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Sam Temple Jan 2015
shifting focus
bended light
altered reality
as the present becomes redefined
creating substantial ripples
in an otherwise still pond –
reflections warp
running water distorts
landscapes shift with the wind
all those truths, so concrete
crumble in the glow of different information –
worthiness and self-importance
replace doubt and loathing
as the realization of acceptance
flood the low laying regions
torment of the torrential
pouring over the stained past
washing clean skin marred
by a lifetime of reclusively existing –
together and forward thinking
we sit, future planning
dividing the years ahead
into blocks of success
setting and achieving both
short and long term goals
for the creation of the future we choose
just like in all the magazines
and self-help seminars –
gasping for air in an undercurrent of responsibility
holding tight the notions of poor
or low-class monetarily
the struggle to break free is real
when one attempts to circumvent their station
and be more
do more
life better
in an age of classism and
social warfare –
we sit atop the madness
hand in hand
looking over the extremes
presented and normalcy
catching each other’s eye
a smile crosses lips in tune
knowingly, we plunge into home ownership
manning the torpedoes,
we move full steam ahead—
Lane Sep 2014
The Greek King Midas had the ability
where everything he touched turned to gold.
While it may seem great at face value,
the inability to pat his kids on the back,
or high five a friend was destroyed.
But at least,
something positive could be ordained from his curse.
Whereas everything I touch,
withers away and dies.
Screaming in agony and misery.
Living reclusively,
I sometimes forget about that fact,
until I get too close,
reach out,
and become instantly reminded.
Paula Swanson Jan 2011
Unerringly she always knows
when I need a hug.
Or a friend to sit calmly by.
Never does she judge.

I hold her here within these arms,
when the sadness calls.
Lays her head upon my shoulder,
as my tears do fall.

With her overflowing patience,
she accompanies me.
In public, as to seem normal,
not reclusively.

She alerts me unobtrusive,
when fear overtakes.
A gentle touch and eye contact,
tells me I am safe.

Embodiment of humanity,
this hero of mine.
She gives to me daily,
healing over time.

Although she isn't human,
she has done wonders.
Emotional Support Animal,
I couldn't "Live" without her.
Emma Jun 2013
red taillights graze the asphalt,
                                                           shaving off whatever we thought
                                                         ­                                                   was now.
the violent bloom of neon sanguine
dissolves into the thick darkness,
                                   the dense night sky that the moon slices           through      
                                                                ­                                         straight onto you
                                   (so piercingly it could spark a fire)
                                   just as the silence envelopes me into
                                   bitter and total solitude
                                                        ­                                     I forget to let go, I forget to forget.
Time wraps itself around me and ribbons me with memories, maybe this is all you see when you look at me. Maybe you are waiting to unwrap me. Constellations uncoil and stars dance on the polished marble floor
                                                                ­       Closer now.

Just as reclusively as the moon, watching the stars occupy her room
as undefined as the horizon swallowing the foggy spheres of red light
and as nostalgically as the night
I wait for you.
an isle
of wealth
reclusively habitat
if credible
view of
turkeys when
feeding themselves
upon trumps
and there
is coming
this inhabitated
third world
now arbitral
very watchful
of nature
where it
has delved.
Maria is there
fisharedrowning Feb 2014
I don't know,
if i'm simply
under your shade,
or hiding
amidst your shadow.
Mike Hulstrom Jun 2017
Criminal erasers; cowl wearing clue chasers.
Constantly crime-fighting two-facers.

No real mistakes by the guru doing Kung-Fu:
Calm as Sulu
Simply sampling fingerprints of clues just to enthuse
Any evil on the loose: No excuse

Impartial to dangerous sharks, he’s got repellent spray
Master of all martial arts, in each apparent way
Perfecting corrections to ******* a simple blade
Inspecting collections of riddles, stenciled and sprayed

He lurks in the dark,
Look for the signal in the sky
The rodent that flies,
And gives bad vibes to bad guys

He acts prudishly;
Lives reclusively.
Delivers swift justice with impunity.

Fighting like every breath: the last
His knowledge is vast,
His fortune’s never few from the cash he’s amassed
And his strength is never surpassed

Steadfast; he’s on the enigmatic hunt.
Overly-dramatic with an acrobatic stunt
Luka Feb 2020
Stay on me

Potray that unplayful picture
Not with me

Be reclusively uptight
Not with me

I want to know the real you
Away from autonomy
No make up
No thought Restriction
No personality confinement

Stay with me
"Off the Paper"
Set .
Meant .
Thought .
Love & Telepathy .

— The End —