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Valentine Mbagu Mar 2016
All ye humans ****** earth art thou without conscience? 
Reaping on the soil wherein thou soweth not,
Thou that poiseneth the sea with thy poisonous science;
Is thy heart so callous that it cannot but produce wrath?

Woe betide ye parasites feasting on planet earth,
Thy experiments have darkened the light of plants;
Careth not thou that they venom poisoneth animals to death?
Thou that tilleth the ground have ye no sympathy for ants?

Ye rippers of earth considereth thou not the health of thy environment?
By thy pregnant hands earth regret her existence,
Thy inhumanity to nature have forced her to retirement;
Art thou not touched by nature's plea for existence?

Thy activities have posed itself a threat to thee,
Woe betide thee for thou has poisoned nature to death;
Seeth not that thou causeth harm to none but thee? 
Yet to thy household thou feedeth venom for meat.

All ye scavengers of nature and rippers of earth
The seed which thou soweth have turned into thorns,
Thy rebellious acts have caused thy citizens death; 
Willeth thou not spare earth seeing thou causeth nature to cry storms?
Man's inhumanity to nature.
Valentine Mbagu Dec 2015
All ye termites hacking ants are you without sin?
Twisting the law to your greed thus dethroning justice
Thou that dis-virgins the law to suit your selfish taste,
Did not equity say that none is above the law?
Money-thirsty vultures seeking positions to occupy.
Law hackers depriving justice and equity of her rights
Equity and justice now lives in shame of her virginity,
Almighty termite, do not your deeds speak evil of your sins?
I weep blood for justice and equity whose daughters you *****.
Is there none whose conscience still breathe or lives?
Power-driven termites making uncountable promises
Yet accomplishing none but your calculated interests.

All ye leaders that preach peace, are you not corrupt minded?
En-slaving accounts meant for public welfare
Yet you claim to have the peoples interest in mind,
Did not the law command you to let equity and justice smile?
Parasitic predators hi-jacking the country's economy
Filthy termites proclaiming injustice upon powerless ants,
Justice hackers, do not your conscience judge your judgments?
I wish that you allow justice and equity have her way.
Law benders at whose feet equity and justice bow
Rippers of the law, at your hands justice is twisted,
Is your nature as humans so inhumane?
Little wonder the earth lives in fear of your tyranny.

All ye slanders of the law, why not sheath your swords of corruption?
Your unchecked power has broken the wings of justice
Thereby making equity a widow without a husband,
Remember your oaths to serve with justice and equity;
Did you deceive the ants that voted you in to serve them?
Chameleons occupying seats of filtered ambitions
Woe betide your conscience for refusing to judge you,
Are you not guilty of molesting the law?
I mourn for the shameful death of equity and justice.
You that crafts the law to fit your suit of corruption
Remember a day comes when justice will laugh again,
And you being powerful cannot escape the law of Karma.

Murderers of the law, will you also bribe karma?
I doubt if you can buy the law of karma with money.
Thou whose gluttony corrupts justice and equity,
Don't you feel guilty that you disvirgined the law?
Equity and justice now roams about in nakedness,
You that preach the law, are you true to yourself?
Heartless spiders cob-webbing the law to entangle poor ants
Did not equity bid you come to justice with clean hands?
Yet with filthy garments you condemn innocent ants;
Mind you that someday the law will rise again.
All ye scavengers of justice and hackers of the law,
Do you think you can **** the law of Karma?
Injustice pronounced on helpless citizens who are powerless and without a voice.
The Widow Mar 2017
We  were    squeezed    from    corruption
armed     with        the  monstrous cutlery
of  rippers and tearers of    rationed meat
    for a day,         for a day,         for a day:
the     butcher    gives   his       best     cuts
to the young       and godless      divorcee
find us, keep us              : a spectre hiding
in the    dark pig iron rust hooks looping
through     your ***    and shopping lists:
smelting                                     your coin
and punching                             your face
          Company is the        full knowledge
of our      protracted,        3  -stage   decay
burn                drift               degradation
             ­                        eyes crusting shut
in doom            and     settling    bomb silt
      palms up,    taking      a    punishment
                              ­     in the mothertongue
    ignoring       lessons     in    the gracious
                            expectancy of departure
We,      A legion of ancient clockwatchers,
in         on       the        joke       of       time
and    folk fetish     of apple-cheek poverty
    [Gasp!] The gruesome romance of class!
              !you cry!     !safe!     !always safe!
in the nuclear hotdog option       , which is
observably, the title of this advertisement
We will never get you[       ]you're awake!
and your atmosphere    is still In Da Black
      We                                        watch you
the           5            car            pile          up
catch­ up       rolling          down your chin
chase the thrill of new love by scanning your more expensive loose vegetables through as brown onions. machines can't smell failure.
The Mulberry butcher was amazed

a packet of kidneys arrived and glazed.

Where did this wonderful treat come from?

It said on the label, Choice, US, One,

The Chief of Police was having a fit;

twenty young women  

reported missing and found ripped.

Ripped through the throat and the back

as well

somebody was destined to go to hell.

The coroner cried, My God, look how they died!

He sliced their neck, took out their eyes and

then, My God the kidneys too!

This man surely belongs in a zoo.

The Chief, he knew, at once,

the Rippers return had given him lunch.
KM COLBY 2010@
Alice Dec 2010
little lights, flame flickers

pale skinned lip lickers

red blood, warm flood

gold crown, made of mud

heart rippers, teeth gritters

white knuckled blood givers

i am a fist clenching, teeth wrenching

ear splitting, muscle tensing

junkyard liver, death giver

pale skinned lip licker
© Jenna A. 12/25/2010
Christine Jul 2010
It's true that when the moon glows brightest
Incidents of ****** rise.
But when you can't see the stars out here
You have to take some risks.

Modern-day Rippers can catch me if they like.
I'll be too distracted by the bright hole in the sky.
You know when you look through a paper towel roll
And it's all black
And there's just that bright circle of escaping light at the end?
Maybe the moon is our escape.

Like I said, I'd lie down and stare at the stars
But the lights here make that difficult
And who knows when the sprinklers will go off.

Instead I'll pretend I'm an astronaut
The Argonauts and I, haha.
We'll find out what's beyond our paper towel tube existence
Via slingshots and arrows.

A lunar eclipse is a beautiful thing
Except that it covers the escape portal.
We must ask the gods:
How will we get out
When you put your hands over it?
How will we seek greater things?

There are no stars here.
No pinpricks have penetrated this world
Pins pricked so the gods can have a peepshow
And don't all have to share the window.

Maybe the ****** rates go up
To entertain them.
- From on love and other twisted things
Josh Highfield Apr 2013
The man awkwardly dancing with himself.
He's got the moves,
So suave and so smooth,
Matching his own steps,
Wrapping his arms around the woman who isn't there

Rippers jeans, and popped collar,
That invisible woman must be impressed

Samba shoes, and long dark hair,
You must be king
Of your very own dance floor.

How great it must be to rule your own scene.
Don't you know how foolish you look?

But, is that the point?
Hey, you don't seem to care.
But I do,
So who's doing something wrong?

Nameless man, keep dancing by yourself.
I admire you, exhort you to continue,
To never second guess yourself,
And to live without fear.

For fear is crippling,
And you just want to have fun.

Sorry for stepping on that most noble attempt.
David Jun 2015
Social ineptitude
summarized as “self-solaced in solitude"
becomes nightmarish
in late night fright
I worry I will never make my desires known
Sewn into the fabric so even the
sharpest seam rippers
do little to nothing to repair
my inability to tell the truth,
my lips have been sealed, healed and sealed again
To the Yous
I used to call
You're gone and
I am reminded of your presence in this world
and your absence in mine.
One Pusumane Apr 2016
God owes us a  FAVOUR
I never understood
why bad things happen to good people.
I still find it hard to hide behind
scriptures as I tip toe around grim rippers.

God owes us a Favour!
Flavour flames your kindness could not be tamed
your smile is a flame on its own
You set hearts alight
and spark you own kind fire.

God owes us a Favour !
I wish god could have given her a death waiver
because I thought he was our saviour. I hope angels above
welcome you with open arms.
#RIP #FAVOUR #GoneTooSoon
Graham Mar 2016
Broken bones
All ghosts n ghouls
Fear and damnation reeks
Lost souls all that they seek
Gnashing teeth's the rhythm of the town
The sounds of sacrifice
Rippers ready for soul snatching
Hearts racing, darkness grips the mind
The barks of the hell hounds
Everything in hollow desolation
The misty mountain sings
Styles 12 Apr 2017
Splitting shapes with no hesitation
viciousness slid into silence
I hardly talked for a year.

Silence stood up and looked death in the eyes. Only eternity stared back.

Splitting shapes at night
oak trunks stretched like gymnast legs, her sharp branches clawing a sky necklace of diamonds for Selena to wear.

Forked between love and hate
I felt both of you climb me leaving a plethora of scars to return awards and punishment.

Sharper shapes to split
my solitary seige keeping battalions at bay.

Softly savaged.

Savaged softly in strict walls with no windows.

How did it feel to watch laughter get crushed inside?

I heard the pick axe sweat, arms littered in grey dust, a hole in the wall finally appears small enough for hope to crawl through.

Sharper shapes to split
I left her memory chipped and splintered, my blood dripped
thorns from yesterday.

A rope appeared at the end of her silence.

Gallows awaited, mocking crowds gathered, threw stones, I heard their rough laughter corner me at every angle.

I escaped. Burnt. Sunk. A devilish blade turned through my temples.
Red hot silver left its carving in my psyche.

I lived four years in grey ghost mode bitten in the beast dust of her smiling memory.

How I came out of it nobody knows.

Sharper shapes to split I looked into rooms with no outlets, I heard a voice build up and flood them all.

I walked blindly through streets,
my eyes spray painted every wall with punk graffiti, a restless rebellion full of thrashing lyrics standing up to empty words spitout from heartless machines.

I fell asleep in spikey fields. Yellow weeds grew tall on desolation row.

Sharper shapes to split
a detective pulling his hair out
trying to find out Jack The Rippers true identity.

I faded out. I decided to make sky collages on my camera phone.

Talk to nobody.

Every shade of blue taking in sharper shapes I split apart with
calm vicious silence.

This devilish blade inside nearly took my life.
Older, darker stuff.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jun 2020
And just like that!
A single cowardly shot!
Life given no chance to start,
Another ****** from the lot;

As though, it appears,
Former colonies of Her Royal Majesty,
Have become mindless rippers,
Tearing souls with reckless travesty;

Here the Coronavirus has killed less,
And brutality snuffed out more,
It's all a shameful mess,
Security agencies in ****** galore;

The vestiges of colonisation,
Suppression and marginalisation,
Brutality, segregation and classification,
Kleptomania, nepotism and crass corruption.
Blood of the innocent continue to cry for justice.
Man is a spirit,
the flesh ends like cash,
vanishes like ashes,
what’s special is what’s in it so preserve it.
If you’re ashamed,
wish to be tamed,
only the tamed are named,
if you are not named you were never made.
True spirits don’t die,
‘because they don’t lie, only tears of joy they’ll cry.
Foul false spirits lie that’s why they die and always try.
Heaven sent soul rippers whispering the echoes of heavenly truth redeeming the time that has no recycle bin.
Time is infinity but for us it’s limited,
we use it whilst we still can to crush iniquity proving we can’t sin. Nothing overrated,
only aware of the life beyond the grave but some rush where angels fear to be.
A pit so deep they dig,
a pit too deep for them alone,
a pit they all invite you to be in, they sing.
Their sin is of death a sting,
a sting in the music strings...
Zywa Nov 2022
They work very hard,

while the pilgrims are asleep:

the wallet-rippers.
"The Satanic Verses" (1988, Salman Rushdie)

Collection "Low gear"
Z Apr 2018
Life is like a game.
One chance, one life but a lot of pain.
Unbearable strain,
That makes your legs feble which tends to make you feel lame.

Live right and live everyday with memories, like everyday is your last.
It's a day to be joyous and make it your task.
Therefore when you lay to rest, what questions would they ask.

There are obstacles all along the way that you will choose.
But it's up to you to ensure that you find all the hidden clues.
Don't fight fire against fire or you'll be on the news.
Life is like a game whether nintendo or PS4 someday you have to lose.

It's the best game in the world, with the best graphics and simulations.
But there are dangerous opponents like in all games, so be careful of there procrastination.
Believe in what you believe in and follow your hearts in every occasion.

Be aware of those who just play life to take another.
They are the rippers of the game, they'll take away even your mother, sister or brother.
So stay sharp and stay focus on the objectives of the game.

To first accept it, believe it, dream it, think about it,
Speak about it, so the actions to do it, live it.
Also remember to love it, cherish it, store the good memories of it,
And most of them all find someone to live with so you can enjoy it.

T R S Jun 2020
Pressure is just that,

navigating through sand without sandals makes my feet hurt.

Stepping forward is just that,

propagating national pain nixes ******* people.

Pleasure is just that,

Greatness passes the the eye of our needle bound stitch rippers.

Schlepping towards non-tactics makes me rack my brain at night.

Consolidating passion feels vain, and mixes my misty eyes with my brain.

— The End —