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Something Simple Oct 2014
Her heart pounds, a thunder in he veins
Pulsing bright and red and deep within
Courage took farflung flight long ago
Before the journey was to be made

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

There was silence before this, quiet as a grave
And the streets were filled with happy feet
It slept alone then, on all it found to keep
No overlap or closeness to be feared.

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

And then life wasn't what she'd been promised
He threated a hell on earth should she think even of what she knew
Blows came when the words stopped coming
Maybe there wasn't anything in the big white clouds up there

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

So she left alone, running away from it all
Nowhere to go and none to care what happened out there
Feet chased a path along a clif's side
Found another path hidden inside

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Came upon the sleeping one
Belly deep in shining rings, golden plates, precious stones
All of the leavings of those that had gone before
It earned them all fairly

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Surely they wouldn't notice just one cup?
One cup for freedom, one cup for a new life
One for the time she spent running from no escape
So she took it and fled

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

A stirring spread thourgh that scaly pile
Orange orbs snapping open, knowing something was gone
That cup the mother'd drank from at the king's court
When magic was still thick and the world thought less of monsters

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Wings unfirled and death came that night on quiet wings
Fire broke the night, people died, fleeing anyway they could
Those earth riches where all that's left
Before men came and took what they thought they owned

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Day rose to a ruined place
Choacked grey black, shifting with winds
Villages left that day for the reasons where not known
But she knew and it did as well

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Journey came with baited breath
She knew it would come again with hot breath and burning eyes
Maybe there would be nothing left again
Death would come again

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Head raises, hissing scales of ash, long strong neck
Those eyes shine brighter now
Tips of wings touch staggered points of topside
Ready to reclaim a life

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Quick and slow she bends, quicker hands holding out
Uncurling fingers flex apart and the cup is placed
Once more in its rightful place
Them or her, chosen to make right

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Thin wings settle again to the strong sides
Ribs show their ridges against the jeweled belly
What's this human who would give back what it took?
Dangerous points part in black stone gums

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

You'd give thisss for them and what you ssstole?
Hissing air breath, a volcano's hiss
Wide eyes and hesitant hands reply
"Many more here that you don't deserve but they don't either."

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Slow shifting seething motion
Tail like rope unwinding from the center
Weak legs bend and don't break
Eggshells lay safe in the last grey curl

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

Small bones, little skull and empty eyes
Young mother happy once then
Men broke the home with sharp points
Young mother no longer

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

She sees broken bones, human heads burned
Nothing could bring the hatchling back, piece the pierced back
It had stayed to die in silence no reason left
No food to be found, no water to drink

Feet crushed the ashes spilled
When they fell in a spiral across the village
They left the buildings empty since
Fire takes all

The girl leaves and goes
A secret to keep for the old mother
Until the body lies forgotten and the earth takes back
No one to touch the shining seas
Cali Nov 2013
What if one day,  
Luck is for the weak ones

For the teenagers in highschool
That get bullied every

For the kids that can't play
Because they have to work
And they don't even know
How to be young

For the adults that are getting
Threated like animals

For the older people around us
That simply are

For the unborn
That can't choose their home

For the people on our planet
That aren't that lucky
Who cry themselves to sleep quite often

That miss someone so much
They've lost themselves
In their search for happiness

Because after every hurricane
There are still drops
*We're up all night
To get lucky*
Devin Ortiz Nov 2016
Been feelin dead
Little pieces of light
Fade everday, I think
That I'll be dying
By my own hand
Or by another
All this hate taking aim
I painted myself the target
Speaking for the voiceless
The oppressed, who are mocked
Too sensitive, cry babies, get over it
Run some dirt in those wounds...
Ahh but to be one of us, surely you
Could never understand. With egos so
Fragile, you fall apart when privleges
You so firmly deny are threated.
I'm not long for this place, this space
This mental state, this cultural
Holocaust. I'll see my way out,
Thats a guarantee.
tory Oct 2017
Shadows threated him
they wore the shape of her

Stay tough
Be rough, son
Am I your son ?

She wept
He’s by her side
And not
Be rough
PastelPunk Oct 2014
As i'm bleeding out,
I'm thinking of you.

You said you wouldn't do it again.
But you lied,
you hurt me,
I have to lie about these bruises,
the dark sagging skin under my eyes.
I have to lie about the lines that fill up my arm
because of you.
Because of you, I can't eat or sleep

Everyday I must cover up the emotional bruises you left behind,
by faking a smile and long sleeves.
Everyday I flinch back when a man touches me because it reminds me of you.
Everyday I get looks of pity because of you.

Because of you, i'll never trust another man.
I'll never forget the way you charmed me into believing you loved me.
I'll never forgot those nights where you broke the bottles and threated to **** me.
I will never forgot the way you tied me up and touched me with your serpent hands.

I will never forget. Because. Of. You.
Morgan Apr 2017
She wasn’t hurt, she was destroyed.
She had lost everything; she gave others all her happiness.
She was left with doubt, fear
Anxiety, and no confidence.

He was brave, kind
Intelligent & Independent.
He had a hard life before, he had experienced pain
Loss, and feeling alone.
He had gone through hell,

So had she…

But he had made it through & was now stronger than ever.
Ge feared no one & he let no one be the keeper of his happiness.

She was alone, but learning alone wasn’t so bad
She was forgiving herself, she had learned so much.
She knew she needed to be alone for now-
Independent & brave.
She had grown up, had everything stripped away & was finally rebuilding
Yes, she had burned others, but she was burned worse
She took the blame & was left alone.

Others called her a ***, a ****
They threated her, kicked her down & left her   alone
Alone with her thoughts, of self hate
Shame & regret.

She didn’t regret her actions, she regretted her falling
Falling for the wrong guy over and over, she regretted degrading her self worth
Changing herself for others approval, until one day…
She grew brave again, she started to be her
She started to love herself & she was strong.

Alone they had both suffered, both rebuilt
Alone they both knew pain & both survived.

Although they were different, they were good together
When they were together all that other’s said & done didn’t matter.
• He was the moon
• She was the sun
~ he shined so bright, she shined too
   they shined independently
Both had big dreams & they were never far apart.

Others said they would never make it, she was sill a ***
He was too from her & they would never be similar.

She didn’t believe them, wouldn’t let them take her happiness
She had rebuilt & wasn’t afraid to love now.

He saw her with her flaws, mistakes
He loved her & cared for her regardless of the past.

Together they were stronger than the others, she learned from him
He learned from her
They never gave up & they both had known pain, but they both felt love.

This love was special it could be tested and not break.
Jealousy was never present.
It was no story book love, but it was their great love.
Their first love and it was enough to hold them together.
Together through the darkest days, longest nights and loneliest moments.
This love was theirs and it was not to be taken.

She loved him,

He loved her,

& that was all they needed for,

her to be strong and stay

him to be brave and believe.
Lucie Filova Feb 2017
I liked to live with the feeling
That he was my crush
Now when he could be more than that
I feel like a crap
The feeling of being betrayed
Has hit me like a storm
Now in his arms I don't feel warm at all
This question keeps bumping in my head
What has gone so wrong
I thought we had a great time
I was planning our near future together
Now there is just left a lot of pain
And I tried so hard
To even catch your attention
And than I had it
But now I regret it
I've never thought
I would rather you not know me at all
Now I know and feel like my life has lost the meaning
Even though it's really not your fault
Who could have known
That you'd like to share your future
With someone completely different
But it doesn't make a sense to me
Why did you bring me the other day the most beautifull rose
I feel so down, that I had so long a hope
How could I not see it
When it all was happening right in front of my eyes
The way you threated me
That you didn't have this urge to be with me
Like I did
I was in your bed twice and nothing has ever happend
Can you imagine
How it made me feel
Like there was this girl lying on your bed
And you were just sitting there
And kept talking
Like you didn't notice me or something
Now when I know
I look at it absolutely different
But even though there is not any chance we could be together again
I still can't stop thinking about you
Thomas Feb 2019
You tell you love me, you tell me you dont. You tell me to come over, you tell me you miss me, you tell me you want to talk, you tell you want a hug, YOU TELL ME LIES. You give me false hope of something you claim can never be. You had my heart and you ruined it. Now my physical heart can reflect my emotional one. I feel like a ******* caged animal. My escape routes have all been cut off. My friends. My family. You. You most important of all. The one who has told me NOTHING BUT LIES. Ill be there for you. LIE. We can still be friends. LIE. All you have ever done is LIE TO ME. How do I know anything we had was real. Anything we had was true. How can I believe anything was real. If you ever truly loved me even for a moment. Then prove it. Sit down and give me the ******* respect I am owed. I helped you when your mother was abusing you. I helped you when your father was still a **** to you. I helped you when your step father would yell at you. I helped you when your own “friend” threated to **** me and when you would come crying to me because of how scared you are of her. Yet look who you went back to almost immediately. The same person you were terrified of.

You lied to me every chance you had. You built me up just to break me back down like some ******* block structure. You told me to stop drinking. But do you know why I started drinking in the first place. To numb the pain you caused. To fill the hole where my heart had been until you ripped it out. You told me to stop cutting myself. Do you know why I started. Because of the lies you kept telling me.

You got angry when I would talk to my ex. Yet you were the reason I started communicating with them again. You pushed me so far. So far off the edge. And they cared enough to pull me back. They gave me the support when you refused. They were the friend I needed. You thought she was a threat to us. But she literally spelled out to her that she wasnt a threat.

Whether or not any of this is right or wrong. I will never know. You still have yet to talk to me. After the countless times you have promised me. You still have yet to talk.

The thing that I hate absolute most. More than the lies. Is the fact that no matter how much I want to. I cant be mad at you.

I hate that feeling. I hate not being able to get mad. I hate the fact you make me feel this way. I hate so many things. Except for you.

You told me you wanted a life with me.

You told me you would always be there for me.

You told me I was your world.

You told me so may lovely things that made me fall deeper and deeper in love with you.

You told me you loved me.
Yenson Sep 2021
And the three lions
were caged and tormented
then starved roused and flogged
then grill gates opened to release them
ravenous and angry they trotted into the arena
where a lone moor was standing to be the dish of the day
the three lions circled the moor and roared and roared even  louder
but  strangely would not go rip up and eat the hapless moor
they pawed the dusty ground and growled and snarled
yet still refused to engage with the browned dinner
finally with a loud growl they turned away
back in their cages they told the others
these people stole us from our homes
we are not from this cold continent
we are not indigenous to this place
and that poor dinner was also
from our home continent
why do these thieves
and bloodthirsty
want us
to be
this is thievery and cultural misappropriation
we don't belong here for a start and look how we're threated
and we don't as a rule eat humans and not stolen ones at that
can you believe the arrogance cheek and barbarism of these people

— The End —