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Sal Lake Apr 2013
Cracks in cover let
Sun in hits like

Unwrapped window
Gives solar epiphany
To cocooned child

Flee fluorescent,
Flee faux verve
Doorframe: portal
World through eaves
Like bug zappers
See-through walls
Most envious glass
****** passage

Cold shoulder, concrete, masonry
Phosphenes gleaming, staggering
Hotfoot, addled eyes
Inverted wavelengths
Gravel clinging, unwise
Scrutinized steps to grass
Great big sigh
Saluting sky
With micro pupils
Torrid shell
Swollen locks

Westside: Central Avenue
Pack up, load up
Truckpower to State Street
Beer, veggie dogs
Checkout scandal

State to thirty-three
Thirty-three to thirteen
Chauncey, Jacksonville,
Trimble, Glouster,
Bonnie’s Home Cooking
Opposite British Petroleum
Exhausted loan office
Opposite Coal Miner Emeritus

Burr Oak: closed
Margin parking
Bathroom clothes
Tasteful vest
Bathroom tissue to brim
Feet welcome
Pass up close up camp spots
I feel a pull to the valley
Clearing: stop, rest
Crack, chug, more wood
Fire, crack, chug, more wood
Chat, crack, chug

Copper detuned chime
Of that ephemeral vibrato
Drone of nine-volt synth
Into kaput tape deck
& we sing & chant & cackle

Campfire chatter:
Bitter pill
Naïve philosophy
Crack, chug
More wood

“So when I was seventeen still going to church there were these events they were called “lock-ins” we stayed the night at the church they took our cells our watches took down every clock & covered the windows so we wouldn’t be aware of anything only God & so there would be lectures & guest speakers & bible readings and discussions & also these ******* bizarre activities like they would turn off all the lights light a **** ton of candles & they would blindfold us and give us a little piece of paper and a little pencil and they’d tell us in a omniscient little voice to write down one sin we’ve committed on the little piece of paper fold it & nail it (still blindfolded) to this huge wooden cross with this little hammer & I guarantee every one of us wrote down *******.  

Now that I think of it the whole thing was about ******* every speaker had some story of how they used to ******* all the time and how they were released of the devils hold and that ******* is a sin and will send you to hell and all of us kids were boys and every single adult was a woman they all looked at us like they read our paper like we were sinners like we would always be sinners just slimy ******* who would always ******* (like we would ever understand what it felt to be a woman or what a woman felt like) & their eyes were gleaming with such shallow sympathy that you knew they were true god fearing Christians”

(All at once)
Stab, chug, crack, chug
Stab, chug, crack, chug
Stab, chug, crack, chug

Emmy Anne Mar 2015
You have your hands around her neck yet she's not afraid. She's so love struck she doesn't feel your grip getting tighter. She gasps for air but you're giving her "love" so she doesn't care. You hold her tightly behind your back not letting anyone see that she's your back up, your plan B. Her delicate hands Trimble and you don't care because the power you posses over her is too addictive for you to let go of. Your evil deceiving words assuring love and protection melt her heart, but your promises never fulfilled. Twisting her words making HER the one at fault for all of your ***** ups and misconceptions. Her heart longs to be accepted, to be "good enough" for you. When she is a sweet daisy trying to grow through rocks and thistles, you are but **** on a gym shower room floor. You will NEVER deserve this flower, this gem, that you think you have control over. One day this princess will become a queen, fight for what she wants and what she deserves.
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
Long has passed since through fate we came to meet
Beneath the heavens, the stars, and the planets.
And now soon the ends of our times does fleet
Requiem wherein our couplings unbalanced.
Piercing blade that tore my features apart
darts pin ***** marks across my memories
whilst storing shadows of our shared accost
of ancient games, loving acts, treasuries
revealed, yet not taken wholly true
for whomst amongst us claims omnipotence?
Impotently I strain to stay anew
with you, and disregard the consequence.
Alas, nawt we gain in our steadfast embrace
Yet still I yearn to steady your stoic case.
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
A lightning flash strikes a tiny instant
and steals away all of space and time;
to take home, stash behind a pixel front
Until the giants of our future dine.
I've seen behind the block faced screen, I've seen
writing etched deep within it's hollowed tomb.
I've seen the gaze it gives to shoddy points,
b'fore encasing them deep within it's womb.
I've seen skilled mage's touch upon a truth,
cancel that which seeks complete corruption,
flitter between the space unreal and sooth
and rescue us from our own destruction.
And yet when I marvel on it's sculpted face,
I notice a lust for power, raw and base.
Giuseppe Stokes Aug 2017
T begins your name, and tort'rous you are
tempestuous the sea we jointly sail.
R for rapt'rous effect, some say bizarre,
that follows mightily your awesome trail.
I for one am dumbstruck, nay confounded,
when your head attracts so many a gaze.
M'rose, I am, yet when your stars abound
light work you make of our shared lab'rous maze.
B'tween the times of action that we share
i sit and wonder of a future told
L shaped the beacon that I light, despair
reaches in, I fear acts so truly bold,
Emancipated I would be but still,
the shaft that lights my heart escapes my will.
Nomad Jul 2014
we've all taken our share,
from test scores, to bets,
to simple double-dog dares!

Risky Risky,
Trimble and whisky,
ah what spirits shall quench
thy dying thirst?
What steed shall ye ride,
a Maverick or a Hertz?

calculated and foolish,
brash and insane,
speeding down the highway,
weaving through a no passing lane.

There's room for both,
if you take your time,
What risk have you to be,
cut short of yours?

Risk it all, and win the lot,
or risk it all, to find the empty ***?

The risk is yours
for you to choose.
Fate decides now,
shall you win?
Or shall you lose?
ManVsYard Nov 2014
The tree of life,
a burning bush,
incense burnt
for healing air.
A sweet savory flower scent,
Bud so pure,
It has the power to scare.

Rich humans into hiding it
Remove it  from the medicine kit!
Besides kids, "Can't manufacture it!"
So, guess what? We don't care.

If it helps you not to puke
that's the price that you pay
for living life that evil way.
You only need one meal a day.
Do people gasp and stare?

When you shake and trimble?
Just, take these six pills. But sit!
PS: they make you spit
Ignore the herb! Do not take a hit!
You did not want your ugly hair?

Did you? The flames of cancer do
not the disease but the radar,
like cops point at your car,
Be proud now! You are a star.
Because you did not pollute the air.

With that ILLEGAL tumor destroyer
Yes, we've known since seventy four
we were smart, shut the door
So sure! the cost would be much more.
Repeat after us 'It's only fair"
Besides! we just bought you three more years!
Still dizzy? Here, sit down it this chair.
Stu Harley Oct 2020
thy heart
beat still
no badge of courage
to fulfill
brief answer is
thy heart
but made of
brick and mortar
fear make me
lay down here
not be brave
still trimble in the dark
Candyse Aug 2016
His body over mine, so dominant.
Clothes on the floor.
His brown eyes seduced me.
His voice enchanted me.
His touch made me shiver.
His warmth of his skin upon mine
as he caressed my body.
The still of the night.
The way he held me so close and
His lips on my soft translucent skin.
His kisses down my neck.
I trimble.
Something about this man
Something about the night
There is something here I don't
want to fight.
Amanda Shelton May 2018
Under Your Power!
I Trimble
Oh Lord, you are a mighty force,
none can compare to your grace.

Trees bow,
the sun dims,
shadows bend,
and rivers flow
under your tow. 

© 2018 By Amanda D Shelton
niann smith Apr 2021
Taking cover in small places
It now seems like random things can set it off
No warning

But you must of know exactly how to flicker the switch
Without using your fingertips

Huge disarray, around my
Quiver feets
Always your doings
But you’ll never realize it

I won’t tell
For am not gonna blow the whistle
Am far too honorable by making you denial of all my misery

So yes, when am conned again by your concocted
maternal bond

I can’t seem to find the perfect match to
Mellow down your rage,
Pressing my knees tightly to my gut
Quieten down, don’t want to
Cause another row.

So yes, I have indeed been lying
But only to protect you
So you don’t ever have to
Walk with ***** and chains

So yes, I sleep with the deadweight
So you can sleep peacefully
Suppose it loves
Or maybe I also being holding some
Buoyancy in my inconsiderable heart
I never let the formula spill.
It is our untidy secret.

Every deep breath through the nose
And the mouth is a conflict to end this…

That I try to ignore
Once again my fault
Mistakes, disappointment that I cause
Make me jumpy
Sick to the pit of my tummy
Stem of tears
What is the worst to come of this

“ she asks if I’m crying”

I speak nice and slow as to
Not Trimble over my words

Tried but to traumatize
For sleep

discomfort in my chest

Tinker is beating too many beat

oh, how will I survive the night?

For this to be my last breaths
Surely I would become an overburden that she wouldn’t know how to bear.
Poly Via Jul 2018
Is this real?

I can’t decide which is better
Needing you
Or wanting you
You make me loose my breath
At the thought of you
I’m strong
And I know that
But when it comes to you
You make my heart softer
I can’t recognize the steel walls
That I once forged to surround
guard and protect me
When I’m with you I don’t want to leave your embrace
Dare I say I’m madly in love with you?
In love in a way I’ve never thought possible
It scares me to the point I don’t believe it’s true
want to run away
But you pull me into your arms and kiss me like I’ve never been before
You make love to me like I’ve never known before
With one glace you make my knees Trimble and my heart skip multiple beats
I find myself sometimes unintentionally holding my breath
Wanting time to stop
I feel like you’re my home
You have my heart in you hands and I don’t want anyone else to keep it
I find myself pleading to the universe
If this isn’t real, don’t let it go on
Wake me from this dream
Save me from this over abundance of intense desire I’ve never encountered previously
What are your intentions?

— The End —