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D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2011
I will make you my river-
You'll run to me?
Unflickering star keeping me steadfast  at sea
On deep, dark nights
Even my Anne'bel Lee
I need you, my Elizabeth
A man o' good fortune you could make me
Tom McCone May 2015
"in how many languages are our spaces salvaged, or is there a difference?
when our lips meet, will we be speaking the same words?

down some hall, she musters empty breath, unchanging lamps,
unflickering glint. he takes heavy& soundless steps. books
rearrange, every so eternal. so too do permute the walls, shadows,
patterns, and blotches of rain on the window. only a steady
and unequivocal pulse. the breath and heartbeat of the night's
containment. they mutter questions to bricks. they stand
still under streetlamps, frequently. as the gutter's rivulets
traverse, this town unfolds, like a map along the seams;
"along knives' edge, we exist," unheard, but still agreed upon
by some convoluted scheme. the handle around a corner,
lost from sight. evaporating memories. a season or second
feel the same, hiding behind doors & curtains. pale in
comparison. but, this has been here forever, or at least
four hours. "our slivers of humanity are laid out in
slight movements
", once the inside begins hollowing. all
facets brimming with nothing. where once there was a
shuddering between walls rest expanses, unchanging.
each blade of grass, a glistening distance. each swaying
tree, splintering to essential motions. each muffled conversation
a jumble of letters. even glance and skin dissolve
to fragments of blinks.

-a bird sings on a windowsill,
a gentle breeze.
19-5\2 (dreamt)
ryn Jul 2023

I’ve grieved…
Not so much over what was lost.
More so the way
I tried to bury these memories.

that for a time once,
stoked hale,
unflickering flames.

All tied to strings
that lead straight to my heart
and all partially buried…
In many a shallow grave.


Perhaps because a deeper tomb
would mean a lesser purchase
and looser grip on these strings.

I never could let go…

Mims Sep 2017
If all the heat and fire
From every comet
That has ever flown
Across your ice blue


Since the dawn of time

Were to be combined
Into one unflickering flame
An eternal burning fire
That doesn't need a name

And all the stars would gasp
As it streamed across
your ocean


That is all the anger

I deserve from you.

If you ever find it
In your solar system

That's okay

It's okay to be angry

Especially with me.
It's all okay. Because I know it wasn't.
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
Oh lone Voyager, life sails fast
In enmeshed tangle of worldly hue,
The voyage is long, forlorn and vast Risks and Revelations afar do await you.

The mighty mire of the mortal living
And your Self's forfeited Ecstasy,
All this gives you pain illimitable
In your Soul's distress-fraught fancy.

Oh the sole Pilgrim on an endless journey,
Oh Eternal Dweller of Kingdom of Bliss!
The wanton desires of your bridleless senses
Land you in the adamantine abyss.

Oh Visionary of the stupendous Summit,
The lone Loiterer of the certitude's plane,
You have enjoyed enough the transient earth,
Now seek the Truth: your long-cherished aim.

Oh Marveller of Delight!
Unfetter your chains tied to your feet,
Your birth is to tread upon the Angelic realm
And kiss its all-transcending height.

Oh Reveller of Divine Mirth!
Enmeshed in shudder of futile fear,
Your stupor due to the tiring toil upon Earth
Your sighs and murmers of fake despair.

Oh Traveller of Empire of Eternal Love!
Your desires at ransom to the Circean charm,
Oh Soul Sanguine! Be awake and rise above
The mud and mire of the dreadful harm.

The Invisible Seer sits within :
The inner Guide, the Guardian of luminous Light,
The unflickering rays of the Mystic Sun
Make you soar higher in the wondrous flight.

Your journey from Inconscience to Enlightenment vast
Your steadfast footsteps must leave the False,
Man forever aspires to reach the Immortal:
The Creation's mysterious unsolved paradox.

The world is not made of forces blind
Man not meant to ***** in the unseen Dark,
The choicest Choice of the Mind Supreme
The fixed, Intransient and the stark.

The One creates and annihilates too
Everywhere works the One Free Will,
Your imperfections need not exceed the limit
To fall victim to the immediate peril.

Oh Messenger of Oracular Grace,
Oh Rejoicer of unexplored Ecstasy,
Your goal to reach the Omniscient Supreme
At your Ego-mind's unconditional forfeit.

Oh Explorer of the uninvaded realm
Reigned by Solitude sublime,
The Real sits Supreme in the firmament above
Beyond all limits of matter, space and time.

Be a part and parcel of the One Above,
Love all and emit endless rays of Light and Love.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar. 19th July 2019)
Bijoylakshmi Das Sep 2020
(Bijoylakshmi Das, 6th September 2020)
With the starry sky around and its moon-lit mirth,
Life is joyful in the beautiful Ocean’s melancholic vast;
Melody from the distant woodland’s dreamland bliss,
Awakes me to the ecstasy’s elixir which I do often miss.
The beauty beyond the limits of earthly mud and mire,
The incessant urge to touch the unflickering flame of the mystic Fire;
The horizon afar is clad with the transcendent twilight kiss,
The fragrance of the flowering blossoms seems to be heavenly slendour-rich.
Life upon Earth is a prelude to the Eternity’s epiphany beyond,
To make living worthwhile forgetful of pleasure and pain in its each and every second;
In Wisdom’s wide lap to finally retire and lay asleep,
Only to wake up in a profound awakening, vernal and deep.
The elfin delight is a masquerade of the elysian Grace,
The night’s dark hours often conceal the nearing Dawn’s brightening break;
The ravished rapture does roam on reverie’s forgotten shore,
Oh Mortal Dear! I’m no more captive to your futile mansion’s emerald door,
The little physique left behind, the Spirit within flies to the soaring heights high,
To reach the Unknown region’s deep-hidden Felicity in the Illimitable sky;
Escapes into the forbidden realm of the rhapsody recondite,
I’m a lone traveller of the unique journey with formidable foresight.
All around here is delusion, man has lost the way in Illusion’s paradise,
Values utterly lost in vanity and glamour’s fake ascending sunrise;
The mundane eyes are sun-blind to envision the Invisible beyond,
All longings are now soil-bound, the Unknown never to respond.
The journey of the Soul is always alone with indefatigable toil,
The timeless Infinite lurks behind the all-surpassing Vast, never to recoil;
The onward march will not retrace the footsteps trodden in the past,
Life not confined to the little confinement; it is an amazing all-expanding Vast.
We never depart and the Creation never leaves you too.
“As you sow, so you reap”, you have to get whatever is due to you;
Be a worthy participant in Nature’s ever-repeating perpetual Playact,
Leave not a stone unturned, do fulfill your human role in your new supreme Birth.
……………………- …………………
Zahra Hamdulay Apr 2020
It's the second-last night of spring break then,
And i sit not before prairies of sand,
Or the relapse, of glossy waves,
But have nested myself by the landline.

It’s electric green eye is indifferent to me, unflickering,
Although the chord seems more crossed than usual,
And all i can think as i look at that cyborg is,
‘I’d find a way to put you in your place’

Perhaps if i stopped perching by it,
I could stop making small talk with, the silence,
And pretend it is a fax machine,
Or a walkman, just obsolete.

I will talk to the angels asleep on my shoulders,
And then the friend i made in the park,
Or perhaps the pizza boy who comes any hour,
They talk to me before leaning in.

— The End —