobia Lee /LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
To All God's People

In your time of need
Lies the comfort in knowing
God will lead the way
To better days
Whether through the darkest of times
Shines the light to find
The courage you need
To another bright day
God will show you the way
To a pure and clean heart
Of forgiveness, courage, and stregnth
That out of the goodness
In us all
Is the gift of Love

(uwc)  by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
Life is really such a strange place
You have different issuses and problems
You don't know how to face

Peoeple tell you "take one problem at a time"
By then, you've lost your marbles and your **** mind

One minute your learning to talk
The next your learning to walk
Just when you think you've mastered all the task
Life turns around and kicks you right in the ***

It's really a strange life we all try to lead
But somehow, it's really a life we all seem to need

(uc) by: Zenobia Lee/ LadyZ710
Zenobia Dec 2009
War against Terrorism
War against Cultures
War against Humanity
War against Moral Values
War against God's Holy Word

With the many different faces of war comes
Consequences of all our daily actions
We settle for mans word of the true ways of living life
For in this, the power of evil shows no mercy
A closed mind, leads blinded confused hearts into darkness
No man will ever be free of his war
Cause the war we've created is against ourselves
Untill we believe "In God's Holy Word"
We our not living with the truth on our side
Having a lot more "Faith In Him"
Is having no more war with ourselves
The tears will keep falling from our eyes
Until we believe in the light of his love in our lives

(uwc) by: Zenobia Lee/LadyZ710
Hereshecomes Aug 2019
I circle around the halo
That stirs what lies below.
Spinning now
Only excess
materialises in belief form.
What is it about the chimera you construct
For those that don’t exist?
Gasping and grasping on
Slivers from a murdered past
You insist on perfecting gems in souls
Where there are none.
Let it rest my friend … or not
For the fury of Zenobia
Is still lighting
What remains of your life
And mine.
michael Jun 2020
We spend our days watching, by the hour,
The Kardashians in their ivory tower

Fifty-one million one can make,
And yet from the poor we continue to take.

With another tape, they could make more
Here men are, paying, preaching; “she’s a *****!”

Punter, performer; why is only one disallowed?
Sexes sin equally; Mz Davidson would be so proud

But a role model she is! Some also bark.
What about Wu Zetian, Zenobia, Joan of Arc?

They are lost, not as important as ingot
Instead we’ll recall Weinstein, bigot.

Stories of their tweets dominate the BBC
But where is the plight of the LEDC?

— The End —