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Spencer Aug 2014
A lthough it didn't last long,
S urely I'll never forget you.
H ow could I? Those
L ong FaceTimes at 4am,
E very smile, laugh, goofy face. No
Y ou're too memorable. Good bye.
R Oct 2014
(T)hank me for what I do between
(H)er thighs, because
(I) know that she can seem
(G)rumpy one minute and
(H)ella **** the next. This is
(S)urely because of me.
Eh she wanted something not too much but slightly there... Just getting out one of the many reasons she is a happy girl :) I love her a lot. L<3 also... More **** poems to come soon! My next several prompts are very... Um... ******.
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Beautiful so much & she is cheerful,
Her soft & creamy blush is so lovely.
Unto her my attraction is wonderful,
My crush she is a new bubbly crush.
I** will for her be mine I'll be dutiful,
Kind she is so attractive and plush.
And I will be realistic about future.

Fulfilling my duty I will never rush,
United as friends we are going along,
Loving her through the unseen I am,
When I will be successful, I can stand.
Atul is respected by her & it's obvious,
Never promised anything improbable,
I am definitely up for working so hard.

I have found an inspiration for work.

A sunrise is imminent after this night,
Slowly will vanish this darkness,
Surely he has learned in life,
United we stand together.
Redness in your cheeks,
Especially brightens your eyes.

You will never find me gone,
Onto another attraction,
Up above the limits we'll go.

Too much expecting I won't be,
Hunting your freedom I won't be,
Atul will succeed for his parents,
Then you can join him here.

I am glad that you are the inspiration.

Well-versed with life I am now,
In an Indian angel I put my trust,
Linked deeply can be our destinies,
Land of dreams be our destination.

W** I wait for is your beautiful heart,
As for the added benefits I will get,
In my lovely but lonely life I am,
Tthrough crests I have no companion.

Far from grief I am right now,
On the cusp of beauty I relax,
Really I know my final destination.

Youthly are your ways today,
Ostensibly my love for you is seen,
Understandable is your caution.
Bhumika Fulwani, I assure you that I will wait for you.

My HP Poem #1406
©Atul Kaushal
Phanuhel Nov 2014
S urely you know there's no
C onversations to be had but you're
R elentless as ever.
E veryone wonders why you bother
W ith your sad, sad attempts.

U ninstall your hope and stop
P rying at carcasses with a silver spoon.

— The End —