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Qweyku May 2014
Noon had barely finished his circuit
when I engaged the Sun in conversation,
wondering if her healing rays were a golden ode to pain?

Abruptly interrupted;
shirts' silk thread dripping displeasure,
at the sudden moistness of its condition.

In return and in much the same verbal position,
I chided this thread,
intoxicated with sticky saline libation,
much less for the distraction
as opposed to the - parley intrusion,


“My dear shirt it’s impolite to gravitate beyond one's social inclusion”

back and fingers joined this spoken foray
distancing themselves in unison
from the sozzled garments' argument.

Arching and pulling away,
his company no longer entreated,
whatever beauty he had,
now lost,
in his present
dis - position.

In agreement and sunshine unabating,
I attempted to continue our once lovely conversation.
But she;
her glow unwaning,
had moved on,
no longer finding such small talk entertaining.

**© Qwey.ku
Have you ever seen a the pages of a story unfold in a single movement of a moment; these are stolen.
Brandon Barnett Nov 2012
there’s a vacuum, a hole in my heart, a skip in it’s beat
the size of your shimmering glow
it's the width of your smile, the height of your laughter
it’s where my love gleans all that it wants to know

it’s an autumn untouched in a memory held fondly
watching the white shine of fresh fallen snow
it pulls like a tide and it howls like a gale
and it tugs at me to surrender to all it bestows

it prays with belief and sustains on it's faith
and it stands tallest on two bended knees
it's all ribbons and wrapper the thing I most wanted
and it fills my needs completely

you and I are the seed, the sprout, the tree, the fruit
the protection of deep binding roots
you and I
the journey along no destination’s route  
my wanting unwaning, your flirtatious glances
the wonderful unknowing pursuit
Sally A Bayan Dec 2016
Human beings are like trees,
given a time to exist, and a time to cease...
some easily give in to gusty winds
others are strong and determined...
some people are like the evergreens,
dancing with the music of every season,
enduring the penetrating cold,
standing tall in front...behind,
and amongst naked trees...
***** or leaning, their strength seems unwaning, endless,
unless downed for selfish, heartless purposes...
they breathe life proudly,
they exude energy
amidst dormancy...

We...are like the trees in a vast green woods
there're  skeleton trees that have surrendered,
and have leaned lower, further down;
people, like the evergreens,
bravely sway with the freezing wind,
while holding on to the ground...
but...everyone, everything has a time to give in...
the beautiful clashing of earthy brown and verdant green
gives notice to an imminent decadence,
the contrasting colors further enhance
the solemn shades of life's autumn.....then,
comes, white, gray and  silver hints of our winter...
when it's time, it can't be hidden, or deferred any longer...


Copyright December 18, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...driving along rows of greens and browns
...breathing in the colors of nature...
Jene'e Patitucci Nov 2012
You said it first; I mocked your words, and followed like a bird,
And of the joyous song we sang, all people once had heard.
To scarcely feel how hatred, remorse so wrong could be
The way the words just seemed to flow - a dying symphony.
So plainly seen as just another era in one's life
Was how it understood itself to daily free recite.
But deep within the casket and the depths of lovers' souls
Lies, dying with a vengeance, the truth from what is told.

They dream a dream unwaning, as to show how they are true,
But dreams are made for one alone and never meant for two.
But if a dreamer's mind breaks down the walls of prison bold,
A dream may seem what he hast seen, and time itself would fold.
Though rarely - oh, so rarely - as a snow in summer's peak,
Those walls they fall and crumble, for love has made them weak.
And as each ember slowly falls like tears from wretched eyes,
They feel the warmth of each one's soul - a love you can't deny.

Though life may tear the skin and hair, and often break the bone,
With dreamer's love, and dreamer's soul, you know you're never 'lone.
Yes, homes will burn, and fires too, but ungainly, once it's true,
The only things that will prevail are dreamers...lovers...fools.
No bonds can hold together, no bonds could surely break
The fire of one's own desire - alone the pain will take.
Hearts never forgive or die, they're endless like the time;
Though all this true, though I love you, I still can't make you mine.
© 2012 Jene'e Patitucci

Poem composed in 2007
Rebecca Smith May 2013
Waiting for a love to fill up my senses
Strong enough to break down my defenses
A feeling of complete and utter bliss
Unwaning passion enveloped in every kiss
Feeling complete, like I'm a full person
Nothing can make our relationship worsen
The two of us and no one else
A feeling that I have never felt
A bond so strong no one can break
This meeting wasn't accident; it was fate
Gentle words and selfless actions
Nothing less than a loving reaction
The highest level of respect
Love so precious, it can't be wrecked
Anything in the world I would do to keep
The angel who protects me and makes my heart leap
Prabhu Iyer Oct 2016
beyond, here in these words
realms of the real
but unreal

sundering depths
reddening surreal
of existence

rending the veils

beyond the void-worlds

time is a drum-beat
that keeps kettlewarm
the count of life

awareness streams
beyond the ego-maze

where blossoms
the deepest bud
of the unwaning flower

that I hold to my *****
not as I,
not as I.

— The End —