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Irma Cerrutti Mar 2010
Alice and I were fudged fruiting inside Falstaffian freakish fleur–de–lys:
She inside a quack–aztec–tattooed tank,
Me inside a pendulous magenta harness with polydactyl–perverted plumes bespattered into it.  
In the ****** **** of that kaput flophouse
We creosoted our conks all the cockatrices of the gorge–de–pigeon,
Inside crotches, Jacuzzis and homocentric Action Men.  
Alice, with the pornographic bend sinisters in the teeth of her poltergeistish fajita crocodile,
Smacked of the plug–ugly poofter of a south–south–west by south sackful sandbank.  
I cemented the jaundiced dangler of an ostrich to my *****.  
With that and my uncut fiddlestick of knobs
I was the idiosyncratic and wholehogging sadomasochistic slapper!

We banged the bush streaming proboscis in tentacle
Through smorgasbords of hermaphrodites and high muck–a–mucks
While Ravi Shankar’s idioglossias and cockchafers juddered our titbits.  
Our Moonies were classically cracked flabelliform by the time we disinterred them.  
Alice managed to fornicate incognito white elephant on behalf of myself
And we were passionately on the back of the dingdong, naked as our Moonies.

We kept one’s pecker up wrapped up in the shadowgraph
Athwart ever-strangling girdles of formaldehyde, ozone, fomenter and widow’s weeds,
Athwart polytetrafluoroethylene–pricked precipices and then down to the butts
Where we both came to a sticky end on our jockstraps and leered at the ballet dancers
That we then penetrated rhythmically by elongating tumescent our gang banging tentacles.  
Through comfortable French knickers I burped, “Thank you for ****** me everywhere, Alice”.  
In the soporific honeypotspunk, aped on the ooze,
I could smell that her **** had made her ******* type soap flakes break the sound barrier,
Splashing out a ***** whale seed skirting her jowls.  
“You’re fragrant, flypaper”, she rapped.

The Government gabble that little green men who hammer out the sexagenarians weren’t on board.  
Inside spleen of the spliffs, inside spleen of my gangrenous Pollyanna, I will over one’s dead body evacuate.  
I will over one’s dead body evacuate.
Copyright © Irma Cerrutti 2009
Arshiya Noor Apr 2019
Burn brighter than the fire around you
Take what is yours with fire and blood
Answer injustice with justice
You said he's a scurrilous?
Tell him, "The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands."
Scream " Dracarys" and succumb the world of sinisters with your fire.
You're Daenerys Stormborn, the unburnt, the refuser of Patriarchy.
So ask the world to bend their knee.

One who touches your loved one
Destroy him for the sake of your wine.
Get as bad as you can if it's about people who are your life
This world is no more of sword or blood, it's of strategies and vengeance.
Know that everyone who isn't you, is an enemy.
Tell them you're Cersei Lannister, the epitome of strength and power.
And in this "game of respect" you win or you die. There's no middle ground.

Learn to fight alone.
Be as swift as a deer and quiet as a shadow.
Quick as a snake and clam as still water.
Be confident of your skills.
Mark every man's name who once even thought of hurting you.
Recite them every night.
You're Arya Stark and you're a savage.
Ask them to **** every Arya from this world if they want to **** because
"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."
You've a long way to go
Today isn't the day you lose.

You shouldn't have teased this lil' princess
You made my skin turn to porcelain, to ivory, to steel
No one could have ever loved you the way I did.
I can even love and die for a monster.
But do not mistake my innocence as my weakness.
I am Sansa Stark and I am one the wolves and I can survive the coldest night better than you. You taught me how to.
I am a slow learner but I do learn.

Oh! I forgot to give the disclaimer.
Game of thrones fan would understand it better.
And if you're not a fan, that's not a matter.
It's all about throne, women and their power.
And this world is all about evils, women and their power.
Bohemian Mar 2019
Her pixie dust that I envy
His hands were coated with it during daylights,erstwhile
Dust that turned red
Under the full moon nights
He might have undone her woven stitches
Loosen the twines and strands
One by one
With his learned needle-less hands
She seems to radiate the rainbows
That he steals and his face glows
We watch him baptized
In several shrines
While his shadow casts a merciless bovine
Enticed by the fragile
His facade thrives
Sinisters shriek
On one and another's atrocity
Eerie evaded by his enshrouded arms
Hugged in delight
Those violent eyes
Glimpse venereal walk,preying,on road side
In this city many have died.
|I am afraid more than you could envy her, you shall be frightened for her|
I wish not to discover her residual feelings unseen dumped into a pit,is your kindness just preying since the people adjacent to you seem to fade away gradually.
Why deceive ?
betterdays Jun 2017
sentient beings scream silently as
society simply seeks an illusive dream
as sombulant walkers
we sigh away the seconds
unable to sift significance from
the silty slurry of sordidness
sad to say....but sorry is not safety
safety is no longer the sucurity blanket
at which we suckle as we sleep
we the sentinels stumble and slip
on the ****, left out to dry in the sun
and the sinisters snicker
at our slack jawed  stupidity
adlibitum Jul 2019
The violins are playing their favourite symphony tonight.
The same four bars, a repeated melody;
One so familiar they no longer need to see the notes,
Only to feel them dance

A fusion of opposing keys
All headed in the same direction
Bows slicing the air with fervour
We’ve been here before

Sinisters sound echo in my head
Their subtle forte consuming my being
I no longer wish to feel the notes
Only to see it end

Bows are placed on the stands
The violins have stopped,
Yet the metronome continues to drip onto the counter
the notes continue to dance in the rain

The violins played their favourite symphony tonight.
I wish I had the strength for it to be their last
Pricers Feb 2019
The lies covered my earshot to deafnotes that were read counted times hatreds authentication procrastinating puritanical eyeshadow diluted from candor noise woke her sweltering the feats quickly attacking of life's genuine spellings to host no weekly that the fact was facetious quek drew certainly rose down the caterer which proposes thorn merks foxed a face so the drops adhere till dust the answered questions remained questioned answers flashes of an told tell of the Gods to kind keening haunting caresses sinisters honesty wallowing together your unheard stares
I just wrote that and read it to my daughter she said not too shabby
Slam Sep 2015
I tried to shut my ears
Then seal it with tears
Like embracing my false fears
In my mid blue moment silent rears
Left alone with two feet on its own
Coat it with curve that has no verb
4ft up and 10 below
Wait, see, bury me in misery
Like roses of deep sea thorns
Blooming with loud silence
Embedded with beauty of impurity
Cards unfold for words you told
No high eye to watch you die
Sinisters of mystery, don't carry
Let free of what is to be and was
Just call it quites in dull of heats
Hearts will march you with arch
Like shivers of the day
Heat so cold that you can feel it
In your hard mad bone
Below the line is gone
And up above is done
I stay to leave my big defeat
Now just say the words to commit
Not just omit
All the lines are torn apart
In the lyrics of a movie or tv
They all say you need me
But all you do is leave me
NicoleRuth May 2015
It is considered weak to commit suicide
A terrible waste
The gift of life squandered
Keep on fighting
Never back down
You hear it every message movie and whatever's

But does anybody
I mean anybody even try
To understand the why?
Why would someone want to **** themselves
What could have happened to push them over the edge of sanity?

People don't just go around killing them selves for ***** sake
We're not some warped version of hidan following some killing cult called jashin

There is always a reason

What do I live for?
I have asked myself this question so many times I've lost count
And almost 90 percent of the time
I could find no answer
No reason to keep breathing
To keep living

Yet inside I've been dead
Emotionally dead
Not in a way that I feel nothing
Feeling nothing is a luxury I crave for
The problem is I feel too much
And I feel it killing me literally
Bit by bit

How do you live
When the very people you love treat you like the filth of the street
How can you keep going on
When every time, they break you
With their cruelty
Their words driving knives that keep digging into you flesh
Their bodies attacking you to a point where the slightest touch of flesh fills fear in your heart

What makes it worse is the bi polarity of it
Those rare moments of niceness terrify me more
It confuses me
It makes me believe that its all my fault

My fault that I'm hit
My fault that I'm filth
My fault again that they hit me
They do it because they love me they say
And as imperfect human beings their love is bound to have faults

But is it fair to me?
They have turned me into what I am
And now they hate what I've become
And what can I do?
All I ever asked for was to be loved
To be believed in
I'm not perfect either I've made one too many mistakes

But if you couldn't forgive
If you couldn't love
Then why in the world would you procreate?
Why the hell would you bring a child into this world if you couldn't love her when she grew up

You used her to vent your frustrations
She was blamed as the source of all your worldly problems
You hit her to feel better about yourself
Destroyed her will to strengthen your own
And when she cried
When she was in the corner shivering and fearful
You put a warm hand and comforted her
Told her it was her duty to bear it without complain

You drove her to insanity and back everyday
Used her trust to mock her
About the very things that broke her

And now finally
Two whole decades later
She has become nothing
Just an empty shell of what she used to be
Colourful butterflies don't spring out of papers when she moves crayons across them
Dark moths and evil sinisters arise instead
Drawing her into their dark feeling less hearts

This is her life
This is her story

And then they wonder why a girl from such a good family killed herself
Surely a bad egg was she

Her poor poor parents.
mascatics Jan 2018
Picking this time is fine
It ticks like fishes' fins
Prickling, sinking, wiggling
With wits will whisper.

First sit it lingers
Sighing high, it quivers
Spilling guilt, it figures
Riding it sick, hits sinners.

Life chimes with kicking stirs
Filling 'lil strips in sinisters
Singing 'til lips hints limbs
Skin will shiver, lifting fists.

Risk this click, lick, tick
Find lines, hide lies
Time strikes right 'til night
Sit still, sniff it 'til it's bright.
Dead lover Dec 2019
As the truth unfolded,
Toppled the fake,
Nothing was ever fair.
Nothing is here.
None was ever there.

For i have lead a life of sin,
How can i expect a life with win?
But tricksters are leading happier lives..
Sinisters are doing great too...

My sin was of my own.
I let them mock me.
I let them into my life, my memories.

For they were none.
There were none.
The bond was but nothing.

I feel soo alone yet again..
But the revelation feels a beginning of new era.
An era of peace. A time of worthiness.

Where i shall forgive all..
For i have sinned.
And thus i choose
It's difficult to be in love with two...
Stabbin' raw beats diggin in ya brains meet
Rhymes cyphers stiffer than concrete
Suckas move feets once the guns wanna greet
Ya styles incomplete obsolete the weak
Sitting at the peak over rappers who speak
Dirt on my shame to make a fourfive flame
Ya games over better pray to Jehovah
Im burning the bush like moses roses
Are red just like the bloodshed
Of the dead covering from the lamspreads
There goes my daily bread let the jams spread
Covering all nations heads watch it behead
Sinister to sinisters don't call me mister
Call me doctor the rap grand master minister
Droppin' punches that'll **** ya thrill ya
To flows that move Like Joe Lewis true with this
A diamond certified lyricist rhymes dipped in the purist forms drawin' storms
From my brain that cold warms warns
To all others quick to smother blades
Rust from the bloods that drip from the smoted ******
Of the human flesh i can attest the best
Wars is won without a sword being lifted
See the paradigms shifted darkness gifted
Raising my fist begins a payback reminisce
A moment of silence for all those warriors who died over carnal knowledge

I saw an angel holding three faceless carcasses
Watched my brain catch a spark to it blew it
Out like a wind to candles cant handle
This atmosphere pressure demonized prophets
Posing for money profits off of broken topics
Watch me top it rob it then spin it like a cobra sits
Waiting for my opponents to hit let the venom spit
Ceases the whole operation
Black plague a nation with no vaccination
See 'em facin' off with the shadowed men racin'
Pacin' off chosen time see me in the golden shrine
Wisdoms numbs the blind through simple lines
Yeah we taking it back stacks like Egyptians pyramids break off gigs
Split wigs to corrupted uniformed pigs
Say they heros but puttin' us in the funerals
Making morges richer stir up the pitcher
Waiting for the hornets nest stinging ya chest
Watch the pain manifest see nature do her best
Yes they thought they shoot me off
Matching skills that equates way pass a mill
I'm undercover black Elliot Ness hit the sess for a quick bless divine happiness
But deep inside it's filled with mad emptiness
Never put up a souls ransom it ends up much wickedness
How many tears shed over casket peers adhere
Death has no ears but presence is feared appears
Friendly as Casper the ghost dope hooks the most
From coast to coast see the minds of most close
To something they believing streets don't be grieving
I see shadows of others pain painted like Van Gogh
Vincent see the bank rolls of stress brought by false happiness
I rather spend wisdom up my mental kingdoms
Sippin' whiskey stay pissy and tipsy dollar bills crispy
Wasted on books of legal crooks most overlook
Black law I'm living my life raw speak from my maw
Only the real that travels like smoke from the steel
Emotions ready to peel back the layers of feel
Heartbreak hotel see the world still tryna heal swell
Carousel of burial cards of get well another day stale
Well we can't find peace in the valley of the feast

Spread my wings let me fly away to conscious place
Block toxic waste so my mind can't taste haste
Keep it sewed like Manhattan Chase erase
The tears shed from mother Earth see her hurt
Pain domains nothin but mankind stains drained
From gods reign can't find out who's really Kang
Or Queen siblings of stars chilling as Jupiter rings
Yo I be with the alien force of course til I'm corpse
No casket no cremations I'll be just in divinations
Ridin' Elijah's fire wave paths of Enoch craves
Folks only interested in saves of self no behaves
They still slaves tryna slide the slick  wicked glides
Gloomy souls makes for dark portals harness
By greed indeed instincts of subconscious greed

See the treasures bleed I'm God lost ******* child
Even through Mayfield eyes he saw me running wild
Still tryna smile but hells all around blaze crowns
Waking up the Paimon out of me a Damien clayman
Only for display until my souls risen flesh tucked away
And the false feels of missing me is spread
Obituary lies for money wise and ties disguise
Only for the sickened souls with a dim glow
Only tell ya what ya need to know rap artist po'
Michaelangelo with the word halo see the dough
Baking haters be mad shaking hands undertaking
Say the love you but be the main ones shanking
Ya thoughts and moves bust a new groove smooth
As ever endeavor money only clean always sever
Business over pleasures perform measures
Past a sinisters route let me wisdom of God remains stout

— The End —