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Blue Sweater Jan 2015
Infinities and unfathomables
Unseeables and unthinkables
They want the unachievable
But all I ask in this transcient state
Is a tiny forever
Just within the confines of possibility
Just outside the realm of reality
Right in the center of your soul.
Adam L Alexander Jun 2010
Rippling tide of light (the) horizon a mélange
Insight inside of me (my) fastidious internal ******
Behold breath-taking beauty (in) my minuscule mind
Fathoming unfathomables (of) every different kind
Magnanimous mount (in a) flowing green sea
Mustang must muster (the) strength to stay free
Battling rages inside (this) heavy hearted fool
Lasso cinching fate (our) human nature’s cruel
Taken from the wild (then) taken home and named
Though this horse was broken (she) was never tamed
Colin E Havard Mar 2014
Once you "shift" - you're off
On a manic adventure, chaotic and mysterious:
Buoyed by a self-aggrandised delusion;
Your off to explore and discover;
To find answers to unposed questions;
To clarify coincidences and follow tenuous connections;
Compelled to experiment and to wander,
Wondering about unfathomables
And your place in the Cosmic hierarchy;
Trying to fit Reality into your newly conceived World;
Trying to fit yourself into a newly conceived Reality.

All information is relevant and pertinent,
Although your filtering system is faulty -
It all relates, even though connections aren't made;
All those colours and sounds and improbable texts;
All those lyrics absorbed and randomly regurgitated;
All those shapes and serendipitous meetings,
Conspire to cement and contradict;
To fuel conspiracies and entrench coincidences.

However, these wondering wanderings
Have their price - and the cost is potentially lethal.
The thin veneer of civilization is threatened
By an unpredictable Actor searching unpredicted truths -
Eventually, a collision of Authority and self-empowered delusionist;
A collision of the socially endorsed and the socially disenfranchised;
A collision with only one survivor -
When you re-emerge from the Institution
You're changed; shattered, re-constructed and de-fused
For the Greater Beast that We call a Civil Society.

[Afterall, I've repeatedly maintained that War {even on the Conceptual Plane}
Is not a Legitimate Occupation, but a sometimes Necessary Evil to protect the Innocents and Idiots working for Our Simple Pleasures in the Essential Evil that is Life as We know it at Present. 10/3/2014]
The Missing Link - Gaia's Boy Toy
Harley Hucof Mar 2021
What happens in the unknown ?

Sages preach of "knowables" and "unfathomables",
but I perceive it to be a cognitive game since my attention is always fixated
on patternized characteristics and sceneries.

I've known and loved myself enough to  know not to invest my thoughts or actions in impulses
Yet from time to time, I tolerate myself.

Life might be identified as unknowable but we all live and die,
consumed by a spectrum of unnecessary emotions and intense analyses
to finally, ironically, conclude that death is punishment.
So, we befriend God like deceitful hypocrites, seeking immortality and monetary advantage.

Still, many believe in the procedure of acquirement through encounter.

Perhaps if you go further for once, you might find human alternatives locked in unusual dispositions,
veiled, yet waiting to be discovered.

Death only happens to those who have merit,
and what happens in the unknown is never open to analysis,
for what stops death
is awareness.

Words Of Harfouchsism

— The End —