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Heyaless May 2020
You are the bright place for me
Who made me think there are thousands of capacities even if you're unaware

You've made me lovable and it's lovely to be loveble to the one I love

You've painted my life with full of colours more than in your own canvas .
You didn't take anything from me instead you've left intense emotions in me .

You've made me believe in uncertainty , because at the end of the day it is memories we cherish not dates .

You've made me notice small beautiful things
You've made me rational and emotional at the same time .

You've made me feel I'm not disappointing .

You've showed me i don't need to stand on a mountain to feel I'm at the top of the world , but I need someone to love who will stand beside me .

You've shuned my intuitions beyond i could've imagine.  

I am scared to be ordinary and you are interesting , wanderer , different and that's why I love you .

And in some moments i fear losing hold of your hand .
You know how much terrible i feel when I can't be there for you to make you put to in a peaceful sleep .

In the midst of imperfections , you've showed me there is such thing as a perfect day .

I have these feeling's as if I am waiting for something , and when I see you i realise it's you .

You are my escape , you are the bright place where I wander . A place uncountable things to notice and I have all the time in the world to look closely to them .

But One day you left , because you were bright place not with lights but with fire .

You we're buring brighten up other's lives .
But the difference is i am very close to you and you know when we get close to fire ..🖤🖤
I love you the clown of my life . I hope you've loved me the same
Robert Guerrero Jan 2013
The doctors tried their best
They said I did everything I could
But I still
Feel like I failed
And I wish you were still here

You would of comforted me
You would of answered
My jumbled up questions
But the one stll unanswered
Am I the villian

I get looks from everybody
Your parents wont talk to me
I feel like a man being crucified
For not being able to save you
Im getting shuned by society

Am I the villian
Because it feels like I am
What was so wrong
In trying to save you
Was it the fact that I failed

I cant apologize
No one will listen
I love you
Please come back to me
Even if that means haunting my dreams

I want to see your smile
Hear your angelic voice
Feel your hands on my face
And taste your lips again
I know its too late for all of that

Am I the villain
In this fairytale
I feel like I am
Somebody tell me Im not
And let me be with her once more
A Feb 2014
Life changes fast.
You may think,
Youve reached the end of the story.
But little did you know
A new book comes out,
Adding more to the elaborate plot.
You may think,
Where you stand is forever,
But one minute your on the gound,
And the next your paramount.

Three hours.
Three hours is how fast,
The rollercoaster I'm on goes.
And hes the conductor.
And when i finially thought ,
I have gained control,
I go through a loop,
And my mind is twisted.

I don't understand,
The feelings you have.
And you need to understand,
You don't know mine.
If you could only see,
How desparatley ive been trying,
How much I've been shuned,
What I went throught.
Then maybe,
Just maybe,
You can make a conclusion.
Talk to me.
Just talk.
Why don't we talk.
If your just as confused as i am,
If everything i thought,
My wildest dreams,
Are in fact today true,
Why does your face show a different story?
Can you change at the drop of a hat?
Like i can.
Can you change if you read my book?
Have you tried?

I know there was electricity,
That i thought was dead.
Maybe theres a spark left.
But the one who i trust most
Cut our conection.
Can we fix it?
Thats what i want-
thats what i NEED
to know.
You have loved ,
As i have loved you.
Can we go back?
Why are you,
Broken too?
Don't believe what they tell you, for I underestimated my presence.
Asha Kimo Dec 2019
A lie is better told
When the truth was never heard
But when your ears are blind with tears
Then the heart is kind to fears
And if love will hold on strong
Then our love will last on long
So believe that I believe
And forgive that I've deceived
And forget what I have said
For my head is not my head
And my soul has long been gone
Now it feels like you've withdrawn
With an empty piece of me
Now the fruit falls to my feet
So like Adam and his tree
I bite into what is sweet
Though forbidden it may be
I try to forget that there's no We
And Me, Myself, and I
Are as broken as the Sky
As she weeps when there's no clouds
For without white we are not proud
There's no shade to hide the pain
There's no mercy to be gained
From a heartless broken world
But the broken parts we'll purl
For all my life my hearts been broke
Lonely tears my throat stayed choked
But when you came and fell in love
With a girl that has never loved
I can forget what all you've done
If you can forgive the love I shuned
Because that is what love should be
And it has all been taught to me
From a man that will forever stay
The only man who has made me brave
The only man who has given me
All the love I will ever need
The only man who has made me see
How truly beautiful I could be
The only person that I believe
The only one I won't deceive
So for that my thanks I give
And for you my love still lives
Delton Peele Aug 2021
Idle hands too many demands
Young american
Green . ...
Experiencing too many things
During .....
Influential times
at the confluence of life
Difficult to comply .
Hold it inside .
let no one
See you cry.
Peers pressure
Peers pry
Blue skies
No console
Young american
No goals
Cries alone .....
Leaves home
Environment all
Monkey see monkey
Monkey confused ask why.
Shuned . .
Sinking back stunned
Backed like a ferril cat
Back to the wall
Age....hypercritical ,
Monkey see hypocrite
Monkey no like
Heard follow me.
Now don't do what I do
Do as I say.......
Monkey does both
Learns machiavellian ways..
Stays young
Has fun
Has problems
Says he ha ha has
Monkey gets shot......
Cupid .....
Has daughter and son....
No change
Young american......
Mom and Dad gone.
What will monkey
Young american
What's wrong
No like my
Monkey song?
I do what I like.
Ryde or die.......
Adios .....
Max Feb 18
As you grow up they begin to warn you that your body will change, as if change isn't a constant, as if caterpilers don't turn into butterflies and the winters doesn't turn into the spring. What they dont warn you about is when you begin to question what it means to be confined by your flesh and bone. I don't care if my body changes, am I not still trapped? Why was I not warned of the horrors that lay in wait inside my own head? Why must I be told about the hair on my body and not the growing need to write every feeling down? No, I am shuned because of my feelings, and encouraged by my body. I am mature now. I am made to be looked at, not thought of.

— The End —