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Adieu dear object of my Love's excess,
And with thee all my hopes of happiness,
With the same fervent and unchanged heart
Which did it's whole self once to thee impart,
(And which though fortune has so sorely bruis'd,
Would suffer more, to be from this excus'd)
I to resign thy dear Converse submit,
Since I can neither keep, nor merit it.
Thou hast too long to me confined been,
Who ruine am without, passion within.
My mind is sunk below thy tenderness,
And my condition does deserve it less;
I'm so entangl'd and so lost a thing
By all the shocks my daily sorrow bring,
That would'st thou for thy old Orinda call
Thou hardly could'st unravel her at all.
And should I thy clear fortunes interline
With the incessant miseries of mine?
No, no, I never lov'd at such a rate
To tye thee to the rigours of my fate,
As from my obligations thou art free,
Sure thou shalt be so from my Injury,
Though every other worthiness I miss,
Yet I'le at least be generous in this.
I'd rather perish without sigh or groan,
Then thou shoul'dst be condemn'd to give me one;
Nay in my soul I rather could allow
Friendship should be a sufferer, then thou;
Go then, since my sad heart has set thee free,
Let all the loads and chains remain on me.
Though I be left the prey of sea and wind,
Thou being happy wilt in that be kind;
Nor shall I my undoing much deplore,
Since thou art safe, whom I must value more.
Oh! mayst thou ever be so, and as free
From all ills else, as from my company,
And may the torments thou hast had from it
Be all that heaven will to thy life permit.
And that they may thy vertue service do,
Mayest thou be able to forgive them too:
But though I must this sharp submission learn,
I cannot yet unwish thy dear concern.
Not one new comfort I expect to see,
I quit my Joy, hope, life, and all but thee;
Nor seek I thence ought that may discompose
That mind where so serene a goodness grows.
I ask no inconvenient kindness now,
To move thy passion, or to cloud thy brow;
And thou wilt satisfie my boldest plea
By some few soft remembrances of me, [50]
Which may present thee with this candid thought,
I meant not all the troubles that I brought.
Own not what Passion rules, and Fate does crush,
But wish thou couldst have don't without a blush,
And that I had been, ere it was too late,
Either more worthy, or more fortunate.
Ah who can love the thing they cannot prize?
But thou mayst pity though thou dost despise.
Yet I should think that pity bought too dear,
If it should cost those precious Eyes a tear.

Oh may no minutes trouble, thee possess,
But to endear the next hours happiness;
And maist thou when thou art from me remov'd,
Be better pleas'd, but never worse belov'd:
Oh pardon me for pow'ring out my woes
In Rhime now, that I dare not do't in Prose.
For I must lose whatever is call'd dear,
And thy assistance all that loss to bear,
And have more cause than ere I had before,
To fear that I shall never see thee more.

dreamt you said forever yours your lips opened and I was here now

perfectly still she listens to falling cherry blossom music the mournful sky and I envious a witness to evening in her hair

midnight thighs talk wine song dance dawn on railroad earth laughter lovely tears lovely

the stained glass of her mouth my soul gladdened by the rosary of her body

awake pray to the Almighty or roll over and kiss her

roadside she squats ****** I love listening to her the stars

a headring of dead posies on the pillow after all night dancing at first light she picks tea roses

behind kind walls we make love sleep then dream of each other

I wake still inside you rose petals fallen around the porcelain vase by our bed

night hiking with friends thinking about her ***** I forget about the full moon

she arranges roses she speaks with pain about her art God me

sometimes I can't tell if I'm you like last night I you bathing my your feet

I think about it then cut one and another all my roses for her

she eats what I don't I finish her sentences people despise us for laughing her parents don't approve friends whine I neglect them

she inhales the yang in me undresses her soul so I belong to no one else

she pulled my pants down while I ironed said it turned her on

skin to skin and the blossom of your whisper closer come closer my darling we're on our way to where we've never been before

when you hurt my love turns soldier against all biblical stones I'd even marry death if hurled toward you

full of the world I retreat sighing dark between her thighs I know I'm fooling myself
night wraps us in darkness we dream drift long for our cage of light to rise

**** tears poems kids with you feverish with you broke what more do you want

******* and hurt I let the phone ring

for weeks my lover ******* about money kids the house getting free last night she ****** my brains out

sad wildflowers lovely braided in the graying hair of my once and only love

Pfeiffer's waterfall the rocky waves at sunset better when we held hands here

once I decided poetry is it she never came back

wake alone with night inside me your perfume still on the pillow how long 'til morning?

I wait all night outside your house the wind blowing through me

dancing in cities quiet in the redwoods I wander worry wish and unwish carry on with a lock of her hair

hope woke when the door creaked open but it was the cat come in  from a night of love making

up all night writing my better gone kids asleep knowing it's only paper song

I was okay until morning doves started cooing at each other

she's long gone even so thought I saw her today

no longer a ring on her hand a song in her sorrow I am gone

years of wind whistle about gravestones one by one carries away her favorite violets
TreadingWater Jun 2016
O <youknow> the words
sound so simple
~Letting ~you ~~~    go
but; ha¡ there you are¡
In. My. Skin.
& it's a ''knee ''****
a {{back {bend
a hair 》pull
purple bruise
| paper | cut |
spl/it/tin/g /cel/l/s
unwish-those-wishes° the° moon°
& back a _ gain
you're in [you're in] you're in
left < to < face
the GReater truth:
there is no
                   UnDo > you.
glass can Aug 2013
Unwish readings, rapists, unrepairable rips,

I wish to undo
the space between
me(                                          )you

and where I once wrapped my thighs around your hips
and the whistling trill of my sleeping breath once felt a home in the

cavernous space

between your head and your breast

and I
and I

found shelter in your curls,
pulling until they escaped from me, undone.

Mussed love, entombed in the perfumed past of white rooms by untouched oceans
and unsullied books, too occupied by the wonder found in each other, each others' bodies

and I lie awake with the ghosts
in haunting of my own accord and I watch at the window
                                                      and I watch at the window
                                                      and I watch at the window, waiting

I wonder
I wonder

could you need me, still,

Ali Jun 2018
On the night of the surrender the moon rose late,
Like a blind insignia
Hovering in the dark.
A distant radio utters a song that
seems written to be played on the last night of the world;
‘L o v e, o h c a r e l e s s l o v e’,
And nostalgia rips me swinging.

Time passes, unslackening,
Memories spin round in a blur and
Washes onto the shore- derelict, adrift--
Leaving us wondering,
‘ H o w w i l l i t e n d?’

We listen, in pained silence,
As the ocean murmurs - as ever before; beloved, unbinding-
A song about us -beloved, blind -
Leaving us wondering,
‘ H o w c a n i t e n d?’
For now, just promise me this;
You won’t unwish one thing we did, but
Wear them all like beautiful impurities.

Now I hold you, as you lay – sleepless- and the
Raw, naked twilight draws shimmering
Figures on your skin,
Leaving me wondering,
How anything f r a g i l e
s u r v i v e s.

Now I hold you, as you lay – sleepless-
Foreknowing the absence that one day, elsewhere,
You will look up
And missing something,
For a second not know what it is,
And through that heartbeat’s gap,
The manner of love and its bodyweight
-The tide of everything-
Will break like the Pacific Ocean,  
                                                                ­           Head.
EP Robles Nov 2018
PET this pretty kitty,monster
oh, WET is progress-pink disease
of love,my victims(like when i break
your heart i won’t deny it all
so we suffer the Bigness of your
LITTLEST pelvic region
so unwish a world of pity flesh
and my need for guidance is so much
like-more the world born–pity my
poor flesh(i “hyper-magical beauty”)kitty
so WET and in need of a good petting hand
and two eyes upon
my ever unwished words(never save me
from these evil deeds of desire)ugh,
ultra-omnipotence makes me hot and with
a hell to pay the angels say,”what the
devil needs to know I always seem
to suffer myself;”
so pet this pretty kitty,monster
yeah, a wet progress-pink disease o’love

:: 09-01-2015 ::
Copyright © Ernest Robles
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
.michelangelo's david? the head's too big! he looks odd, even though the celebrated statue ranks higher in celebrated status... the real competition though: is between reimenschneider's adam & donatello's david... mind you... i can depose da vinci's mona lisa too! that smile is nothing by comparison to... the sculptor? anonymous... but the smile within the framework of the ****** & child (ivory, 14th century) louvre, wipes mona lisa's smile cleanly off + the trouble of it being admired.

truly... you can own a beautiful garden,
plant as many flowers as you want,
and it will look grand...
the visual beauty the splendor...
but... what if you do not walk through
the same garden come the magnum
opus of early night during the summer,
say 11pm through to 12:30am?

all that visual beauty is not worth it...
you have walked through the garden
blind-folded: even though you can see...
   at night the garden becomes alive...
it starts to breathe!
and mein gott! what sweet exhalation!
flowers look pretty during the day,
and that's all they do: look pretty...
but come the night they open their pores
and release what they were harvesting
throughout the day using nothing
but sunlight and water...
the most pristine perfume house
in all of man's history...
    even the humble flowers like pansies...
and if you happen to have garlic, roses,
mint, rosemary and thyme growing in
your garden... the scents are intoxicating...
perhaps the hanging gardens of
babylon existed,
but my humble garden is enough
to not unwish the myth...
            a garden is truly a garden at night...
for an hour or so the flowers give off
what they were always supposed
to give off: their scents...
   which will forever surpass their
visual beauty...
                 a garden is planted to be walked
in at night...
    by day the flowers are like all
other creatures... busying themselves...
well: if not fruit? what else can a flower
give? a perfume...
  but not during the day...
you can only really walk in this perfumery
at night... esp. early night...
come 11pm in the july in england.
There's so many things I want to say
But words just wont come my way
Choking on me when I try
To pen them where I lie.  
I wish for so many things
I wish to let out my wings
and then I wish that I unwish them all
For I fear I am destined to fall.

But then an epiphany strikes 
That its not just them with spikes
Its more me,  my own folly 
That I let them get to me so jolly
I fell, and I kept falling 
Wanting to get up yet my feet stalling
For if I wouldn't get up I couldn't fall again 
And in that way I could slowly forget my pain

But all I did was hide from it all
Cuz it cannot change the fact of my fall
And although I know that I need to wake up
Its all now theory, hard to follow up
I really want to put myself together 
And make changes that make me better
Cuz those who've stepped on me are happy and fine
But hear I am paying,  for no fault of mine

It shouldn't be this way and I know it true
But its so hard to start something new
Although I know its real good for me
I'm unable to do,  I'm unable to be
To be that person that fixes herself
Although I want no one, its hard by myself
I know I'm my own enemy most days
But I'm gonna try again and walk out of this haze.
I spit this on the mic to flow oh so prolific
What's the since in believing in Christ
If ur just gonna take him out of Christmas...
Dish the wish list...u can't re gift this...
Can't unwish this...
Hold the phone put it to ur ear so i may call
You on this...
I don't mean to phone straight home...
Put ur wish bone on this...
I'm in this rap for *** and tat cross my t dot my i's...
Bring that right back...
I said I'm in this rap for *** and tat...
I'm diving for the truth but
it seems I'm getting lies just stuffed full of cotton...
So I start digging in deeper let the lord be my finder as well as my keeper...
Im just the seeker...
I use to just be the peeker I was searching for it all...
But the only thing I was able to do was watch it all fall...
Behind it I would crawl and cry about how I almost had it all...
That's all....
The devil wanted me to give up...
But my success was simply based off of me getting up and moving on...
So I left my baggage behind for claims...
Now I'm onward bound to my success full stead ahead ....
All aboard this train to success...
I use to walk out my house...couldn't see my path so foggy
Now I'm gliding down my path so hands free cuz god is handling me....
Can't u see what I see my cup now runneth over...
All brand new...
My home turned to a castle I can see the riches the success...
That the lord has for me...
He set it all up now it's slowly falling down for me...
I use to bit the hand that feed me
now I shake it and hold it so firmly he guides me down the path...
Hand in hand...makes me feel so securely...
So surely not late I thought...
But maybe not so early
He came at the right time to save me from myself like a goalie...
So holy...
Hollie mollie I use to feel so lonely...
But now I feel so secure its like I'm held down
held together by a force much stronger than gravity
Yet I feel so free like I'm on the moon zero gravity...
Helped my outta all my problems...
Had so much sin I was indebt to sin...
Had to look within to get out...
That's when I found God and he turned me inside out

— The End —