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am i ee Sep 2015
out on the road,
driving right along,
comin' to a stop,
at the head of the line,
right at the light.

i look up,
and what do i see,
but a
Big Fat Yellow face
starin' back at me.

taken aback,
reminds me,
you see,
of one
big fat bus
with a big fat yellow bootay,
only just slightly differently.

i start lookin' around
and what do i see
but a whole
of big fat yellow faces
starin' back at me.

studyin'  big fat yellow face
of bus number
eight five nine,
i begin see a difference
or two.

Some big fat yellow faces
are flat,
hardly a nose
on 'em.

Some big fat yellow faces
have quite the
shnoz on 'em,
wouldn't Jimmy Durante
be oh, so, proud.

quite an education
in just the cycle of
only one light.

it turns green,
to left i turn.

one big fat yellow face
one big fat yellow bootay

two big fat yellow faces
two big fat yellow bootays

three big fat yellow faces
three big fat yellow bootays

four big fat yellow faces
four big fat yellow bootays.

racing by so quick,
lickety split.

so how do i know,
know for sure,
that God really exists,
and even more,
that she really loves me?

if there were no God
and if she didn't love me,
i'd be starin' at all these
big fat yellow bootays
through the
front of the windshield,

instead of seeing 'em
flying into the distance
when take i a quick glance
into my REAR view mirror!

i do love the look,
of a,
Big Fat Yellow Bootay
starin' at me
from my rear view mirror,
in the mornin'!

hey, hey, hey,
just another fine day!
whadda say!
Tease me

Until I explode

From ultimate

Sensual pleasure.

am i ee Sep 2015
now that is one,
cute, little sounding word.

com'ere little,

here little

makes a right
cute name.

but look it up,
yes, of course *
like i had to do,
whadda think,
i know anything?
yeah right!*

now let us turn to

i leave the rest of
this inquiry to you....

scrape, scrape
went the sharp blade,
the sound wafting,
through this
fresh, cool,
morning air,
where the young
brave lad
was sharpening
his huge

1. a knife, especially one used as a weapon.
The commander of the sloop was hurrying about and giving a world of orders, which were not very strictly attended to, one man being busy in lighting his pipe, and another in sharpening his snicker-snee.
-- Washington Irving, Bracebridge Hall, 1882
Snickersnee came to English in the late 1600s from the Dutch steken meaning "to stick" and snijden meaning "to cut."
did you catch that plural at the end sweet reader?
now tell me, what could that mean?
hee hee hee
Sam Temple Aug 2014
energy seeker reeking of leeks
taking a leak
streaking for weeks
freaks squeak
in bleak sneakers
Sneaking peepers
beat feet
pretending all fins were
eating dried morsels
of old oiled kippers
flipping off
soup dippers
tripping off duped riffers
picking bent strings
singing “bling bling”
with gum-wrapper rings
Queens bring flare
ensnaring rarified misfits
quick to quip
“whadda jip” –
Dave Robertson Jan 2021
Remember the need for navigation?
when you rolled your silly guts
outside of this?

I shoulda guessed there’d be
a sorta dumbening
that comes with dark times
sitting in a sofa groove
that coulda been made by Adam

but then whadda I know?
I voted for this,
Cloud tendrils Jul 2022
Been t’other side,
Came back I did.
Dunnae remember much
Besides a cold sprung trip.

Heart now fixed,
Breastbone unsplit to.
Meds make it better,
Besides side effects like.

Whadda I know,
Just happy still here.
Those trained people though,
Keep going choo choo.

Up a steep hill,
Thru a dark tunnel.
We all end up,
Same place like.
Have been through heart op and read billy liar during recovery.
He took a dead leaf from on top of a thriving, lush bush, and crumpled it in his hand;
Then his son he started to reprimand:
"I've told you a million times to leave them lizards alone!
Now you've done it!
We're out of a home
Because of it!
Whadda we do now?"
Through his tears the boy answered somehow:
"I'm sorry, Pop; I know it aint right,
But them lizards, they was gunnin' for a fight!
And as far as our house is concerned,
I don't care if it burned
To the ground!" the young
whippersnapper said.
The father shook his head
Hysterically and said,
"Well, Son, we might as well head
For the middle of the ocean,
'Cause I don't have any notion
Now where we can go."
The lad answered, "We'll show
Them lizards, Pop; they won't
Get the better of us.  Don't
Worry; I'll take care of everything!"
The sire began to laugh, then to sing
A silly little song that broke
The tension and awoke
In them both a sense of relief,
And the belief
That everything would be okay
Seemed to mark their way
As they walked along.
Yes, the father and son felt no wrong,
Despite the lizards' protestations;
And so they continued on with their epic perambulations.

— The End —