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She furiously takes notes in geometry class
He throws a paper plane across the room
She gets out her neatly written homework
He gets out a scratch paper with drawings on it
She maintains straight A's
He's lucky to get a D+
She has a strict curfew of 9:00 pm
He stays out all night
She daydreams about what could be
He steps up for what he wants
She reads Shakespeare
He reads... Well he doesn't
She drives the latest model of the Honda civic
He's lucky if his '76 Toyota will start
She's only loved honor students
He's only loved her
She pays no attention to him
He begs for her notification
She graduates top of her class
He barely gets by
She goes off to college
He stays and becomes a mechanic
She marries rich and lives wealthily but bitterly
He regrets the concealed feelings he never shared

Take all away from me, but leave me Ecstasy,
And I am richer then than all my Fellow Men—
Ill it becometh me to dwell so wealthily
When at my very Door are those possessing more,
In abject poverty—
Nelize Jul 2016
anthems sweet as honey
a cup overflowing
break the power of money

it is now or never
a short life i have
the width of my hand
oh YHVH save this land
from now until forever

drag the thorns from our flesh
make us whole
our parched souls now fresh

our governors hunger for power
they mimic mammon
but the Lord our satisfying Power

bring my heart to tears
make it after Your own
a love that tears all fears
to save the lost at any cost
bless those spiritually in arrears

oh YHVH, i beseech Thee
you have been so good to me
parch our land from greed
that we may wealthily drink from Thee

may this psalm that leaked from my hand
bring praise to YHVH in every land
"My life is no longer than the width of my hand" -- Psalm 39:5

This poetic psalm may be used anywhere - whether you want to send it to loved ones, colleagues, or even for lyrics, you are most welcome to, as long as you don't claim it as your own and keep it anonymous. May this prayer bring many blessings to our countries.
Ahmad Alkhatat Oct 2014
Teach me how to fall in love, how to breath across your  breath.
My heart he is already old, and ready to spend his last living years with you.

Come closer to my flesh, I want to tell you that tonight my tears,
They won't appear, just because you were the chosen angel to live with me.

I lived my life with lots of hopes, and dreams. Now both of them
I found them buried in the ground, before my physical body will go soon.

Force me to love you, so I can tell you that your tears aren't bitter,
Instead they are mixture of your love with mine, as result sweetest tears ever.

That might turn on the wind inside of me, to shut down the worries,
And fears, that kept me writing of my depression view of the love of today.

Allow my poetry to melt over your whist tonight, I would break all the rules,
To cross the borders of sins, to kiss you as I'm rhyming you from head to toe.

Rhyming your lips, with my powerful kisses,
Rhyming your *******, with my two hands,
Rhyming your **** body, with my pleasure poem.

Trust me, you are the chosen one, the chosen woman, that God create you,
As the most wealthily gift on earth, be proud to be the first to draw a smile on my face.

Max Alvarez Mar 2014
It haunts me to think outside the stars. 
To speak with those against, and, then again; 
I'm against what you're against, and you're for what they're against. 
Time spends. 
It brings forth the fourth planet from Earth. 
It enters my crooked spine, aligned with dirt and sands. 
And when i open my mouth, it escapes. 
Heiroglyphs, an ancient text, 
And i expect that they will tell . 
Unravel my DNA, and tell of each and every cell's tale, sell it for a penny, and craft a sail to sail away on the sea of Seychelles. 
And i wait. 
And wait.
And wait.
And I wait for a response from among the grains of sand littered along the banks of the sea. 
Granules that barely breathe, and yet still they sing.
"In the days of one and three, the nights are empty, and the days are green." 
And me? 
Well, i wealthily breathe, often scream, and seldom sing.  
I scream.
And i scream,
And i scream. 
I scream at the sea for not speaking through its seam that is the beach. 
And I scream at the sea for not bringing me what i think i think i need.
My skin breathes in the breeze, and the bones in my knees, they creak. 
The stars are plucked from decaying string, and meet the timid sea. 
The sea, she sings
"In the midst of one and three, you seek, but shall not reap. The meek, not the weak, shall breathe deep what your lungs weep." 
And into my spine, the earth retreats.
She sinks her teeth, and she eats, and eats.
Colours, chameleons, snakeskins and the deer that dances across the white wisps of morning.
Numbers that weep, mass numbers that keep the isotope
asleep in a waking state, the meltdown, the run-down and the rich crowned in fine palaces uptown.
Fates and the muse the accusers and those they accuse, the racers, the chasers, the rhyming of grime in the dirt of the day, the way that time will hang me, maybe it wants to bang me, a male state of impregnation my fascination with sea horses.
the lay-by in shop doors, the wasting of drugged ******, the flight of the fancy, another dance of the deer.
The cars that fly by me, the people who try me, those who defy me and those I despise.
The bomb that explodes me and in diagrams downloads me, the workings of watchmen and the watch that don't work.
The young Turks, the old quirks, peccadilloes, worn hedgerows and another dance of the deer.
Robin and Batman both bobbing for apples, grapple hooks at the ready,
utilities all cut-off,
poverty unravelling, travelling slowly up through me making a desert of a fertile sea.
The des res for the wealthy, private care for the wealthily unhealthy and the rotting of yesterday's news.
All what I view is all that I know and now you know it too.

— The End —