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Ben Brinkburn Feb 2013
Chasing Pegasus deep into the void
hurtling like Sagitta the arrow
Cassiopeia my soul mate
the depths of the Hyperion shallows
paradoxically gnawing at my
heightened perceptions and
out there I meet Neil Armstrong
I have a feeling we may be passing through a place
where souls gather and he tells me
all he needs is
information all he wants
is knowledge
and we connect and shake hands
[well as best as we can do being in
spacesuits, you know,
all things considered]
and then Elvis appears and tells me I’ve
come a long way
and I laugh and say tell me about it
and he is more interested in Old Earth
he tells me he could always sense he
had a affinity with Ancient Egypt it was something
that had preyed on his Earthly perceptions
dancing around his peripheral vision
like some demented djinn
then he told me
not to worry tell them all back home
when the right song comes along
I’ll be back
and the glories of Ra will be bestowed upon us
and everyone will be entitled to free access
to the best burgers
angel can produce
and everyone will live in a world of song and applause
everyone will have their own spotlight
and beds will be made of marshmallow
with rice paper sheets
just imagine
and I did
one arm over Elvis Presley’s shoulder
deep in space.
Mike Hauser Feb 2015
Cossack Cowboys
Riding Llamas
That they dress
In pink pajamas
Teeny boppers
Blowing bubbles
Biker chicks
Causing trouble
Nuns in Habits
Punks in chains
One or two
Of the deranged
Rubbing Buddha belly
And the band
Harvey Danger
David Bowie
Elton John
Both of them
With Spacesuits on
Eating chicken
Love it fried
Finger licking
In a line to
Meet and greet Obama
Now I wish
I'd brought my Mama
On the T.V.
Slicing, Dicing
Are enlightening
Lindsey Lohan
There's more trouble
Send the Police
On the double
Michael Jackson
With his monkey
Swinging junkies
Bottle Rocket
Ridding crickets
Dolly Parton
Doing dishes
Tubs of Crisco
Set for wrestling
Bee Gees do be
Disco dancing
With Bruce Jenner
Wearing makeup
Dolly's kitchen
Filled with soap suds
Rubber band
Bumper babies
Call me odd
Don't call me crazy
Shooting stars
Carry Uzis
Washed up stars
Drink beer in Koozies
Donnie Osmond
Singing show tunes
As Marie blows
Animal balloons
Circus Barkers
And their Minions
Waylon left us
Shooter Jennings
Heidi Klum
Without makeup
To say the least
She looks a bit rough
American flags
As rainbow banners
Peal, scratch, and sniff
Talking bananas
Hookha smoking
Oh yea...
and then there's me
These are just a few of the things that lean
On the lamp post of my dreams
James Jarrett Oct 2014
Don’t panic anyone, the government has everything under control. In the meantime watch out for people with blood shooting out of their eyes, coughing, sniffling children and dogs with fevers.

Additionally do not approach any individual who is vomiting buckets of blood or any child who is crying and did not just fall down.

If you see men in spacesuits do NOT fire upon them, they are not aliens, they are from the government and they are there to help you.

If you see razor wire around your neighborhood do not attempt to climb it. Not only will it cut you badly, increasing your chance of infection, but it was put there by the government for your own protection.

Remember to stay calm and everything will be all right. Just do not lick anyone who appears ill, breathe in or out, touch the bottom of your shoes or drive with your windows rolled down.

This has been a public service announcement.
Mike Hauser Mar 2013
This world has been invaded by aliens
Though there's really no need to show fear
They've been living for years now among us
You'd be surprised at how very near

They're everywhere in our daily activities
In fact you wont believe what they've seen
By now they know us as well as we know ourselves
Try not to let "that" give you the creeps

I can't think of a place where their not sitting
Watching our most intimate moves
They've probably seen movements by our President
Which wouldn't make for good nightly news

They've found out they can't breath in our climate
After all these years they've left their suits on
That poses a bit of a problem
Cause that's exactly where they went wrong

It's all in the design of their equipment
On their planet they just couldn't tell
That their spacesuits look a lot like our toilets*
*Which hasn't gone over so well...
sunprincess Mar 2018
Today scorching hot,
Ants wearing siver spacesuits
traversing the dune
cheryl love Mar 2015
There is something beautiful
That appears every single night
The hour of the pearl begins
When we turn off the light.
It is the silvery disc shining down
A loyal satellite in our skies
Stare at it too much
You’ll have spots before your eyes.
Can we see a face?
Is it the man in the moon?
Like it is depicted
In a children’s television cartoon.
Is it a big slice of cheese?
Just suspended in outer space
With little mice in spacesuits
In their little hiding place.
Or is it a big jewel
Twinkling in a huge golden crown
Fit for only those with enough money
And a super sized ball gown.
Will there be trips to walk amongst the dust?
That has not moved since beginning of time
With your new moon boots and suits
New craters to discover, new hills to climb.
Will we have rockets ready in a launch pad?
Just sitting waiting for mission control
Next door neighbours blasting off like no tomorrow
Exploring the old black hole.
Will there be holiday companies
Will there be hotels by the million
But all with the same old view
A super nova to look at occasionally
From a helmet you can just about see through.
No special menu, no specially cooked meals
Just tablets of dried up pieces of dust
Made from chemicals designed to taste like
Best steak and mushrooms in a cheese pie crust.
No drinks from the bar, no happy hour
Just controlled vapour from a tube
Whizzing down one’s throat.
Complete with an artificial ice cube.
Do you really want of all this?
It could really all come all too soon.
But between you and me, I would rather
Just enjoy the beauty of the old moon.
cheryl love Apr 2014
There is something beautiful
That appears every single night
The hour of the pearl begins
When we turn off the light.
It is the silvery disc shining down
A loyal satellite in our skies
Stare at it too much
You’ll have spots before your eyes.
Can we see a face?
Is it the man in the moon?
Like it is depicted
In a children’s television cartoon.
Is it a big slice of cheese?
Just suspended in outer space
With little mice in spacesuits
In their little hiding place.
Or is it a big jewel
Twinkling in a huge golden crown
Fit for only those with enough money
And a super sized ball gown.
Will there be trips to walk amongst the dust?
That has not moved since beginning of time
With your new moon boots and suits
New craters to discover, new hills to climb.
Will we have rockets ready in a launch pad?
Just sitting waiting for mission control
Next door neighbours blasting off like no tomorrow
Exploring the old black hole.
Will there be holiday companies
Will there be hotels by the million
But all with the same old view
A super nova to look at occasionally
From a helmet you can just about see through.
No special menu, no specially cooked meals
Just tablets of dried up pieces of dust
Made from chemicals designed to taste like
Best steak and mushrooms in a cheese pie crust.
No drinks from the bar, no happy hour
Just controlled vapour from a tube
Whizzing down one’s throat.
Complete with an artificial ice cube.
Do you really want of all this?
It could really all come all too soon.
But between you and me, I would rather
Just enjoy the beauty of the old moon.
Barton D Smock May 2018
[I still bring snow]

I think mom’s new dog must have the bones of a kite. I have a lover, now. a he, a beekeeper. a she if she saddens in the nearness. a nothing, a dowry. ghost china. spacesuits for stillborns. under this blanket, a puppet reads to a doll about light. under that, the shape of what goes blind in a poem. I miss you. plural. I don’t wash my forehead. I still bring snow.


[house musics]

no star foreign, brother kisses a spiderless ceiling.

the diver
our father



a sick child can be in two stories at once. anthill. calvary. tell neither. I feel like maybe I am talking my way up the dollmaker’s ladder. eat? I won’t the black duckling. god

won’t the owl. angels

just birds
that faint.


[response musics (iii)]

...weigh god in photos. free a crow from the gospel of the negative. (we) revisit the medicines. call you dead and call you hawk gone to curl in the lap of a cyclops. ask (we ask) for what landbound thing did your body carry time? your past, every year, the same spot. thing never shows.


[response musics (iv)]

a run on mirrors. lowkey exorcisms.

wheelchair, lamb’s minus

mom and the angel
of last
names. dad

and the snowplow.

dad and the ballet slipper.

yea the shadow
of his yawn.


[removal musics (xi)]

it’s always your story to which the afterlife gets added. did you even want children? do crows

hear thunder? no butcher believes in time.


[how I want you to remember my sister]

in a puppet show
about washing
my son’s
feet, or waving down

the ice cream truck
with her bible, or

as farewell

to nothing’s
of neither



between the house of the first suicide
and the house of the second
there’s one
with a dog door.

the moms all work at the same ghost jail.

the dads say things like

/ finally a parrot I can hear / & / in hell
nobody steps
on their reading

the dream is there we put our mouths on. our hands.
the dream
that was nest.

brothers dressed like jesus
brush their teeth
and sisters
keep a tender


[takeaways from his speech to the poor about what happens overnight]

horror movies are all the same.

babies can’t get amnesia.

I once pointed a starting gun at the head of a thing that wasn’t looking.

sleep is the christ of the mind.


[dream saw and dream tooth]

to be
as asleep
as a father’s
left leg

as a birthday
for a window


[removal musics (xii)]

if childless, we call it mother.  


how long
did you fake
being young?


this part / of her poem / is empty


three men remove my shoes



to yesterbed

self-portrait in milk
Mike Hauser Jul 2023
This world has been invaded by aliens
Though there's really no need to show fear
They've been living for years now among us
You'd be surprised at how very near

They're everywhere in our daily activities
In fact you wont believe what they've seen
By now they know us as well as we know ourselves
Try not to let "that" give you the creeps

I can't think of a place where their not sitting
Watching our most intimate moves
They've probably seen movements by our President
Which wouldn't make for good nightly news

They've found out they can't breath in our climate
After all these years they've left their suits on
That poses a bit of a problem
Cause that's exactly where they went wrong

It's all in the design of their equipment
On their planet they just couldn't tell
That their spacesuits look a lot like our toilets
Which hasn't gone over so well...
A little ditty in honer of the UFO hearings today 🤪
Whit Howland May 2020
The dream is retro
with a lot of chrome

and indecipherable
basking in two suns

I think I'm in a rocket car
maybe a bus or train

it could be I'm flying
arms akimbo
by moveable windows

and things that might be other
people in spacesuits

pass me up or cut me off
and at night ads for

toothpaste in a gleaming
silver tube

are broadcast against
an obsidian sky

are we there yet or
did I sleep through it all

Whit Howland © 2020
Sci Fi fun! An original

— The End —