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NDHK Oct 2012
that fallacious intimacy
arm around arm
with a nameless
It's easy to get
temporary satisfaction
from it.

Even though
you're chilled
and hollow inside.

The want
of not being lonely
can be too strong.
Keeping up
the exhausting task
of costant contact.
Never really
a bond deeper
than physical sedation
can tire out.

It will ash away
as soon as you move
an inch
in that position
which is holding
unstably present.
would be the ruiner
of that
shallow fantasy.

to be hundreds
of miles and moments
away from someone.
To be
alone and removed
from the one
who you have
a real, unrelenting
connection with.
To know
you are singular
in that very moment
but not unsupported.

Having them
somewhere you're not,
holding onto your
spiritual thread.
To achieve real
intimate foundation
in knowing the body
doesn't have to tie you
That's an ember that,
when set to breathe,
engulfs you both.

and feeling comfort
that when surrounded
by faces
and being unknown to them
is alright.
that person
who lingers in your mind
Is a whisper
off your lips
and is there
in that place you
left them.

They've penetrated inside
that fortress of caution
and self-preservation and
they get you.
They are there,
and carried with you.
With their hands
cradling and cherishing
your heart
like the treasure
it is.

The enormous responsibility.

To be
the keeper of
warmth and familiarity
and home.
Even though
being separated
from one another
you are reminded of what
exists between you.

concentrating and honing
in on the weight
which lives
That love
and loyalty
and equal respected commitment
to take care of what
the other is given.
The total
surrender of

That is something
worth wanting.
That is something
to daydream for.
is what we all

Zedler Dec 2013
Started off in the [clouds]
and after falling and crashing down,
touched the roots of a redwood.

Now with the help of giraffes
I scale it's back as I'm looking
to climb my way up the trunk.

Branch after branch,
contact causing
****, hoping no one
stops my conquest
and burns this tree to ash.

Talking to fauna,
birds chirp, to attempt
continuing this saga,
after she left I reduced to
nothing but a larva, as I now
undergo the metamorphosis,
similar to that of Kafka's.

Trauma induces this  
determination, of being reunited
in clouds with her creation,
and if up there nothing for me
is waiting, then abort mission,
swing towards a new notion,
and from the the clouds
I'm perched upon, jump
and plummet into the [ocean].

25 hours pass before
the tip of the tree is reached
and as the sun rises, I realize
I'm above the horizon and
on clouds perched I instantly
recognize the eyes hidden
under eyelids.

Finally we've met again,
tragic ending as I reach for
her to grab my hand.
Unstably standing on this branch
and as she hands me hers, she
retreats and pulls back.

Slipping, she let me fall
and midair I hear my heart
crack, falling thousands of feet,
I'm thinking of the love she couldn't
keep, and before the impact a thought passes my head; so honest.
Humans like myself, too ambitious in their conquest,
meant to stay at trunk of trees, and clouds, strictly homes for a goddess.
Brea Brea May 2013
I'm alright with being crazy
insane, how you think my world is
insane, when your world consists of
crazy instruction
games of follow the leader
quiet disposition
I'm alright with being clinically insane
with it I content myself
I question, thus I am, always moving in and out of frame
inconsistent, as you say
maybe, I'm just in touch
making me clinically insane
Unbound by primary society
I do and say for myself, reinventing
how can I know who I am
if I dont go outside myself
to come in through one of those numerous back doors
perhaps, suppose, I can be found in everything
what lunacy do you make of that
How can I escape something you say is set in stone?
just who are you fooling?
just who is as irrational as to let others do the thinking
they lead you around like sheeple
round and round, too exhausted
too depleted to experience for yourself
Kara Jean Jun 2016
She is obscene, ******* inbetween
I shouldn't haven't to explain what that means  
Only a handleful don't find her scary and overwelming
Ok so I'm letting the angry apple flavoring do all the writing
Who is really listening, honestly  
This psychotic chick will always be the one and only
Sorry if you were expecting me to sing
I suppose this was not enough
Oh well I'll keep sipping while you're guesstimating the measures you should be taking
Here's a secret, I mentally teeter totter unstably
So does the rest of poetfreak
Let's start a toast and forward the drinking
Tabitha Sullivan Sep 2013
Want to take a step or two

Living a day in my shoes?

I dare you to try to smile, not cry

Walking through my life is like balancing unstably on the tip of a knife

Swirling emotions, so out of control

It’s like your life is a highway toll booth

Each person drives by leaving some drama

Doesn’t stop…

No hello or goodbye

Just another trauma

By the time you’re back in your own shoes

You’ll feel hopeless and confused.

So take a step or two

Live just one day in my shoes




No way you can heal.

Just wonder how much pain I go through

I live 365 days a year, each year in these shoes.
I still check intermittently
if there are any message from you,
but the unstably excruciating reality is that there's none and there won't be any in the distorted future; without you.

I perpetually hold on to an illusion of false hope.
Annie Nov 2012
I have the most unsettling feeling trembling inside me
It is not so much an emotion, but some type of cruel paradox
That can most accurately be described like this:
I am silently full of din
Yet when I feel compelled to be productive, my body shuts down
Like a power plant, whose cords have been violently frayed
I am unstably happy despite my infamous droning sadness
Of which exists only when given permission
But such authority has no name
I want to die with such life
And live as if I am dead
Which is nonsense nonetheless
Nurtured by my inconsistent head
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Complicatedly indebted with everything,
Unstably labelled with a thing so unjust,
Defining nothing with some meaningful nothing,
Feeling someone there but everything is so,
Deserving better than that unnerving something,
Flirting closer with that endlessly relentless nothing,

Riddles surround enigmas and make a hollow whole,
Middle grounds and eventual stigmas poking holes,
Circles are running around corners to hide,
Creating paradoxes and imaginary divides,
Nothing dictates something from nothing,
Something creates everything from one thing,

I’m losing out, leaving doubt without sound,
Breaking from a sorry existence and gaining some distance,
I’m forging new ideas out of old fears,
Borrowing destructive license to forget my conscience sitting on the fence,
I’m interfering with fate steering into new states,
I’m sorry I’m late, I’m worried I’m, wait,

Memory of fantasy and lunacy,
It’s all too real to me,
Motions of fear and love,
Are all I ever see,
Reactions of violence, contraction to silence,
I've got to let it go for it to let me be,
To let me be,
Let me be me
Fifteen days, no. Maybe five weeks. I've been observing a pattern inside my mind for the last five weeks. Things are unstably stable. I'm running with the chaos, but I'm loving it. Because I can still find paucity lurking around the shadows of chaos. It is almost like living my life to its fullest. 

This is what the pattern is for one, two, three and four days.  And the fifth day, boom! The bomb explodes, but it isn't loud. If you were standing beside me, you wouldn't hear anything except the casual Hi! and How are you? and I am fine, Please be okay, you kind soul.  Inside, it's a hurricane. A hurricane. I've never thought much about hurricanes until I experienced one every five days. And on a separate note, you never know about things and feelings as clearly as you do untill you've experienced them. Obvious, but worth taking the time to think about. There's a thing that cracks me up sometimes 'how when we're stuck, how when we need a solution, and how when we come up with one' it is completely spontaneous and obvious, if we come to think of it. But then again, it is not obvious, because if it were obvious, everyone would have thought about it, wouldn't they? Maybe we're too lazy to think about it. 

I've been pondering about things that never mattered to me, you see. So some change is bound to take place. But I'm finding it hard to sieve situations like these into discrete "goods"and "not-so-goods."  The air does not carry the smell of uncertainty these days. Things are definitely changing, and my perspective towards change is changing as well. But again, is it good, or bad? I shall know soon. 

 The air around me isn't perfectly circular when I say it has a diameter of sixty centimetres, but when I think about it, it isn't irregular as well. And when I think even more about it, it just doesn't have a shape! I have assumed it to be a circle.  There's no such thing as the air around me! It's the metaphors.  Metaphors. Though unreal, yet used to describe the reality. A paradox, maybe? Who cares as long as I'm able to convey what I actually feel?  

And of course, if the reader, yes, you my friend, have pulled it till here. Man. Who are you? And why are you even reading this? Do you want to know me from my writings? My character? Who I actually am? You won't know. 

Dear reader, even I don't know how much I reveal myself in these writings. Yet I still do. And honestly, I don't care. Dear reader, you should know that you're not going to be the one I would cross my eyes with when I roam around in the free space five hundred meters from my house. So technically, you're just a reader. Read, think, discuss and forget. That's your job. Leave the job of overthinking to me.

(P.S dear reader, you still here? And if you are, stay. And get out of here this very moment, if you couldn't bare me still here because things are about to get messy)   

Songs. Perhaps the only constant that remains in my life after the books and the two people who created me. There's a funny thing about you: I don't know anything about you except a few words that you make me utter in a singsong. Yet you know so much about me. But you know nothing about me except what I feel when I sing to you. Then again, the fact that you know so much about what and how I feel astonishes me. But nothing makes me more flabbergasted than the fact that you're not living. 

Ah, game of life. (This is the part you'd want to pretend that you saw me grinning when I did not.) 

Then comes an important part of songs, that makes us, the social (and not so social) beings crave for- being relatable.  A few lines and you go, "ooh! Ahh! That hurts. My heart! Somebody save me. Why is this so relatable?" and then you get all emotional when you find a song that describes exactly what you feel, acting like a preschool kid who found his lost toy. That smile. The tears. Ooh la la. Look at you now! 

But then again, you realise that you're just distracting yourself from the reality.  

"It does not matter", you say, I repeat, "it does not matter."  I'm finding joy, escaping from the reality for sometime, won't you let me keep my mind away from my sorrowful, utterly depressing and 'pouches of grief' filled life? You want me to slit my neck, or wrist and let the blood bleed? And die?"

No. I don't want you to do any of it.   

What is wrong with the reality y'all? It's the reality. The reality. Take a moment to sit on the fact that you're made up of dead things.   You've been living all your life here. Just accept it, even when it hurts. Stop being a hopelessly romantic person, someone heartbroken, depressed and whatever negative emotions you have in your dictionary.  

(For those of you who're heartbroken. I know it hurts even though I haven't experienced one. But hey, a single, small snap from your lover saying, "you know what? Let's just break up" shouldn't lead you to stop living your life. Your mama beared you for nine months and kept you protected. Now you wanna die or stay worthless because of just one person who thought you weren't worthy of their love? That's not fair, if you come to think of it) 

And I'm not one of those who you call
"A motivational writer who would open your eyes to the horizon and make you forget about the twilight shadows of your existence and live your life " Nope. Motivation is a piece of crap, if you ask me. 

I'm not telling you to be sad, I'm not telling you to be unrealistically happy or act like a ******. I'm telling you to breathe. Smile when the time comes, and cry when the time comes. Balance.  Get over the moment when it passes away.  

I'm telling you to live, even when you're climbing the hill, even when you're falling down, even when you get hurt, even when you question why you're climbing the mountain.    I want you to live. Breathe.   

— The End —