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Birdy To Be Free May 2016
Bind my ankles with your satin rope
Keep me here for I cannot run
Cuff my wrists and hold them up
For I cannot fight when ur lips toutch mine
Throw me on the bed
And thighten my chains
Your hand closing around my neck
Shivering by your tender toutch, so cold
Leaving marks, leaving scratches
Struggle is useless
Submit to you
For I am yours
To play with
To break

**An object
King Vaska Jan 2018
Miss You
Need You
Search You
Find You

Meet You
Help You
Toutch You
Save You

Use Me
Cut Me
Break Me
Crack Me

**** Me
Burn Me
Leave Me
Erase Me
Jude kyrie Sep 2015
Within the glowing
warmth Of twilight fires
I know familiar and comforting
the gentle touch of your fingertips
tingling like tiny electrical pulses
trickling to my most wanton senses.
desire and need for you
replaceing dreamlike contentment.

I know the toutch of your lips on mine
the feel of your hair falling on my skin
the warmth of your breath as it mingles
with my own At a time when even our
lifeblood flows as one.

I know the feeling of softness
that can be transfered into a raging torrent
as my fingers touch your skin
the need of you burning like
a firebrand as I must submit
my soul to for a moment of
your comforts.

Iknow the taste of you
comingled like tropical
fruits of passion that you
feed to me slowly as they are soaked
in the sweetest of the summer wine.
I savour each of your flavours
like my last meal In my mortal life

I know the emptiness
as you take all my passions
and drain the last of them into you
as I suffer the death of contentment
all my fires quenched
by the moisture of our passion.

I know these moments are ours
I know they exist outside
the realms of dreams.
I know that I find inside them
the power I need to tread
the weary footpath
of life's journey
Teresa A Porzio Aug 2016
I wrote this letter .This letter for was about all the things I though that I knew . It was about our love ,our bond ,and our trust.Our decade long relationship our regret and our lust.In this letter I was apologizing to you ,for all of the hell that I noticed  I put you through.Times were getting hard and Times were getting rough, I just felt so lost in these feelings my heart just missed you I wrote you this letter to reassure you my love ,To tell I was sorry for being such a bug. That I know I was being jealous and way out of line i was sorry for kicking and screaming like I'd lost my mind.But  by the time that I finished it and went to see you ,Your words were so harsh when you said we were through. My heart began to race it pumped and it ached it was the first time I've ever felt this kind of pain. The break of my heart was the worst I've ever felt. I took you for granted I'm sorry I didn't help. It didn't matter much, nothing I said or my toutch, Because your mind was made up and you stopped loving me much. Disappointed in me and all that I was , I couldn't fill the void of you,and loss of your love. I wish I could change it , I know that I can't. Time that's past, has past ,all in a glance . I think of you still ,each and every day ,wondering what your doing ,and if  there still could be a way. If we could close that door ,and leave it all in the past .And start over New ,and rebuild the love that I once knew.

— The End —